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Results 123691-123720 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
123691 Madison, James Crowninshield, Jacob From James Madison to Jacob Crowninshield, 20 November … 1807-11-20 I have duly received your letter on the subject of Mr. O. Evan’s application for a patent. As the...
123692 Visscher, Nanning J. Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Nanning J. Visscher, 27 … 1799-08-27 After more than seven years service, during which period I have been indulged with a furlough of...
123693 Washington, George New Jersey Magistrates Circular to the New Jersey Magistrates, 2 February 1780 1780-02-02 The patriotic exertions of the Magistrates and inhabitants of this state in compliance with my...
123694 Enclosure: Newspaper Publication, 1779 1779-01-01 Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) —, 1779. > Some QUERIES, political and military, humbly offered to...
123695 Capel & Osgood Hanbury Custis, John Parke From Capel & Osgood Hanbury to John Parke Custis, 4 … 1767-08-04 We have the pleasure to advise the safe arrival of Capt. Esten. no care shall be wanting in us to...
123696 Boylston, Ward Nicholas Adams, John To John Adams from Ward Nicholas Boylston, 29 April … 1826-04-29 I wrote before I left Roxbury expressing as I really felt my deep regret that I could not see you...
123697 Washington, George Seely, Silvanus From George Washington to Colonel Silvanus Seely, 23 … 1778-03-23 I am favd with yours of the 20th informing of the embarkation of Troops at New York—I shall be...
123698 Rodney, Caesar Augustus Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Caesar Augustus Rodney, 27 … 1807-03-27 I wrote to you from Dumfries last evening & as soon after, as I could get horses & a guide who...
123699 Livingston, Henry Beekman Washington, George To George Washington from Lieutenant Colonel Henry … 1776-05-14 I arrived here the 9th: Instant but did not take the Command till today, as Colo: Nicol did not...
123700 Washington, George Chastellux, François-Jean de Beauvoir, marquis de From George Washington to Chastellux, 20 August 1784 1784-08-20 The Marqs de la Fayette, who I had been long looking for with the eyes of friendship and...
123701 Adams, John 27 Saturday. 1756-03-27 The Stream of Life sometimes glides smoothly on, through flowry meadows and enamell’d planes. At...
123702 Waugh, Charles Stuart Madison, James To James Madison from Charles Stuart Waugh, 30 August … 1817-08-30 Could I take the liberty of asking the loan of Rollins Roman History?; or any other written on...
123703 Jefferson, Thomas Mason, John Mitchell Thomas Jefferson to John M. Mason, 16 February 1822 1822-02-16 I recieved a few days ago a copy of your most admirable excellent Address deliv d at Dickinson...
123704 Gerry, Elbridge Adams, Abigail Elbridge Gerry to Abigail Adams, 18 May 1784 1784-05-18 By Mr. Bourne, who was here last Week, I informed You that our commercial Affairs were arranged,...
123705 McHenry, James Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from James McHenry, 1 December … 1800-12-01 What is past and cannot be amended between friends had better be forgotten. Let it be so if you...
123706 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Abigail Smith From John Quincy Adams to Abigail Smith Adams, 15 … 1816-10-15 The quiet Season has at length arrived. For the last six weeks I have had no occasion to go into...
123707 Jefferson, Thomas Wilson, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Wilson, 6 October 1791 1791-10-06 Colo. Nicholas Lewis has communicated to me the account you inclosed him of your transactions in...
123708 Burnside, Samuel McGregore Jefferson, Thomas Samuel M. Burnside to Thomas Jefferson, 23 January 1815 1815-01-23 Your letter of the 8th of August last , addressed to me as recording Secretary of the A. A....
123709 Hamilton, Alexander Morris, Gouverneur From Alexander Hamilton to Gouverneur Morris, 25 July … 1793-07-25 [ Philadelphia, July 25, 1793. On October 17, 1793, Morris wrote to Hamilton and acknowledged the...
123710 Washington, George Laurens, John George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel John Laurens … 1781-01-15 [ New Windsor, New York, January 15, 1781. ] Summarizes conference between Laurens and Washington...
123711 Howe, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Howe, 23 Aug. 1779 … 1779-08-23 Letters not found : from Robert Howe, 23 Aug. 1779. On 24 Aug., GW wrote Howe: “I am this moment...
123712 Washington, George [Diary entry: 30 April 1772] 1772-04-30 30. Not quite so warm as yesterday but pleasant, clear & Calm—very smoky.
123713 Jay, John Adams, John From John Jay to John Adams, 31 January 1818 1818-01-31 I rec d . your Letter of the 9th by the Mail which arrived here on the 24 Instant. On the Return...
123714 Jefferson, Thomas La Boullaye, Gabriel Isaac Douet de From Thomas Jefferson to La Boullaye, 24 September 1787 1787-09-24 J’ai eu l’honneur, Monsieur, de vous communiquer l’information que j’avois reçu de l’Agent des...
123715 Platt, Ebenezer Smith Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Ebenezer Smith Platt, 10 … 1777-03-10 ALS : American Philosophical Society Through the solicitations of my freinds I have made free to...
123716 Washington, George Humphreys, David From George Washington to David Humphreys, 21 April … 1783-04-21 Permission is hereby granted for Lt Col. Humphrys, Aide de Camp to the Commander in Chief to...
123717 Gardner, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Gardner, 24 June … 1792-06-24 [ Portsmouth, New Hampshire, June 24, 1792. On July 13, 1792, Hamilton wrote to Gardner : “I duly...
123718 Jay, John Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from John Jay, 8 May 1778 1778-05-08 An opinion of your Benevolence leads me to address this Letter to you. Accident has introduced me...
123719 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major General William Heath … 1779-07-20 The enclosed intelligence was Sent me a few minutes Since by General Nixon. The Dragoon who...
123720 Madison, James Maden, Augustin From James Madison to Augustin Maden, 18 April 1807 1807-04-18 Representations entitled to credit touching the execution of the duties of your office, connected...