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Results 1251-1300 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
1251 Madison, James Johnston, Josiah Stoddard James Madison to Josiah Stoddard Johnston, 14 May 1830 1830-05-14 J. Madison with his respects to Mr. Johnston, returns many thanks for the copy of his late very...
1252 Madison, James Peyton, Bernard James Madison to Bernard Peyton, 14 May 1830 1830-05-14 You will receive, from my waggons, now preparing to set out 4 more Hhds of Tobo. I inclose a note...
1253 Madison, James Marsh, Capen & Lyon James Madison to Marsh, Capen, and Lyon, 11 May 1830 1830-05-11 I have recd. your letter of the 4th. inst in which you suggest a compilation for the press, of my...
1254 Hillhouse, James Madison, James James Hillhouse to James Madison, 10 May 1830 1830-05-10 I take the liberty of enclosing you a Pamphlet, containing a revision of the Amendments to the...
1255 Madison, James Livingston, Edward James Madison to Edward Livingston, 8 May 1830 1830-05-08 Your letter of April 29 with the copy of your speech was duly recd.; but not without a little...
1256 Madison, James McDuffie, George James Madison to George McDuffie, 8 May 1830 1830-05-08 I have recd. a copy of the late Report, on the Bank of the U.S. and finding by the name on the...
1257 Sparks, Jared Madison, James Jared Sparks to James Madison, 5 May 1830 1830-05-05 I take the liberty to forward to you a recent number of the N. A. Review, which contains an...
1258 Marsh, Capen & Lyon Madison, James Marsh, Capen and Lyon to James Madison, 4 May 1830 1830-05-04 Though not personally known to you, yet, we feel a confidence in addressing one who is ever ready...
1259 Madison, James Grimké, Thomas S. James Madison to Thomas S. Grimke, 1 May 1830 1830-05-01 J.M. with his respects to Mr. G offers his acknowledgments, for the Copy of his address before...
1260 Madison, James Hurlbut, Martin L. James Madison to Martin L. Hurlbut, 1 May 1830 1830-05-01 I recd. Sir, tho’ not exactly in the due time, your letter of April 25. with a copy of your...
1261 Madison, James Hurlbut, Martin L. James Madison to Martin L. Hurlbut, 1 May 1830 1830-05-01 I received Sir, tho’ not exactly in the due time, your letter of April 25th. with a copy of your...
1262 Madison, James Tucker, George James Madison to George Tucker, 30 April 1830 1830-04-30 I have recd yours of Mar. 29, in which you intimate your purpose of undertaking a biography of...
1263 Livingston, Edward Madison, James Edward Livingston to James Madison, 29 April 1830 1830-04-29 You can not have been unobservant of the frequent use which has been made of your name and your...
1264 Hurlbut, Martin L. Madison, James Martin L. Hurlbut to James Madison, 25 April 1830 1830-04-25 The pamphlet accompanying this was published, as you will perceive, some time since. I cannot...
1265 Randolph, Thomas Jefferson Madison, James Thomas Jefferson Randolph to James Madison, 25 April … 1830-04-25 Some time since Mr Brockenborough wrote to propose to sell his stone cutter to the University or...
1266 Everett, Edward Madison, James Edward Everett to James Madison, 22 April 1830 1830-04-22 I had the great gratification of receiving Yesterday Your favor of the 17th addressed to myself...
1267 Sparks, Jared Jared Sparks: Notes on conversations with James … 1830-04-19 The apportionment of taxation in the old states of 3/5 for slaves was decided rather from...
1268 Madison, James Everett, Edward James Madison to Edward Everett, 17 April 1830 1830-04-17 Your favour of the 11th. was duly recd. I had noticed the stress laid in a late debate, on the...
1269 Sparks, Jared Madison, James Jared Sparks to James Madison, 15 April 1830 1830-04-15 I have received your favor of the 8th. instant, and shall accept with very great pleasure your...
1270 Taylor, Hubbard Madison, James Hubbard Taylor to James Madison, 15 April 1830 1830-04-15 In closing up my old Accounts I find that the funds placed in my hands by you since the Acct....
1271 Everett, Edward Madison, James Edward Everett to James Madison, 11 April 1830 1830-04-11 I have Your favor of the 8th. enclosing a letter to Mr Sparks with respect to wh I shall follow...
1272 Madison, James Cabell, Joseph C. James Madison to Joseph C. Cabell, 10 April 1830 1830-04-10 Yours of Feby. 7 was duly recd., and I should feel some remorse, in noting the date, if I had not...
1273 Madison, James Coolidge, Ellen Wayles Randolph James Madison to Ellen W. Randolph Coolidge, 8 April … 1830-04-08 Your acceptable favor of Mar. 20 came duly to hand, & with it, the anticipated review of the...
1274 Madison, James Everett, Edward James Madison to Edward Everett, 8 April 1830 1830-04-08 I consult the wishes of Mr. Sparks in making you a channel of communication with him. Should he...
1275 Madison, James Sparks, Jared James Madison to Jared Sparks, 8 April 1830 1830-04-08 Your favour of Mar. 8. came duly to hand. I congratulate you on your success at London & Paris,...
