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Results 123701-123710 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
12370127 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
The Stream of Life sometimes glides smoothly on, through flowry meadows and enamell’d planes. At other times it draggs a winding reluctant Course through offensive Boggs and dismal gloomy Swamps. The same road now leads us thro’ a spacious Country fraught with evry delightful object, Then plunges us at once, into miry Sloughs, or stops our passage with craggy and inaccessible mountains. The...
Could I take the liberty of asking the loan of Rollins Roman History?; or any other written on the Roman Commonwealth in yr library? Should the work be in the French language, it will be acceptable. The esteem and respect, with which you honored my Father, and which was duly appreciated by him; and above all yr love for the advancement of literature, will be I hope a sufficient apology for the...
I recieved a few days ago a copy of your most admirable excellent Address deliv d at Dickinson college , but from what whom was not indicated. if from yourself, I thank you for it, if from another I avail myself of the occn it procures me of tendering my respects to you of assuring you of the pleasure with which I see literary institns arising & cherished in the US. and of holding out the hand...
By Mr. Bourne, who was here last Week, I informed You that our commercial Affairs were arranged, that Mr. Adams Mr. Franklin and Mr. Jefferson were to carry on the Negotiations, that three Years would probably be requisite to compleat the Business, and that you may embark for Europe, without Delay, as there is not a possibility of any Departure from the Measures adopted by Congress. Mr....
What is past and cannot be amended between friends had better be forgotten. Let it be so if you please. I am content. I have since your last reflected upon the policy & necessity of your replying to the answers to your animadversions on the character & conduct of the President, and incline to beleive that it would be wiser to suspend, for the present any further publication on the subject....
The quiet Season has at length arrived. For the last six weeks I have had no occasion to go into London, except upon business, and there is some relaxation of that—Almost all the Cabinet Ministers are absent upon excursions; and Lord Castlereagh is gone to Ireland to see his father . The Morning Chronicle gives a shrewd hint, that it is the sign that Parliament will be dissolved, and that his...
Colo. Nicholas Lewis has communicated to me the account you inclosed him of your transactions in my affairs and I am happy to find them drawn so near to a close. There appear to me two corrections however to be made in the account. The first respects the article of £9–5–7 which had been charged in the account of Richardson & Scruggs’s bonds which you had rendered before in these words ‘1786...
Your letter of the 8th of August last , addressed to me as recording Secretary of the A. A. Society was laid before them at their last meeting, and I am directed by them to tender You their thanks for the interesting and valuable manuscript, which accompanied it.— The Society , Sir, feel highly gratified, that you have consented to be enrolled Among its members. Indeed they have ever been...
[ Philadelphia, July 25, 1793. On October 17, 1793, Morris wrote to Hamilton and acknowledged the receipt of “yours of the 25th. of July.” Letter not found. ]
[ New Windsor, New York, January 15, 1781. ] Summarizes conference between Laurens and Washington on state of American affairs. Df , in writings of George Washington and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.