Results 1251-1260 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
J. Madison with his respects to Mr. Johnston, returns many thanks for the copy of his late very able speech in the Senate of the U. States. It would seem not easy to resist the force of its reasoning against the doctrine, which claims for the States, individually, a constitutional veto, having the effect of nullifying a law, unless overruled by three-forths of the States. RC ( ViU ); draft (DLC) .
You will receive, from my waggons, now preparing to set out 4 more Hhds of Tobo. I inclose a note annexing to the number of each Hhd [?] particular character. We calculate that there will be at least a dozen more, which will be forwarded as fast as possible. But as these with some exceptions, will be of inferior quality, I leave it to your better judgt. to decide, whether the prospects in the...
I have recd. your letter of the 4th. inst in which you suggest a compilation for the press, of my writings on political subjects With respect to such of them as have been already in print, I have no reason to suppose that a republication of them would be of the avail estimated by your partiality. And as to any manuscripts among my papers, the contents of which may be worthy of preservation,...
I take the liberty of enclosing you a Pamphlet, containing a revision of the Amendments to the constitution of the United States, which twenty two years since I presented to the Senate. Occurrances, since that period, furnish additional reasons for adopting some different mode of appointing a chief Magistrate, than the one now in practice——— I have a great dread of civil commotion, which would...
Your letter of April 29 with the copy of your speech was duly recd.; but not without a little delay occasioned by a misdirection of it to Charlottesville instead of Orange Court House. You have succeeded better in your interpretation of the Virginia proceedings in 98-99 than those who have seen in them, a co-incidence with the Nullifying doctrine so called. This doctrine as new to me as it was...
I have recd. a copy of the late Report, on the Bank of the U.S. and finding by the name on the envelope, that I am indebted for the communication to your politeness, I tender you my thanks for it. The document contains very interesting & instructive views of the subject; particularly of the objectionable features in the substitute proposed for the existing Bank. I am glad to find that the...
I take the liberty to forward to you a recent number of the N. A. Review, which contains an article (p. 454) written by me respecting early revolutionary matters, in which you may possibly find some things to interest you, should you ever have leisure to look into it. Since my return I have conversed with Mr Adams concerning Charles Pinckney’s draft of a constitution. He says it was furnished...
Though not personally known to you, yet, we feel a confidence in addressing one who is ever ready and able to appreciate motives, and wishes well to every design that is calculated to promote the welfare of this country. We can only state the subject (of this letter) simply, as we should hold it out of place to urge any thing to a person who is by far more capable of judging of its expediency,...
J.M. with his respects to Mr. G offers his acknowledgments, for the Copy of his address before the Richland School recommending the Bible as a Class book in all Seminaries of Education. The copy for the University of Virginia subsequently recd. has been duly forwarded. Draft (DLC) .
I recd. Sir, tho’ not exactly in the due time, your letter of April 25. with a copy of your pamphlet, on the subject of which you request my opinions. With a request opening so wide a field I could not undertake a full compliance, without forgetting the age at which it finds me, and that I have other engagements precluding such a task. I must hope therefore you will accept in place of it, a...