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Results 125111-125160 of 184,431 sorted by author
The inclosed I wrote last evening for your information. This morning I received your open letter of the 23d. As soon as a vessel shall be dispatched for France with letters of recall to our envoys, I presume the President will communicate their letters to Congress—whether demanded or not. If the envoys or any of them should be found in France (of which there is a bare possibility) they are to...
The conductor whom I sent to Albany with blankets for Colo. Willet’s regiment is returned. He arrived there the 4th before sunset; and has delivered the blankets to Colo. Willet, together with ten guineas which I sent to prevent any little difficulties and delays, which even so small a sum of money might obviate. He has brought no letters for your Excellency. I am, very respectfully, Sir, Your...
In a memorandum of your Excellency’s which I recd at Totowa is the following—“Ox teams to be provided & used the next campaign.” In a resolution of Congress of the 10th of November is the following paragraph. “That if it be deemed preferable by the commander in chief that a proportion of the public horses should be disposed of for draught oxen, to be provided for the ensuing campaign, he be...
I have been favoured with your Excellency’s letter of the 15th instant, which would have been acknowledged by the subsequent post, had I not been made to expect a small supply of money the same week, by the bearer of which I meant to write to your Excellency: but in this expectation also I was disappointed. My long continuance here has distressed me exceedingly; but it appeared to me that the...
I have to-day received from Genl. Kosciusko the inclosed letter, accompanied with two packets understood to be from Sir John Sinclair (President of the English Board of Agriculture) and containing, one a diploma for you as a member of the Society—the other some pamphlets of the proceedings of the board. With one of the packets was tied up a letter which I also inclose. The packets I imagine...
Mr FitzSimons has sent me three bills amounting to upwards of five hundred dollars, drawn by the agents in the W. Indies & Halifax for the expences of obtaining copies of the papers in the spoliation cases. I presented them to the Secretary of the Treasury for payment: but to avoid the tediousness of paying such small sums in the form used at the treasury, he desired me to request from the...
I have received from Mr. Adams at Berlin a letter which I am decyphering: it is dated the 18th of June. If it appears necessary, I shall forward it in to-morrow’s mail. The three letters inclosed for Mrs. Adams, arrived last evening with the former. I have a letter from General Marshall, dated at Richmond the 15th. in which is the following passage:— “I have seldom seen more extraordinary...
I have the honor to enclose a report on the memorial and petition of William Somarfall & son & John Price, merchants of Charleston, South Carolina, yesterday referred to me by the Senate; and to be with perfect respect, / Sir, / Your most obedient servant DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
Yesterday I received the inclosed letter from General Toussaint, which for the reason suggested in my last, I thought you would approve of my opening. It is of an old date, and only expressive of his impatience to have the intercourse with St. Domingo renewed. I have the honor to be / with great respect / Sir, your most obt. servt. MHi : Adams Papers.
The Secretary of State respectfully lays before the President of the United States the draught of instructions and a seperate letter for Mr Pinckney, relative to further negociations with Great Britain, the Secretary not supposing a formal commission would be necessary. Should he be mistaken, there will be time to prepare a commission, as the ship favourite will not sail till Tuesday. ALS ,...
The Secretary of War respectfully informs the President that General Rochambeau, who some time ago proposed sailing for France, now expects to depart next Monday, & will gladly take any letters or commands with which the President may have occasion to honour him. AL , DLC:GW ; LB , DLC:GW . The following Monday was 2 November. Donatien-Marie-Joseph de Vimeur, vicomte de Rochambeau, had come to...
I was last evening honoured with your two letters of the 8th. Measures were taking to supply the great article of wood, to the amount of five hundred cords, in addition to the quantity first proposed; in consequence of a late letter from your Excellency to general Knox; from which it was thought not improbable that a larger garrison than five hundred men must be provided for. Those measures...
