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Results 1251-1280 of 184,431 sorted by author
It grieves me to think how little I have been able to write to you since my arrival here. I have...
And may it prove an auspicious prelude to each ensuing Season. You have this Day to declare...
Your kind favours of May 14th and June 16th came to Hand last Evening; and tho I have only just...
I have received two Barrels of flower but no account of the price either from the Baker or You....
When I wrote you last I did not know that petit had taken places in the Stage and paid for them....
You will wonder I suppose to what part of the world all the Letters you have written since the 25...
Captain Cushing is arrived. Mr Adams this day received Some letters by the post, and Nabby got...
1258Saturday 17 of July. (Adams Papers)
I have neglected my journal for a week. During that time we have had 3 calm days, some wet...
As capt Scott has not yet saild, it gives me an opportunity of informing you that last Evening I...
Six Months have already elapsed since I heard a syllable from you or my dear Son, and five since...
Mr. Fox a young Gentleman from Philadelphia who came recommended by Dr. Rush to Mr. Adams, will...
we have reachd this place this day, but whether I shall be able to travel tomorrow is uncertain,...
I was honourd with your much esteemed favour on the 15 of this month. the state of my Health,...
I inclose a Letter to you for Mrs Black. as there is but one post a week for Quincy, it may...
We yesterday received the Centinal. I thank you for the vindication which I found in it. I well...
I have this moment sent of a Letter to the post office when Mr. Bass came in to let me know that...
By the post of yesterday I received yours of April 15 as the post will now go more frequently I...
Sickness for three weeks past, has prevented my acknowledging the receipt of Your Letter of Sep’...
I have scarcly toucht a pen since I came from London nor have I written a single Letter to a...
Your papa and I wrote you from Harwich the morning we embarked for Helvoet, the wind was very...
I have this afternoon had the pleasure of receiving your Letter by your Friends Mr. Collins and...
I received Your kind Letter by mr Peabody and thank You most Sincerely for it; I did not know...
I did not receive any Letters from You when your Brother wrote last to me the 11 of Nov br . I...
There is a Young Gentleman going from Passy in the pacquet for New York. His Name is Chaumont,...
The reflections which this morning have occupied my mind previous to taking my pen, have been of...
I almost fear I shall be too late for the Vessel which is about to sail for England. I did not...
I came to Town yesterday, and find a vessel going to sail for England tomorrow, and I would not...
I wrote to You the Day after we received the account of the Death of Gen’ ll Washington. this...
Whenever any difficulty encompasses me, my first thought is how would my Friend conduct in this...
Your very polite reply to my Letter demands my acknowledgment. If I should find myself...