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Results 1251-1300 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
1251 Washington, George Orders, 14 October 1755 1755-10-14 Lieutenant Williams for the Day. Parole Abington. A Return to be given in immediately of the...
1252 Prentis, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Prentis and William … 1755-10-14 Inclosed is an Invoice of Sundrys shipped on board the Nancy consigned Mr Chas Dick of...
1253 Washington, George Orders, 15 October 1755 1755-10-15 Captain Woodward for the Day—Parole Bedford. Tomorrow one Subaltern, one Sergeant, one Corporal,...
1254 Gist, Christopher Washington, George To George Washington from Christopher Gist, 15 October … 1755-10-15 I got home last night af getting Business Settled with proper Certificates Recorded &c. Colo....
1255 Franklin, Benjamin Hubbart, Elizabeth From Benjamin Franklin to [Elizabeth Hubbart?], [16 … 1755-10-16 ALS (fragment): American Philosophical Society [ Missing ] Altar, to be an Anvill; the two...
1256 Franklin, Benjamin Hunter, John From Benjamin Franklin to John Hunter, [16 October … 1755-10-16 Draft: American Philosophical Society I could not avoid meeting the Assembly, who are now...
1257 Franklin, Benjamin Johnston, William From Benjamin Franklin to William Johnston, 16 October … 1755-10-16 Draft: American Philosophical Society I have settled Col. Hunter’s Account and find a Ballance in...
1258 Franklin, Benjamin Ray, Catharine From Benjamin Franklin to Catharine Ray, 16 October … 1755-10-16 ALS : American Philosophical Society Your Favour of the 28th of June came to hand but the 28th of...
1259 Franklin, Benjamin Williams, Jonathan From Benjamin Franklin to Jonathan Williams, 16 October … 1755-10-16 ALS : American Philosophical Society I sent you last Week per Capt. Dole 92 Reams of Demi...
1260 Washington, George Hall, John From George Washington to John Hall and John King, 16 … 1755-10-16 I received yours, and am as much surprized at your delay in repairing to your Rendezvous, as...
1261 Washington, George Peachey, William From George Washington to William Peachey, 16 October … 1755-10-16 You are hereby ordered, to send off all the Recruits which are now under your Command at...
1262 Washington, George Carlyle, John From George Washington to John Carlyle, 16 October 1755 1755-10-16 If the Clothes &c. which were mentioned in the last to you, are not sent up, I desire you will...
1263 Mercer, George Spotswood, Robert George Mercer to Robert Spotswood, 16 October 1755 1755-10-16 To Captain Robert Spotswood, of the Virginia Regiment. It is Colonel Washingtons Orders, that you...
1264 Washington, George Orders, 16 October 1755 1755-10-16 Captain Lewis the Day, to-morrow. One Subaltern, one Sergeant, one Corporal, one Drummer, and...
1265 Washington, George Dinwiddie, Robert From George Washington to Robert Dinwiddie, 17 October … 1755-10-17 Last night by return of the express who went to Captn Montour I receivd the Inclosd from Mr...
1266 Washington, George Orders, 17 October 1755 1755-10-17 Captain Waggener the Day to-morrow. One Subaltern, one Sergeant, one Corporal, one Drummer and...
1267 Washington, George Gage, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Gage, 17 October 1755 … 1755-10-17 Letter not found: to Thomas Gage, 17 Oct. 1755. On 23 Nov. 1755 Gage wrote to GW : “Your obliging...
1268 Washington, George Morris, Roger From George Washington to Roger Morris, 17 October 1755 … 1755-10-17 Letter not found: to Roger Morris, 17 Oct. 1755. On 3 Nov. 1755 Morris wrote to GW : “Yours of...
1269 Carlyle, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Carlyle, 17 October 1755 1755-10-17 This Will be deliver’d you by Capt. Elzey & our Draft from the Militia of Fairfax. We hope that...
1270 Mercer, George Lewis, Andrew George Mercer to Andrew Lewis, 18 October 1755 1755-10-18 It is Colonel Washingtons Orders that you send a Subaltern and Twenty men with Commissary Jones,...
1271 Washington, George Orders, 18 October 1755 1755-10-18 The Troops are not to march until to-morrow, there being no waggons to carry the Provisions, &c....
1272 Washington, George Gist, Christopher From George Washington to Christopher Gist, 18 October … 1755-10-18 1. You are hereby ordered to Repair to Harris’s Ferry, and other places where the Indians are...
1273 Bullitt, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Bullitt, 18 October … 1755-10-18 Having Recd your Orders Shall Comply with them[.] As to Sending Sub[alter]ns Commands up to you I...
1274 Dinwiddie, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Dinwiddie, 18 October … 1755-10-18 Yours of the 8th ⅌ Colo. Stephens I recd & am heartily sorry for the Acct he brings, but am in...
