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Results 123661-123690 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Feeling confident, that on any subject of national concern, every Citizen may address your Excellency, with equal Expectations of an attentive regard; I have taken the Liberty, on this occasion, to submit to your consideration A Plan, which I have devised, to preserve & distribute the genuine vaccine Matter ; &, which if supported, by any authority adequate to the importance of the Subject,...
Yours of the 16th. came to hand yesterday. I hope you have not made any sacrifice of any sort to the scruple which has superseded my arrangemt. with Mr. Barnes. The execution of it would have equally accorded with my disposition & my conveniency. The Gazette of yesterday contains the mode pursued for re-animating confidence in the pledge of the B. Govt. given by Mr. Erskine in his arrangemt....
To the Senate of the United States In compliance with the Resolution of the Senate of the 19th inst.; I transmit such information as has been received, respecting Exiles from Cuba, arrived, or expected within the United States; also, a letter from Genl. Turreau connected with that subject. RC ( DNA : RG 46, Legislative Proceedings). In a clerk’s hand, signed by JM. Enclosure was probably a...
In obedience to the directions of the legislature of Pennsylvania—I have the honor to transmit to you a copy of a resolution, instructing the Senators, and requesting the Representatives of this state in Congress to use their influence, to procure the passing of a law establishing weights and measures, with a request that you will be pleased to lay the same before Congress. I have the honor to...
… You may, perhaps, be surprised at receiving a letter from one with whom you have had so little intercourse for the last few years. But your surprise will cease when you recollect that my Father, once your Friend, is now in exile; and that the President only can restore him to me & to his country. Ever since the choice of the people was first declared in favor of Mr Madison; my heart, amid...
Various Considerations have induced the Legislature of the State of Ohio, at its last session to pass a Resolution, of which the enclosed is a Copy, which we have recently received, and now transmit for your Consideration. The necessity of established & known boundary Lines existing between independent-territorial Jurisdictions, and the Consequences resulting from the want of such establish’d...
To the Senate of the United States. The considerations which led to the nomination of a Minister Plenipotentiary to Russia, being strengthened by evidence since received of the earnest desire of the Emperor to establish a diplomatic intercourse between the two Countries, and of a disposition in his Councils favorable to the extension of a commerce mutually advantageous; as will be seen by the...
I have recd. a private letter of Mar. 30. from Genl. Armstrong, in which he desires me “to present him most respectfully and cordially to you, and inform you that by the next public ship that goes to America, he shall have the pleasure to send you, an alteration of Mr. Guillaumes’ plough, which in light soils, is a great improvement upon the old one.” To me he adds, “By the same vessel I...
27 June 1809, London. Appointed the American consul in Rotterdam, Joy has not taken his post. He has heard of the difficulties now thrown in the way of travelers trying to reach Holland. Encloses a letter telling of the uncertain status of neutral vessels, including American ships now in the Amsterdam port. Joy has applied for a passport through “the Court of Holland” instead of through Paris,...
I have been long waiting for an opportunity to offer you my sincere congratulations for your elevation to the presidency of the United States. Altho’ my former Situation at washington as the agent of a foreign power, may detract from the merit of the profession, you are persuaded, I hope, of the truth and sincerity of my good wishes for the country which you have been call to direct in the...
I have the honor of offering, for your acceptance, the life of the Duke of Malborough lately published here by the Emperors’ instructions. He has intimated his intention of engaging certain literary Men to write the lives of other distinguished Generals according to the same plan. I also inclose two brochures relating to Mr Barlows’ Poem, and am, Sir, with the greatest respect Your very obedt...
The inclosed letter accompanied the skin of an Animal, not named by the writer, which belongs to the Region of the Rocky Mountains. The bundle being too large for the Mail, I shall forward it by some other oppy; perhaps as far as Orange, by a waggon I shall soon have on the return thither. You will have seen that a re-nomination of J. Q. A. for Russia, has succeeded with the Senate. In framing...
At a meeting of a part of the Inhabitants of the Town of Pittsfield in the County of Rutland & state of Vermont, July 4th. 1809. to commemorate the Independence of the United States of America; said Inhabitants then agreed & voted to offer the following Address to the President of sd. states, & also directed who should sign the same. Dear sir. While you stand encircled with merited honours,...
I am more mortified than I can express at the conduct of the Coach-maker, I have had the misfortune to employ in your service, in furnishing to you a Carriage, which even before it has been used is discovered to be so extremely faulty. I am the more irritated and disappointed, as he has in every other instance in which I have employed or recommended him, done himself so much credit, as to have...
Col. Swan has desired me to hand you the enclosed letter. It seems as if it should have been addrest to the Secy. of the Treasury. But he asks only for a suspension of a decision, and as that cannot be final without you, it may not be improper. With great respect— RC ( DLC ). Enclosure not found. James Swan emigrated from Scotland to Boston in 1765, served in the Revolution, and engaged in...
