Results 125111-125120 of 184,431 sorted by author
The inclosed I wrote last evening for your information. This morning I received your open letter of the 23d. As soon as a vessel shall be dispatched for France with letters of recall to our envoys, I presume the President will communicate their letters to Congress—whether demanded or not. If the envoys or any of them should be found in France (of which there is a bare possibility) they are to...
The conductor whom I sent to Albany with blankets for Colo. Willet’s regiment is returned. He arrived there the 4th before sunset; and has delivered the blankets to Colo. Willet, together with ten guineas which I sent to prevent any little difficulties and delays, which even so small a sum of money might obviate. He has brought no letters for your Excellency. I am, very respectfully, Sir, Your...
In a memorandum of your Excellency’s which I recd at Totowa is the following—“Ox teams to be provided & used the next campaign.” In a resolution of Congress of the 10th of November is the following paragraph. “That if it be deemed preferable by the commander in chief that a proportion of the public horses should be disposed of for draught oxen, to be provided for the ensuing campaign, he be...
I have been favoured with your Excellency’s letter of the 15th instant, which would have been acknowledged by the subsequent post, had I not been made to expect a small supply of money the same week, by the bearer of which I meant to write to your Excellency: but in this expectation also I was disappointed. My long continuance here has distressed me exceedingly; but it appeared to me that the...
I have to-day received from Genl. Kosciusko the inclosed letter, accompanied with two packets understood to be from Sir John Sinclair (President of the English Board of Agriculture) and containing, one a diploma for you as a member of the Society—the other some pamphlets of the proceedings of the board. With one of the packets was tied up a letter which I also inclose. The packets I imagine...
Mr FitzSimons has sent me three bills amounting to upwards of five hundred dollars, drawn by the agents in the W. Indies & Halifax for the expences of obtaining copies of the papers in the spoliation cases. I presented them to the Secretary of the Treasury for payment: but to avoid the tediousness of paying such small sums in the form used at the treasury, he desired me to request from the...
I have received from Mr. Adams at Berlin a letter which I am decyphering: it is dated the 18th of June. If it appears necessary, I shall forward it in to-morrow’s mail. The three letters inclosed for Mrs. Adams, arrived last evening with the former. I have a letter from General Marshall, dated at Richmond the 15th. in which is the following passage:— “I have seldom seen more extraordinary...
I have the honor to enclose a report on the memorial and petition of William Somarfall & son & John Price, merchants of Charleston, South Carolina, yesterday referred to me by the Senate; and to be with perfect respect, / Sir, / Your most obedient servant DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
Yesterday I received the inclosed letter from General Toussaint, which for the reason suggested in my last, I thought you would approve of my opening. It is of an old date, and only expressive of his impatience to have the intercourse with St. Domingo renewed. I have the honor to be / with great respect / Sir, your most obt. servt. MHi : Adams Papers.
The Secretary of State respectfully lays before the President of the United States the draught of instructions and a seperate letter for Mr Pinckney, relative to further negociations with Great Britain, the Secretary not supposing a formal commission would be necessary. Should he be mistaken, there will be time to prepare a commission, as the ship favourite will not sail till Tuesday. ALS ,...