George Washington Papers

[Diary entry: 20 August 1772]

20. Still in Town. Dined at Arrells & went to the Ball in the Afternoon.

On this day Robert Hanson Harrison and William Ellzey brought suit for GW against John and William Barry to force a division of the 193–acre tract on Dogue Creek, part of which GW had bought 18 Dec. 1770. GW excused himself from the bench while the case was being heard. The court ruled in his favor and ordered county surveyor George West to divide the land fairly between the two parties before the court met in September. The surveying and other costs were to be equally shared by GW and the Barrys. Five justices were appointed to supervise the division: Sampson Darrell, Daniel McCarty, George Mason, John West, and John West, Jr., but only three were required to be present (Fairfax County Order Book for 1772–74, 114–15, Vi Microfilm).

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