6 July 1809. Official letter accrediting Francis James Jackson as the British envoy to the U.S. RC ( DNA : RG 59, Notes from the British Legation). 2 pp. Addressed to “the United States of America.” In a clerk’s hand, signed by the king and George Canning. A 2 Oct. note filed with the letter indicates Jackson planned to make a formal presentation to JM the following day, but the interview was...
The inclosed letter from Mr. S. came under cover to me. It was brought by the vessel lately arrived at Phila. from Dunkirk. It appears that he had not left Paris, for Petersbg: nor meant to do so, untill he shd. hear further from the U. S; as he has probably explained to you. Mr. Coles had rea[c]hed Paris; but in the absence of the French Court, nothing could be said very interesting on the...
I beg the favor of your instructions on the enclosed letter from the Seedsman of whom I procured your Seeds. I will wait upon you tomorrow to receive them. The appropriations of last Session for the objects committed to my care, are 15.000$ — for finishing & furnishing the Senate Chamber. 1.600$ . for discharging sundry accts. & fitting up the temporary Chamber 16.600 On both these appropns....
The followg. is an Extract from Mr. Marshals life of Washington 5th Vol: Page—770. [Eight paragraphs from Marshall’s biography are quoted. They cover almost three manuscript pages and relate to efforts to build a tomb or monument for Washington. They include a congressional resolution and portions of President Adams’s covering letter to Mrs. Washington and of her reply. In the last paragraph...
Not having received your letter of the 20th. Ult: covering a Resolution of the Legislature of Pa. on the subject of Wts. & measrs untill Congress had adjourned, I think it proper to intimate this circumstance as an explanation of the failure to comply with the wish of the Legislature that the Resolution should be presented to Congs. at that Session. Draft ( DLC ). Docketed by JM.
In compliance with a Resolution of the House of Representatives of the Mississippi Territory, I have the honor to transmit you the enclosed address, as adopted by that body. I feel on this occasion the greater pleasure, since there is no individual, who more than myself, admires the policy pursued by the last Administration, or who is more firmly persuaded, that during your Presidency, the...
Ca. 8 July 1809. A petition submitted on behalf of ship captains and owners whose vessels brought refugees from Cuba to New Orleans. These French refugees and their slaves from Cuba have come to New Orleans, where their property has been seized or detained because the importation of slaves is prohibited by federal law. These hapless people were “exposed to the unrelenting fury of an incensed &...
Alexander McRae lately and for several years a member of the privy council and lieutenant Governor of this state, and Majr. John Clarke, as highly distinguished for his mechanical genius, are about to proceed to various parts of Europe on private business of considerable magnitude: such as is highly honorable to themselves and will, if they shall be successful, reflect benefit and lustre on...
10 July 1809, Riceboro, Georgia. Asks JM to inform his successor in State Department of his longstanding efforts at redress for spoliation claims. Expresses hope that JM’s tenure in presidency will mean “that our now depressed and unhappy Country Will be blessed, by the return of Peace.” Offers his services if a consular post in Brazil should be available. Tr ( DNA : RG 76, Spanish Treaty...
Je crois devoir féliciter les Etats-Unis, et Votre Excellence, de ce que c’est vous qui Succedez à votre illustre Ami Mr Jefferson. J’ai pour votre Patrie un attachement qui a précédé son existence. Je compte y finis mes jours. Mes Fils y sont Citoyens. L’un d’eux y a introduit une branche importante d’industrie, et l’y a portée au plus haut point de perfection. C’est la Manufacture de...
Your two letters of the 4th. & 7th. were recieved by the last mail. I now inclose you the rough draught of the letter to the emperor of Russia. I think there must be an exact facsimile of it in the office, from which mr. Short’s must have been copied; because that the one now inclosed has never been out of my hands appears by there being no fold in the paper till now, and it is evidently a...
I have just received the inclosed from Mr. Joy & have the honor to be with perfect respect Sir Your Most Obt Servant RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 59, Consular Despatches, Liverpool). Consul Maury enclosed a copy of George Joy to JM, 8 July 1809, which included a translation of a Dutch resolution of 30 June listing articles that could be imported into Holland “by our decree of 31 March,”...
Your favor of Feby. 23. has remained so long unanswered that I ought to state, in apology, that as I foresaw the Summer Session, would be inattentive to objects not within its particular purview, I did not enter into your idea, of presenting to it, the subject of the Military Academy. To the influence of this consideration at the time, and afterwards to the occupations of a busy period, I must...
15 July 1809, London. Encloses copies of his letters to a Colonel Walker and the duke of Cambridge, along with one from Joy’s nephew. In a postscript to his letter, Joy says that some American ships have been captured for violating the blockade of Tönning, a “latent Order” that should have been removed but for “the Mass of blunders with which that measure was replete.” Joy predicts the ships...
Letter not found. Ca. 15 July 1809. Acknowledged in Luckey to JM, 10 Aug. 1809 . Comments on Luckey’s views on dueling.