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Results 12421-12450 of 184,431 sorted by author
I reciev’d this morning your letter of the 14th. in which you speak of Poetry, and although I...
12422[End] (Adams Papers)
End End of the second Volume of My Journal. J.Q. Adams MDCCLXXX
I am now much more at my disposal, with respect to my Time, than I was at Haverhill, and can...
12424January 1st. 1783. (Adams Papers)
We found here Mr. Schiebe a gentleman who left Stockholm about a week before us. Norrkiöping is...
12425Tuesday 14th. (Adams Papers)
The French consul was here last night (he is to go to Coronna with us). He told us that he would...
1242624th. (Adams Papers)
Committee met again at Mr. Ware’s chamber; after reading all the letters, I was requested to...
1242721st. (Adams Papers)
I attended Mr. Carey in the forenoon, and went with Putnam to hear Dr. Tucker in the afternoon....
I take pleasure in introducing to your acquaintance the Revd. Mr Barber, who has been some years...
1242924th. (Adams Papers)
Went over, with my Cousin and brother Charles, to dine with Mr. Allen at Bradford. A lame foot...
1243014th. (Adams Papers)
Was employ’d almost all day, in thinking upon the subject of my conference; wrote a few Lines,...
12431Friday 17th. (Adams Papers)
This morning I went to see the tour de fer (as the French call it and the spaniards Tour...
1243214th. (Adams Papers)
Snow’d all the morning. Young Mr. Willis arrived from Boston, and informed us that a vessel will...
124334th. (Adams Papers)
Employ’d great part of the day in collecting the theses. I have now as many as I shall want...
12434Thursday November 1st. 1787. (Adams Papers)
I attended in the morning, and in the afternoon at the setting of the supreme Court. Judge Dana,...
1243526th. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
This day the Count Greco, Mr. Gummer and Mr. Peyron dined here. In the evening I went with Mr....
124364th. (Adams Papers)
Eliza, spent the day at Mr. White’s. Mr. Thaxter was here in the Evening. The weather very mild:...
1243719th. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon Mr. D went to take a walk. After dinner he went with Mr. Artaud to the shops. Mr....
1243818th. Monday. (Adams Papers)
This morning we set off from Varsala in a boat and went 5. miles as far as Kůmlinge. Fine weather.
My last Letter accounted regularly for my progress from Stockholm, only as far as Oerebro, where...
1244030th. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
This morning I went and took leave of the Baron Albedyhll the Swedish chargé d’affaires here, and...
1244126th. (Adams Papers)
Attended court the whole day. Little was done in the forenoon except calling over the cases. But...
124429th. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon I went with Mr. D. to the French minister’s hotel. Mr. Normandes the Spanish Chargé...
1244328th. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Williams, this day, gave us, the first Lecture, upon Experimental Philosophy. It was upon the...
Since the original of my last letter was written, I have received no letters from America, but...
I have to thank you for the receipt of your letter of the 14th: instt: and for the last number of...
1244623d. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
This day Mr. Blondot dined with us. In the afternoon Mr. Hoogwerst came to pay us a visit. Stay’d...
I have this day drawn upon you, at sight, for ten thousand Dollars, in favour of Richard Smith,...
I wrote you last week by Captain Bronson, and sent you a Volume of Letters from the Continent,...
1244922d. Friday. (Adams Papers)
This evening at about 11.o’clock we arrived at Stockholm. We found all the taverns in the town...
At length I have been released from a situation, equally remote from all public utility and all...