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Results 123691-123700 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have duly received your letter on the subject of Mr. O. Evan’s application for a patent. As the application is founded on a decision of the Circuit Court at Philadelphia, against the validity of a former patent for the same invention, a compliance with it would admit the invali dity of all the patents issued in the same form since the commencement of the government. Such a principle I did...
After more than seven years service, during which period I have been indulged with a furlough of three months only, I take the liberty to request that I may be permitted to visit my friends at Albany and New York. In answer to my Letter to the Honble. the Secretary of War on this subject I beg leave to recite an extract—“War Department December 29. 1798. It will give me great satisfaction to...
The patriotic exertions of the Magistrates and inhabitants of this state in compliance with my late application to them on the subject of provisions have a claim to my warmest acknowlegements and to the particular consideration of the public. The crisis which dictated that application was of a very delicate nature, and the worst consequences might have ensued had it not been for the assistance...
123694Enclosure: Newspaper Publication, 1779 (Washington Papers)
Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) —, 1779. > Some QUERIES, political and military, humbly offered to the consideration of the Public. The Maryland Journal, and Baltimore Advertiser, 6 July 1779. This anonymous attack on GW provoked an outcry, and William Goddard, publisher of The Maryland Journal, and Baltimore Advertiser, issued an apology in which he identified Charles Lee as the author of the...
We have the pleasure to advise the safe arrival of Capt. Esten. no care shall be wanting in us to make the most of thy 8 Hhds Tobacco. it gives us concern that we are not favourd wth a larger share of thy Consignments we flatter our Selves that our Account Sales are as good as Messrs Carys & Co. by the return of Capt. Esten next Spring let us partake of an equal share & an impartial division...
I wrote before I left Roxbury expressing as I really felt my deep regret that I could not see you before I set out for this place—for the first since the 28’ of Jany I tried my strengh on Sunday last, but a ride of a mile wch I endured with wch the hope I should be able in the course of the week to have reachd Quincy, but the next day Tho’ Alken injured his hand so much as to render him...
I am favd with yours of the 20th informing of the embarkation of Troops at New York—I shall be much obliged to you to endeavour if possible to find out their destination, and if you can find it out, let me know by Express. I am Sir Yr most obt Servt LS , in Tench Tilghman’s writing, NjMoHP ; Df , DLC:GW ; Varick transcript , DLC:GW . The LS is dated only “1778,” but the draft by Richard Kidder...
I wrote to you from Dumfries last evening & as soon after, as I could get horses & a guide who knew the road, on my journey for Fredericksburg. I did not arrive there until about day, this morning, the roads were so intolerably bad. On my arrival, I found the information I had received to be pretty correct. Burr came there on Wednesday evening under a Mr. Perkins & six men. Just as they rode...
I arrived here the 9th: Instant but did not take the Command till today, as Colo: Nicol did not think himself releived before. These Garrisons, are at present in a most deplorable Situation, as Your Excellency may Observe by the inclosed Returns. We are also much in want of an Infirmary as the sick, and well, are Obliged to Huddle together in the same Rooms the Commissioners desired me to...
The Marqs de la Fayette, who I had been long looking for with the eyes of friendship and impatience, arrived here on Tuesday last and presented me your favor of the 16th of June. I thank you My Dr Sir, for every testimony of your recollection of me, and every fresh assurance you give me of the continuation of your friendship is pleasing: it serves (to borrow an Indian phraze) to brighten the...