1276 Moreau, César Madison, James César Moreau to James Madison, 5 April 1830 1830-04-05 Je me félicite d’être appelé à l’honneur de vous informer que la Société Française de Statistique...
1277 Madison, James Hayne, Robert Young James Madison to Robert Young Hayne, 3 April 1830 1830-04-03 I recd. in due time your favor inclosing your two late Speeches, and requesting my views of the...
1278 Madison, James Hayne, Robert Young [Copy of James Madison] to Robert Y. Hayne [as enclosed … 1830-04-03 "But there are doctrines espoused from which I am constrained to dissent. I allude particularly...
1279 Garrett, Alexander Madison, James Alexander Garrett to James Madison, 1 April 1830 1830-04-01 Mr. Brockenbrough informs me that another quarters pay is this day due the Professors and desired...
1280 Barbour, John S. Madison, James John S. Barbour to James Madison, 31 March 1830 1830-03-31 The day that I wrote you last an urgent & unlooked for call to visit my sick wife carried me to...
1281 Madison, James Long, George James Madison to George Long, 30 March 1830 1830-03-30 This will be handed to you by the Revd. Mr. Smith of the Episcopal Church in Virginia, who...
1282 Tucker, George Madison, James George Tucker to James Madison, 29 March 1830 1830-03-29 I have for some time past had serious thoughts of undertaking a biography of Mr. Jefferson,...
1283 Madison, James Storrow, Samuel A. James Madison to Samuel A. Storrow, 25 March 1830 1830-03-25 Your letter of yesterday was duly delivered by your Servant last evening. The subject of it is...
1284 Storrow, Samuel A. Madison, James Samuel A. Storrow to James Madison, 24 March 1830 1830-03-24 After presenting my respectful compliments I am embarrassed by the subject which calls me to...
1285 Madison, James Dunglison, Robley James Madison to Robley Dunglison, 23 March 1830 1830-03-23 I return the letter inclosed in yours of the 19th. If the oriental manuscripts offered by Mr....
1286 Dunglison, Robley Madison, James Robley Dunglison to James Madison, 19 March 1830 1830-03-19 I regret to be compelled to trouble you so frequently on business, and assure you that I shall do...
1287 Barbour, John S. Madison, James John S. Barbour to James Madison, 18 March 1830 1830-03-18 The letter that you addressed me under date the 15th inst: was received yesterday Morning. I...
1288 Madison, James Brockenbrough, Arthur S. James Madison to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 17 March 1830 1830-03-17 I have recd. your letter of the 12th. but none yet from Mr. Randolph Being not a judge of...
1289 Madison, James Barbour, John S. James Madison to John S. Barbour, 15 March 1830 1830-03-15 I recd a few days ago yours of the 9th. & shd. have answerd it immediately but for the...
1290 Moore, Robert Madison, James Robert Moore to James Madison, 13 March 1830 1830-03-13 Some time in the month of December last in Richmond I was spoken to by Majr Yancey to forward him...
1291 Madison, James Dunglison, Robley James Madison to Robley Dunglison, 12 March 1830 1830-03-12 I have recd. your letter of the 12th. I cannot think it will be amiss, scanty as our funds are,...
1292 Madison, James Perry, Lilburn P. James Madison to Lilburn P. Perry, 11 March 1830 1830-03-11 I have recd., Sir, your letter of the 8th. inst.– Not withstanding the peculiarity of the case...
1293 Brockenbrough, Arthur S. Madison, James Arthur S. Brockenbrough to James Madison, 10 March 1830 1830-03-10 My anxiety to get the Rotunda portico finished induced me to make the purchase of a Stone cutter,...
1294 Dunglison, Robley Madison, James Robley Dunglison to James Madison, 10 March 1830 1830-03-10 I think it would be important to the University, that we should have a list of the officers and...
1295 Barbour, John S. Madison, James John S. Barbour to James Madison, 9 March 1830 1830-03-09 While in Richmond last fall I enclosed to you my note for 100$ payable four months after date at...
1296 Madison, James Cowherd, Coleby James Madison: Indenture for Sale of land by Dolley … 1830-03-09 This Indenture made this 9th. day of March 1830, between James Madison of the county of Orange...
1297 Perry, Lilburn P. Madison, James Lilburn P. Perry to James Madison, 8 March 1830 1830-03-08 I am induced, from the circumstances in which I am at present placed to make a request of you,...
1298 Sparks, Jared Madison, James Jared Sparks to James Madison, 8 March 1830 1830-03-08 Your favor of March 28th. reached me after my return from Europe. I am glad that the packet...
1299 Sprague, William Buell Madison, James William B. Sprague to James Madison, 8 March 1830 1830-03-08 I am undertaking, partly for my own amusement, and partly for the gratification of the curious...
1300 Trist, Nicholas P. Madison, James [Nicholas P. Trist] to James Madison, 7 March 1830 1830-03-07 Had the many interruptions been anticipated, which have arisen to prevent an earlier reply to...