I have the happiness to inform you that the box, containing the orderly books & some returns, which has been so long missing is found. It was carried to Reading, from whence it was lately brought to this city with Genl Mifflin’s papers. ’tis now at the War Office, & waits your orders. I am desired by the board to remind your Excellency of their request to know your sentiments relative to the...
The subject of the proposed mission to France is so important, that whether it proceed or be suspended, your decision will certainly be the result of your mature consideration. But as the idea has occurred to you of coming to Trenton, and you have intimated that you would do it, if judged best; I have consulted my colleagues; and they concur with me in opinion that it will be an eligible step....
Act may 17th 1796—empowers the President to appoint Superintendants of the Light house to be erected on Cape Cod. Act may 17th 1796—empowers the President to approve of the locations of certain lands granted to Ebenezer Zane. Act may 18th 1796, empowers the President to appoint a Surveyor General—also an agent to join in the direction of the sales of land to be made at Pittsburg—The President...
The Secretary of State respectfully requests the President of the United States to grant his order on the Secretary of the Treasury, to pay to the Secretary of State fourteen hundred and ninety eight dollars and eighty four cents to enable him to take up a bill of exchange dated August 11th 1795, drawn by Fisher & Darrell of Antigua on Thomas Fitzsimons Esqr. Chairman of the Committee of...
I gave Mr. King early notice of his appointment to negociate a treaty of amity & commerce with Russia; which I supposed would be sufficient to induce the Russian minister in London to ask of his government the requisite commission to treat with Mr. King. I have now draughted a set of instructions which may probably arrive in London in time for commencing the negociation. I have the honor to...
I have in some measure anticipated your wishes of information relative to General Wayne’s treaty: and now have the pleasure to inclose a copy received yesterday evening, with an extract from his letter of the 9th ulto being all that he says on the subject. He has obtained more land than was expected. The chiefs who signed the treaty are not numerous: but I observe among them the names of Blue...
I have the honor to lay before you the letters I have prepared for Tunis and Tripoli. With the latter every thing appears to be adjusted. The Bey of Tunis demands a present of Jewels, the amount about 40,000 dollars. In his letter to you he persists in the demand. Upon a second reading and deliberate examination of Mr. Eaton’s communications, the present appears to me indispensable: our peace...
Not to miss the mail, I wrote you one line today, and inclosed a letter from I suppose General Miranda. If its contents give rise to any questions which it will be prudent for you to ask and for me to answer by the mail, it may be done, otherwise the information may be suspended till we meet. Just before I left Philadelphia, I received a letter from General Knox, in answer to one I had written...
The Secretary of War requests Mr Dandridge to lay before the President the inclosed letter of John Parker Hale, lieutenant in the corps of artillerists and engineers, desiring to resign. From the information heretofore received by the Secretary, the resignation is not to be regretted. Mr Hale wishes to leave town to-morrow morning. AL , DLC:GW ; LB , DLC:GW . Also on this date John Harris,...
I intended to have done myself the honour of waiting on you in person: but a letter may give you less trouble. General Knox informed me that it would be agreeable to you that I should undertake the superintendency of the northern Indians; I mean particularly the Six Nations. I answered, That by the new constitution of Pennsylvania, a Continental appointment was declared to be incompatible with...
(private) I was honored with your confidential letter of the 13th and showed it to the other two secretaries. Last Friday Mr Dawson called on the Secretary of War, and mentioned his being on a journey to the eastward, to contract for the manufacturing of five thousand stand of arms for the State of Virginia; and requested his information where he might apply without interfering with any...
Captain Cathcart’s vessel, laden with stores for Algiers, he expects will sail to-morrow. The Secretary of State therefore respectfully lays before the President this evening the draught of a letter to the Dey, and a letter for Mr Barlow. The letter from the Dey is inclosed; together with the letters from Mr Barlow to which the answer draughted by the Secretary of State refers. These are too...
In answer to your favour of this date just handed me, relative to the standards for the army, I have to inform you, that they came to the store at this place in a box with other articles, directed to Mr Frothingham field commissary of military stores, who opened the box & took out some of the articles, but left the standards, saying he would send for them: how ever, there they are yet. This is...
