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Results 124941-124970 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Th: Jefferson returns to mr Madison Erving’s letter to Genl. Dear-borne, & approves of a...
To be remembered by you amidst the pressure of important public concerns, that present themselves...
Your disposition to promote establishments which have for their basis the promulgation of useful...
Your favor of the 22d. is recieved the last night. mr Buchanan shall recieve the appointment of...
I am favored with your letter of the 7th: instt. & have the pleasure to inclose a letter to my...
In obedience to your request, I embrace the earliest opportunity of recommending a candidate for...
J’attendais avec impatience la permission de vous ecrire pour Vous exprimer la satisfaction...
… I am not acquainted with either the person, or the character of Mr. Corran. My respect for his...
I have the honour to enclose copies of a letter from Mr: Engeström, the Swedish Minister at...
The underwritten, Clerks in the Department of State, beg leave to remind the Secretary, that an...
Before this you are fix’d at the seat of goverment and I hope in a manner agreeable to yourself...
… I had the honor of writing you by Mr. Pichon, requesting your protection in my being named to...
I have duly recd. your favor of the 16th. I am not acquainted with either the person, or the...
On my return last evening from New Haven, I was made happy in the receipt of yours of the 14th....
25 June 1801, Department of State. “You will herewith receive sundry papers [not found] relating...
I wrote by the mail of last evening in reply to your letter of the 17th. that the two places...
I write this merely to say there is nothing new to inform you of. Mr. Dawson whom I saw this...
Your’s of the 19. came to hand yesterday. as it says nothing of your health I presume all are...
The chancellor Livingston on his return from Washington did me the honor of passing a night with...
Je Voulais envoyer à Mr jefferson un Modele en relief et geometrique de la grande pyramide...
The object of the present address is to introduce to your notice a stranger, visiting the seat of...
[ New York, June 26, 1801. The calendar of this letter reads: “Thanks &c dated at New York.”...
Mr. Marbury reports, that he cannot have the beams shipped so as to reach you under three weeks,...
26 June 1801, Paris. No. 5. Reports conversation on 25 June with Pierre-Louis Rœderer and...
Kentucky, [ before 26 ] June 1801. TJ must know of the enthusiasm with which the western country...
I inclose you a sheet from an anonymous letter of many sheets which I have just recieved. the...
With emotions of Gratitude to the Almighty Ruler of the Universe, who manageth the affairs of the...
I have the honor to enclose the opinion of the District Attorney of Pennsylvania , to whom in the...
The letter you did me the honor to write me on the 30th. May, desiring to know if it would be...
I return you my sincere thanks for your favorable Intention respectg. Mr. Buchanan—I am pleased...