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Results 122151-122200 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
122151[Diary entry: 4 August 1797] (Washington Papers)
4. Wind at So. Et. & Easterly—appearances of Rain but none fell. Warm Mer. 85. Mrs. Peake & Miss...
I understand that the Account of Mr. Brown Ast. Secretary has been sanctioned at the War Office,...
122153[Diary entry: 1 May 1791] (Washington Papers)
Sunday—May first. Left Georgetown about 6 Oclock, and crossing the Santee Creek [Sampit River] at...
At a meeting of the trustees of the sinking fund, on Saturday, the 26th of January, 1793,...
I have percieved in some of our Professors a disinclination to the preparing themselves for...
I have waited for a frost to announce to me your return to winter quarters; and altho’ we have as...
ALS : Henry Francis Du Pont Winterthur Museum I received your obliging Letter of the 10th. of...
It happens My Dear Sir that both Mr. Maddison and myself are here. We have talked over the...
I have been honoured with Your Excellency’s Letter of the 16th. I assure you Sir, I should esteem...
The Secretary of State, to whom was referred by the President of the United States, the letter of...
Your letter of the 15th. I had the pleasure of receiveing the 22d. Instant, and I feel myself...
The enclosed very respectable recommendations from Mr Senator Green, Mr Edmund Trowbridge Ellery,...
I have been favourd with yours of the 18th. I should have answerd you by return of your Officer...
In my letter to you of the 19th instant I mentioned to you that I was sorry to find there would...
I have according to the desire expressed in your letter of the 5th. inst. examined the model of...
I have had the honor to receive your favor of the 23d of August from L’Orient. I hope this Letter...
1 March 1810, Senate Chamber. Obadiah Jones has authorized Crawford “to accept of the appointment...
An absence of two months from home has occasioned this very late acknolegement of your favor of...
Some Years past I had the pleasure to recommend Mr. W. Wilson to the secy. of War & he Obtained a...
I am honord with the Receipt of your Excellency’s favor of the 2d Instant informing me of the...
122171Monday May 26. (Adams Papers)
I hope for News to day, from the Hague. Probably concerning the sailing date of P. J. van...
I would have written to you last post, if I had had time, but I am determined to do it this,...
122173[Diary entry: 26 March 1788] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 26th. Thermometer at 37 in the Morning—44 at Noon and 44 at Night. Morning clear, &...
I wrote to you on the 20 th of March , since which I have seen in the Aurora of Mar. 23. an...
[ Philadelphia, March 22, 1793. On the back of a letter which Seton wrote to Hamilton on March 5,...
Letter not found : from Justin Ely, 5 July 1779. GW wrote Ely on 12 July: “I had not the Honor...
Un Arrêté du Gouvernement Français rendu le 13. Messidor An 10. défend aux Noirs, Mulâtres &...
I have been amused for a week past with daily promisses by the Agents of two Furnaces respecting...
Tho’ I have not the honor of being known to you by name even, yet the interest you have been so...
Mr. Hamilton. In all general questions which become the subjects of discussion, there are always...
I have the honor to inform your Excellency that early on yesterday morning the corps under my...
122182[Diary entry: 18 March 1770] (Washington Papers)
18. Went to Pohick Church and retur⟨nd⟩ to Dinner. Colo. Lewis &ca. went away this Morning & Jno....
The place called the Cedars is on the river St. Lawrence, about 43 miles above Montreal. At this...
Dn Juan de Miralles one of the most honourable Inhabitants of this City, as well by his personal...
In the case of mr Bloodworth our first duty is to save the public from loss; the 2d. to aid the...
I have the honor to inclose your Excellency an extract from the proceedings of the Court Martial...
Strange as it may seem, it is nevertheless true, that your letter of the 30th of August never got...
In answer to your Excellencys Letter of the 23d Ultimo to the President of the Council of this...
I inclose you the pamphlet desired in your’s of July 24. Also the one on Weights & measures...
I recieved with great pleasure your favor of June 4. and am much comforted by the appearance of a...
on Sunday last M r Gough and his aid young Bagby arrived at Poplar Forest to take charge of your...
Press copy of LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la Lettre sans datte que...
I do myself the honor to enclose a letter to Capt Sever, covering Warrants for John Lee, Samuel...
Your Letter No 80 December 27th 1815 I have received—Since my last Letter to you, which I think...
[ Richmond ,] 15 Aug. 1791 . Mr. Ross and himself, in pursuance of TJ’s proposals for a western...
After the Society was adjourned a number of members (all your particular Friends) were conversing...
Copy: Library of Congress Immediately upon the Receipt of yours acquainting me with your...
The State of New York, To Alex. Hamilton, Dr. 1783 July 30 To my allowance as a delegate of...
I have recieved your Letter of the 6 Inst. My Letter to Judge Benson of the 19th in answer to his...
Le Havre, 10 Aug. 1787 . After writing on 9 Aug., Limozin learned that Dr. Gibbons “found him...