George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Clement Biddle, 14 February 1787

To Clement Biddle

Mount Vernon, 14th Feb., 1787

Dear Sir:

I forgot, in the letter I wrote to you the day before yesterday,1 to request the favour of you to send 6 Screw Augers, that will bore holes 2½ inches.—I want them for Posting and railing—If this size is not sufficiently large they may be made bigger—for this, or indeed any kind of work I am informed that Screw Augers are much preferred. I am, Dear Sir, Yr. Most Obedt. Servt.,


William J. Campbell Catalog, no. 45, n.d., n.p.

1GW is referring to his letter of 11 February. See Biddle to GW, 20 February.

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