1275 Washington, George Callender, Robert From George Washington to Robert Callender, 20 October … 1755-10-20 Mr Gist being appointed Captain of a Company of Scouts, and informing me that you had a mind to...
1276 Washington, George Jones, John From George Washington to John Jones, 20 October 1755 1755-10-20 You are hereby Ordered, to purchase on the best terms you can, 5000 LB. of Flour; which must be...
1277 Washington, George Orders, 20 October 1755 1755-10-20 To the Commanding Officer of the Troops, which shall arrive here from Fredericksburgh and...
1278 Washington, George Stephen, Adam From George Washington to Adam Stephen, 20 October 1755 1755-10-20 You are hereby Ordered to remain at this place with the Recruits which may arrive here from...
1279 Washington, George Dick, Charles From George Washington to Charles Dick, 20 October 1755 1755-10-20 You are hereby Ordered to wait at this place until my return from Fort-Cumberland, that you may...
1280 Washington, George Crittenden, Abraham From George Washington to Abraham Crittenden, 20 … 1755-10-20 You are hereby Ordered to attend two Waggons which will set out to-morrow morning for Alexandria,...
1281 Fairfax, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Fairfax, 20 October … 1755-10-20 I had the Pleasure to receive your Favor by Colo. Stephen. As the Genl Assembly is Summond to...
1282 Washington, George Carlyle, John From George Washington to John Carlyle, 21 October 1755 1755-10-21 I have sent two Waggons for the remainder of the Clothing, which I desire you will immediately...
1283 Franklin, Benjamin Shirley, John From Benjamin Franklin to John Shirley, 23 October 1755 1755-10-23 Draft: American Philosophical Society I receiv’d your Favour of the 1st Instant, with the...
1284 Franklin, Benjamin Shirley, William From Benjamin Franklin to William Shirley, 23 October … 1755-10-23 Draft: American Philosophical Society I beg Leave to return your Excellency my sincerest and most...
1285 Washington, George Cocks, William From George Washington to William Cocks, 23 October … 1755-10-23 Orders to Captain William Cocks, of a Company of Rangers. Pearsall’s—October 23d 1755. You are...
1286 Washington, George Ashby, John From George Washington to John Ashby, 23 October 1755 1755-10-23 Orders to Captain John Ashby, of a Company of Rangers. You are hereby Ordered, to Repair here...
1287 Washington, George Van Meter, Henry From George Washington to Henry Van Meter, 23 October … 1755-10-23 Orders to Henry Vanmeeter. You are to deliver to Captain Cocks and Ashby’s Companies, of the...
1288 Washington, George Orders, 23 October 1755 1755-10-23 Evening Orders. The General to beat to-morrow morning at day-break, and the Troops to march an...
1289 Washington, George Fairfax, George William From George Washington to George William Fairfax, 23 … 1755-10-23 We arrived here to-day, where I met Captains Cocks and Ashby, whom I have appointed to remain on...
1290 Franklin, Benjamin Collinson, Peter From Benjamin Franklin to Peter Collinson, 25 October … 1755-10-25 Draft: American Philosophical Society The above is a Copy of my last. I hope you have receiv’d a...
1291 Franklin, Benjamin Partridge, Richard From Benjamin Franklin to Richard Partridge, 25 October … 1755-10-25 Draft and extract: American Philosophical Society The above is a Copy of mine per Capt. Joy....
1292 Franklin, Benjamin Strahan, William From Benjamin Franklin to William Strahan, 25 October … 1755-10-25 ALS : University of Toronto Library The above is a Copy of my last. Enclosed is the second Bill....
1293 Dinwiddie, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Dinwiddie, 25 October … 1755-10-25 Your Letter of the 17th I recd the Contents duly considered, but I refer answering it till I see...
1294 Washington, George Orders, 26 October 1755 1755-10-26 The Clothing here in Store, to be delivered out to the most needy of the men. Those which belong...
1295 Washington, George Bacon, John From George Washington to John Bacon, 26 October 1755 1755-10-26 You are to proceed to George Parkers Plantation, where you will meet with Captain William Cocks...
1296 Washington, George McLean, Allan From George Washington to Allan McLean, 26 October 1755 1755-10-26 You are to see that the arms here in Store be immediately inspected by Mr Frasier; and those fit...
1297 Washington, George Orders, 27 October 1755 1755-10-27 The dates of all the Officers Commissions that came up yesterday, to be given in to the Adjutant:...
1298 Washington, George Lewis, Andrew From George Washington to Andrew Lewis, 27 October 1755 1755-10-27 You are hereby ordered to send out Parties to gather the Corn at the Plantations of those people,...
1299 Washington, George Cocks, William From George Washington to William Cocks and John Ashby … 1755-10-27 You are hereby ordered, to remain with your Companies at George Parkers’ Plantation, where you...
1300 Washington, George Orders, 28 October 1755 1755-10-28 The Officers who came down from Fort Cumberland with Colonel Washington, are immediately to go...