I have recd. a letter of the 6th ult. from Mr. Anspach, stating the necessity of his being furnished with two or three thousand dollars, to pay some arrears due to himself, Mr. Wolfe, Mr. Dill, & a few others who were employed in the late department of the Quarter Master General—that the payment of those arrears, particularly his, Mr. Wolfe’s & Mr. Dill’s will enable them to complete the...
The intelligence contained in the enclosed copy of a letter from Mr Storer, seemed to be of sufficient consequence to trouble you with; and I should have transmitted it a week ago; but the sickness in my family, and the death of a favourite son, have prevented me. To Governor Simcoe’s public professions of regret &c. at the issue of the treaty, a number of facts may be opposed. These with...
I recollect you proposed to appoint Samuel Sitgreaves Esqr. to fill the place of Colo. Innes; and perhaps this has proceeded so far as to be unalterable; for I think I heard that it had been proposed to him, & that it would be gratefully accepted. I do not know that a fitter person, who would accept the office, could be appointed. I am convinced it will require a person of equal boldness and...
(Duplicate) Sir, Philadelphia May 2d 1791. Of the measures pursuing by general Knox, relative to Indian affairs, he doubtless makes to you the necessary communications. In those communications, he may, perhaps, have mentioned my being here, preparatory to my undertaking another mission to the Indians of the Six Nations, for the purpose of confirming the peace and friendship subsisting between...
The inclosed draught of a letter to Mr Seagrove touches on points of such importance, I think it necessary to be submitted to the President’s inspection: and as it respects Mr Seagrove’s letter to the President, the submission is indispensable. The letter with its inclosures accompany my answer, as well as Mr Seagrove’s Talk, which has occasioned many of my observations: but which from its...
I believe I have heretofore mentioned to your Excellency my disappoinment in respect to the number of horses supposed to be wintered in Pensylvania. Last January, or early in February, I sent to that state & to every other where horses were wintered, for returns of them, for the purpose of ascertaining what numbers would be fit for service this campaign: but I obtained none until May & June....
Generally speaking, no task could be imposed on me so ungrateful as that of applying for a public office. In the present instance, however, I feel little reluctance in doing it; because I know the application will be duly noticed, and the ultimate decision, whether for or against me, be governed by a just regard to the interests of the United States. By some of my friends I am informed that Mr...
Your last letters to be forwarded to Europe I expect will proceed next week. The three for England I shall put under cover to Mr King and send them by the British packet which is to sail next Wednesday or Thursday. I have the honor to inclose copies of the Presidents communications to Congress on the 18th & 21st of January, concerning French affairs. In my report, I had noticed (in as gentle...
I wrote you a hasty letter on the 13th—Upon further consideration, we have judged it most advisable that a letter should be written by Mr Wolcott alone; in order that the strong point of view in which the facts and arguments in the case may be placed, may be presented by Reason only, to which the mind yields more willingly than to formal advice, in the semblance of official authority. This is...
Newburgh [ New York ] April 20, 1781 . Asks for assistance in transporting a Canadian refugee from New Windsor to Philadelphia. ALS , RG 93, Miscellaneous Records, National Archives.
I have the honor to inclose a pamphlet containing copies of letters written from Paris to Dr. Priestly; & to be with great respect, / your most obt. servt. MHi : Adams Papers.
I have to-day received your letter of the 1st inclosing a letter from Colo. Fleury, dated the 21st. of February last, with powers to receive & remit to Europe the amount of his dues from the U.S. which he hoped to receive in six months. He will be uneasy at not hearing from me in near eleven months, and will lose the benefits which the possession of the money might have yielded. These...
I am honoured with your Excellency’s letter of this date respecting the preparations to be made for the next campaign. The reason of my stay at the North River I mentioned in a letter from thence. As soon as I obtained the returns in that quarter I came away. A general return is forming, which, from the multiplicity of articles, will be voluminous; but as soon as possible I will complete and...
