James Madison Papers

To James Madison from George M. Dallas, 26 February 1817

From George M. Dallas

Philadelphia 26. Feby 1817.


I have flattered myself that you would not be disinclined to patronize a publication of my father’s life and writings.1 His last years were devoted to your service, and his exertions were, I beleive, rewarded by your friendship as well as by your applause. Will it be conferring too great a favour to permit the appearance of your name on the page of dedication? And, should you think my undertaking laudable, may I be allowed to make public the expression of your approbation?

It is wholly unnecessary to add that I should deem the success of the work certain, were it prefaced by your sanction. I have the honor to be with great respect Sir Yr. mo: obed. Sert.

Geo: M: Dallas.

RC (DLC: Rives Collection, Madison Papers). Docketed by JM.

1George Mifflin Dallas did not complete his Life and Writings of Alexander James Dallas until 1862, two years before his death in 1864. On 6 Mar. 1817 JM agreed to accept the dedication, but the work, without a dedication, was not published until 1871 (PJM-RS description begins David B. Mattern et al., eds., The Papers of James Madison: Retirement Series (3 vols. to date; Charlottesville, Va., 2009–). description ends 1:7 and n. 1).

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