Results 1251-1300 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Yesterday, I took a ride to a beautifull Hill eleven Miles out of Town. It is called Rush Hill....
I enclose a Duplicate of a Letter which I have lately received from M r Adams. I have not heared...
Your favor of the 21st. and 26th. of May came to hand yesterday. I was exceedingly shocked at the...
On the ninth of this Month We all happily arrived here, and with Hearts replete with Gratitude....
I have been waiting above a week hopeing to have a Letter from my dear sister informing me of her...
I have received duly the honor of your letter, and am now to return you thanks for your...
By Mr. Bourne, who was here last Week, I informed You that our commercial Affairs were arranged,...
I Yesterday received your Letters by Captain Cazneau and Mr. De Neufville received his, and will...
The President who is just arrived from Baltimore, came in a few Minutes ago and delivered me,...
I have wrote your Daughter on the Head of common Intelligence. As to political I hardly know how...
This Morning received yours by Mr. Ayers. I can say nothing to the Contents at present, being...
Indeed my dear Madam, I was very happy to receive a letter from you, after hearing you had been...
A brave fellow from Boston Captn. Carr, gives me an Opportunity of writing one Line, to let you...
Towards the close of last month I had the pleasure to receive your kind letter of August 16 th: ....
I am often afraid you will think it hard that I dont write oftener to you. But it is really...
Expecting Baron Polnitz to call every moment, I have only time to acknolege the receipt of your...
Je Suis au désespoire d’avoir oublié de vous remettre Le mémoire que vous avez eu La Complaisance...
As you are entitled to a Wife’s Portion of Mr. A’s Honors and Satisfactions I inclose for your...
I have only Time to say, by Mr. Taylor, that I am not worse than I have been—that however, I...
Yours of the 10 th Instant was presented this morning— I am happy you again experience the...
For about three Weeks in the Time of Lent, the Play Houses are shut up, on account of its being a...
It is probable that Genl. Howe will waste the fall of this year between Chesapeak Bay and...
I cannot let this opportunity slip without sending you a Line, but the Gentleman waits and it can...
Very well, Madam; this fine house of the Comte de Rouhaut, spacious Gardens, Courts &c. have...
I have at last receiv’d your Letter but never was poor creature more dissapointed I thought to be...
I am seated, in a large Library Room, with Eight Gentlemen round about me, all engaged in...
The last Evening’s news, Madam, has made me somewhat anxious on your Account. We heard of the...
There has been a very general Apprehension, during the last Week that a general Action would...
A Lame Hand still prevents me the free use of Either the Nedle or the pen. Yet I take up the...
I have already acknowledged the receipt of your kind favors of Sept r: 25 th: & Nov r: 8 th:...
I have this Moment folded up a Magazine, and an Evening Post and sent it off, by an Express, who...
Miss Palmer has given me hopes of your coming, & Mrs Smith to our Exhibition, & says, you say,...
I wish I could know, whether your season is cold or warm, wet or dry, fruitfull or barren....
Cousin Charles and I have stay’d at home from meeting to day, he to write to his Papa and I...
It is a long time since I have written to you, or received a Line from either of my much loved...
Last Night the Consul General De la Tombe made me a Visit with your kind Letter of the 18 th. He...
I am in possession of your favor of the 21 st: inst t: with the letter of my brother enclosed;...
By the last Post I was honored with your Letter of the 13th March, communicating in Confidence...
you have not told me that the Lady in the undress who was presented at your Drawing Room had been...
I wish I could be satisfied, & know what is my duty towards my William, & Abigail, I could then...
Since my last, I have received your favours of 3 d. 26 th. 27 th. 29 th: May, and 12 th: June— By...
Your favor of the 26th. Augst. I was honored with last Monday. Just after I had wrote my last to...
I had the happiness of receiving yesterday my daughter in perfect health. Among the first things...
Some Senators are confident We shall rise tomorrow or next day. if so, I shall be with you on...
I am wearied to Death with the Life I lead. The Business of the Congress is tedious, beyond...
As I am in the City for a few days, you may wish me to write rather oftener than usual, to...
Your several Letters of the 15, 18 & 22 d: have reliev’d my Mind and led me more fully to...
Your old Acquaintance M r Harrison of Cadiz will deliver you this, if you should not, as I hope...
I thank you for your Letter of the 15th of Nov br. before this I hope you have receiv’d another...
By this Days Post I have your Letter of the 26. Ult. I believe that some incomprehensible...