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Results 124941-124950 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Th: Jefferson returns to mr Madison Erving’s letter to Genl. Dear-borne, & approves of a commission to him as Consul at London . where to find a competent successor for Lisbon he knows not, unless Gilman, who refused St. Domingo, will accept this. perhaps Genl. Dearborne can judge. the place must be reserved for a man of real diplomatic abilities.—Marchant’s case will be the subject of further...
To be remembered by you amidst the pressure of important public concerns, that present themselves upon the new arrangement of the government is to me highly gratifying, it is no less so to find my feelings of personal attachment to you, the warm interest that I take in the success of your administration, and my opinion of the measures that the public good requires, concur in suggesting the...
Your disposition to promote establishments which have for their basis the promulgation of useful knowledge, and the exercise of philanthrophy and benevolence, has emboldened me to enclose you a plan of the Female Humane Charity School of this City, and likwise a list of donors, and annual subscribers to the same; this establishment has heretofore been confined to the education of females only;...
Your favor of the 22d. is recieved the last night. mr Buchanan shall recieve the appointment of Commercial agent to the isles of France & Bourbon as desired. mr Stacey’s being one of the midnight appointments is suppressed on that ground. mr Lewis who actually holds the former commission will resign. to make this easy to him I wish not to issue the new commission till his resignation comes in,...
I am favored with your letter of the 7th: instt. & have the pleasure to inclose a letter to my brother William , respecting a telescope. Extracts may be copied, in proportion as you make copies of your letter of order; which letter of order (provided no objection occurs on your side) may be addressed to my brother; & the telescope, when ready, be delivered to your usual correspondent. Permit...
In obedience to your request, I embrace the earliest opportunity of recommending a candidate for the office of Marshall of this state. Having consulted several of my Republican friends on the subject, I am authorized to give the aggregate opinion in favour of Joel Lewis of New Castle County—He has passed thro the whole rotine of office to a member of the Assembly; in the latter capacity he...
J’attendais avec impatience la permission de vous ecrire pour Vous exprimer la satisfaction vivement sentie par tous les amis de la raison, et du bonheur general, de Votre avenement à la presidence de états-unis. votre discours d’inauguration a été pour eux un sujet d’orgueil et de triomphe, puisque lá ils ont pu montrer le modèle du langage de la veritable philosophie, inséparable quoiqu’on...
… I am not acquainted with either the person, or the character of Mr. Corran. My respect for his Lady is nevertheless sufficient to give me all the interest in her wishes, which public considerations will permit. I shall consequently not fail to keep the President in mind of Mr. Corran as a candidate for the posts you mention. I must observe at the same time that there are so many applications...
I have the honour to enclose copies of a letter from Mr: Engeström, the Swedish Minister at Berlin, which I received since my arrival here; and of my answer to him. You will perceive that his letter contains the renewal of a proposal made by the king of Sweden about eighteen months ago, for an arrangement between the United States, Sweden and Denmark, mutually to protect their commerce in the...
The underwritten, Clerks in the Department of State, beg leave to remind the Secretary, that an additional allowance of Fifteen prCent to the annual compensation which has heretofore been received by the Clerks of this Office was appropriated by Congress at its last Session, to be distributed among them as the Head of the Department might think proper; and that this additional allowance...