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Results 123681-123690 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
1236811774 Saturday. Novr. 5. (Adams Papers)
Break fasted at Austins of Suffield. Went to see a Company of Men exercising upon the Hill, under the Command of a green coated Man, lately a Regular. A Company of very likely stout men. Dined at Parsons’s of Springfield. Captn. Pynchon and another Pynchon, and Mr. Bliss, came in to see Us, and at last Coll. Worthington. Worthington behaved decently and politely. Said he was in Hopes we should...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai eu l’honneur de présenter à l’Académie Royale des Sçiences plusieurs Médallions éxécutés au Tour , elle en a paru satisfaite. C’est, sans doute, ce qui l’a déterminée à me demander celui d’un des plus grands Hommes de ce siécle. Par le choix du sujet, Cette célebre compagnie, qui s’honore de vous avoir pour Membre, semble avoir prévenu mes desirs; J’ai...
Dr. his Excellency James Madison for Master John P Todd 1810. College Charges as specified in the Prospectus June. 7. Mending Linen Stockings &c 3 "  Doctor’s fees and Medicines 4 "  Paper Slates Quills &c 3 "  Postage and Penny Post Commission " 46½ Six Months board and Tuition in Advance  115   125 46½ 1809. Classic Books. Novem. 10.
20 January 1802. Reports that American citizens are paying higher duties on their imports to and exports from Holland than those of any European nation by a differential of 1½ to 2 percent. The reason is a “constructive right claimed by the West India Company to certain duties on the American commerce.” The company sees fit “to include the U S in the term America used in their Charter...
123685[Diary entry: 12 February 1785] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 12th. Mercury at 44 this Morning, 44 at Noon and 44 at Night. Planted Eight young Pair Trees sent me by Doctr. Craik in the following places—viz. 2 Orange Burgamots in the No. Garden, under the back wall—3d. tree from the Green House at each end of it. 1 Burgamot at the Corner of the border in the South Garden just below the necessary. 2 St. Germains, one in each border (middle...
[ New York, March 25, 1800. On April 18, 1800, Carroll wrote to Hamilton and referred to “your letter of the 25th past.” Letter not found. ] Carroll, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and a leading Maryland Federalist, was a member of the United States Senate from 1789 to 1792 and of the Maryland Senate from 1791 to 1800.
His Excellency commands me to acknowledge the Rect of the Dispatches addressed to John Bolton Esqr. by the bearer of this; and also to request that you will keep up the communication, & give him regularly every information in your power. I am Sir Your Most Hble Servt DLC : Papers of George Washington.
Understanding that you have returned from Bedford and being desirous to receive the rents due to M r Hornsby and M r Wood the representatives of the three younger legatees of Bennet Henderson D d I request the favour of you to appoint a time and place wher the business can be done that will be mutually convenient to us baoth and if necesssary to appoint an umpire to deside any matter of...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The Motive of my Writing you this time Arises from a Disagreeable Circumstance, Which I think a Matter incumbant on my Attachment toward the publick good; and Highly Necessary to be Communicated to you. Mr. Merckle being incumberd With a parcell of Arms Contracted for the publick, and being ready to Sail, Is apprehensive of being arrested and being...
[ Philadelphia, May 2, 1793. On May 16, 1793, Whipple wrote to Hamilton and referred to Hamilton’s “directions of the 2d instant.” Letter not found. ]