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Results 125111-125120 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I am favd with yours of the 26th Ulto inclosing proceedings of a Court Martial upon Nagel, Key and Querry, who are sentenced to suffer Death, for desertion. The plea, of ignorance of our law, is frivolous, and if admitted, we should never convict a Criminal. Examples must be made, to put a stop to that prevailing Crime, or we may as well disband the Army at once, I therefore desire that the...
Smiths Clove [ New York ] July 17, 1777. Is pleased with capture of Major General Richard Prescott. Will try to exchange Prescott for Major General Charles Lee. Praises conduct of Lieutenant Colonel William Barton. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Barton was a lieutenant colonel of the Rhode Island Militia. Congress, because of the part he played in the...
I have perused & consider’d a Petition or rather a Remonstrance directed to you & signed by Several Captains & Subalterns on the Appointment of Mr Huntington to the Lieutenancy of Capt. Chester’s Company. The decent Representation of Officers or even of common Soldiers through the Channel of their Colonel, or other superior Officers I shall always encourage & attend to: But I must declare my...
I have yours of the 2d instant, by which I am sorry to find, that from a Number of unfortunate Circumstances, your intended descent upon Rhode Island had failed. I however think you were right in not putting any thing to the risque of a miscarriage, for untill we get our new army properly established, it is our Business to play a certain game, and not depend upon Militia for any thing capital....
I have duly received your favour of the 15th of last month. The frequent captures you make with your little parties have a very good effect and ought to be encouraged. With respect to the exchanges you propose, it is not in my power to interfere in the matter. Elias Boudinotte Esqr. has been appointed Commissary General of prisoners and every thing relating to them must pass through his hands....
Morristown [ New Jersey ] March 3, 1777. Requests that proposed Rhode Island venture be undertaken only if success is certain. Discusses inoculation of troops. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
By Accounts just recd by a person who came out of New York a few days and other corroborating Circumstances, it looks as if the Enemy intended to withdraw their force from Rhode Island again, and make a junction of their whole Army, in this province. If this Event should happen, you will probably find an Opportunity of falling upon their rear in their Embarkation, which is an advantage that...
I have received your favour of the 16th Ultimo. With regard to the want of money of which you speak, I imagine your difficulties will be shortly removed, as a sum of money has lately passed through, for each of the eastern states, which is no doubt to be principally applied to the purposes of the army and to the carrying on those operations, which are in contemplation. The enterprize you have...
I am favoured with yours of the 30th last month by Colo: Fabricy a Kovats, who is gone forward to Congress with his Credentials. I do not apprehend, that by the late Resolves of Congress respecting the Regulation of Pay, it was intended that there should be a deputy paymaster General to each seperate command in the Army. By the words, seperate departments , I understand, the northern at Albany...
I have the pleasure of your favour of the 11th conveying the agreeable intelligence of the capture of General Prescott and his Aid De Camp. This is a very happy event and will be attended with many very good effects. I shall immediately make a proposition for an exchange between him and General Lee, which if it succeeds will retrieve the latter from a disagreeable confinement, and will...