Among the great duties of your high station, the selection of proper characters for public offices is not the least difficult, nor the least important. The multiplicity of applications, the diversity, and sometimes the contrariety of opinions, must often produce painful embarrassments: while a constant aim to provide for the public service, will frequently oblige you to disregard private...
The original French of Chauvets letter to Galatin, exhibiting the perfidy and violence of France in subverting the Swiss Republic, I recd. from Mr. King. It appeared to me so important a detail of facts at the present moment, I put it into the hands of a son of Mr. Abraham Hunt, whom I found at leisure, to translate. It has been faithfully done. I encouraged the printer here to give it to the...
You will have seen the President’s message to Congress relative to French affairs. The letter to M r . Pinckney to which the President refers, I now do myself the honor to inclose. I have taken the liberty to use your name in the investigation of the French claims to our gratitude—and your sentiments also; sometimes quoting, but in other cases not distinguishing by the usual marks; the...
I will thank you to send me a letter to be addressed to Mr Adet, concerning some prizes sent into Charleston & Wilmington; if the President approves of the draught. Mr Adets last long note will be in Brown’s paper on Monday morning; & I wish to acknowledge its receipt before hand. yr obt ALS , DNA : RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters. No reply to Pickering from either GW or Craik has been found. The...
Yesterday a letter arrived from Mr Pinckney. It is dated at Madrid the 21st of July. He arrived there the 28th of June. As Mr Short had observed in his letters, little business could be done at this period, the Court being in a state of perambulation. Mr Pinckney however had obtained two interviews with the Duke de Alcudia; but to no purpose: that court appears to be playing the old...
I beg leave to trouble you with the inclosed letter to Miss Elizabeth White in London, the only sister of my wife. When her father, captain Benjamin White of Boston, brought his family thither, he left his daughter Elizabeth, then a child of seven or eight years old, in London, with a friend of his, a schoolmaster, for her education. In a few years her mother died, and soon after her father...
Understanding that you set out this morning, to proceed to Massachusetts, I have thought it proper to send on a parcel of commissions for the Commissioners of the Land-Tax, hoping they will meet you at New-York, be there signed and returned. The commissions for the whole are filled up, and the residue are now under examination & will be forwarded to-morrow. It seemed important that these...
I was yesterday honoured with your Excellency’s letter of the 21st, to the several directions in which I shall pay due attention. Yesterday I received a letter from Major Claiborne dated the 12th instant informing me “that the two expresses stationed at the Bowling Greene, had left it some days for want of support." As Colo. Carrington had comprehended in his estimate for Virginia one charge...
(Private) (& Confidential) Sir, Trenton [N.J.] Oct. 24. 1799 I am this evening honoured with your letter of the 20th. When I last wrote you, I had grounds to expect, on the President’s arrival; that the mission to France would be suspended, until the fate of its government should be known. This great question I supposed (& my colleagues had formed the same expectation) would be a subject of...
I have examined the cases mentioned in Mr Livingston’s speech, in which he affects to draw certain conclusions that the President has heretofore admitted, by the nature of his communications to the House of Representatives, that their interference is necessary to the due formation and binding force of treaties: but not one applies to the point. All the instances cited relate to communications...
The letter from Judge Walton covering the proceedings of the meeting at Augusta against the late treaty with Great Britain, were to have been transmitted in my 1ast: they are now inclosed. I have acknowledged the receipt of the letter and proceedings, seeing they were addrerssed to the Department of State, to be laid before you. Mr Wolcott concurs with me in opinion that they are not necessary...
I have had the honor to receive your letters of the 16th 17th and 18th The original of Mr. Barnes’s letter of which you inclosed a copy came duly to my hands, just as the offices were preparing to be removed from Philadelphia. The idea which then occurred to me was, that the person referred to and all similar characters were objects of the alien law, and ought to be sent out of the country:...