1221Abigail Adams to John Adams, 1 January 1797 (Adams Papers)
The new year opens upon us with new Scenes of Life before us. what are to be the trials the...
1222Abigail Adams to Mary Smith Cranch, 26 January 1786 (Adams Papers)
A mr Anstey who is appointed by the British Goverment to visit the different States; for the...
1223Abigail Adams to John Adams, 2 March 1776 (Adams Papers)
I was greatly rejoiced at the return of your servant to find you had safely arrived, and that you...
1224Abigail Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams, 3 January 1801 (Adams Papers)
I last Evening received Yours of 30 December and would have You close the bargain with him...
1225Abigail Adams to John Adams, 10 November 1794 (Adams Papers)
I hope you are agreably lodgd and that your Company will be to your mind. I rejoice in the...
1226Abigail Adams to John Adams, 2 December 1798 (Adams Papers)
I last Evening received your Letters, one of the 24th from Prince Town, and of the 25th from...
1227July 26[–27] (Adams Papers)
Our next Stage was Bridport a small Sea port but a very bad harbour. No trade only in coal which...
1228Abigail Adams to Lucy Quincy Tufts, 3 September 1785 (Adams Papers)
And why my dear Madam have you not written a few lines, and tuckt into a corner of my good uncles...
1229Abigail Adams to John Adams, 17 April 1797 (Adams Papers)
Tho I have not heard from you since I wrote you last, and have nothing new to say, unless it be a...
1230Abigail Adams to John Adams, 15 June 1777 (Adams Papers)
This is the 15 of June. Tomorrow our new Edition of the Regulating act takes place, and will I...
1231Abigail Adams to John Adams, 9 October 1775 (Adams Papers)
I have not been composed enough to write you since Last Sabbeth when in the bitterness of my...
1232Abigail Adams to John Adams, 21 July 1776 (Adams Papers)
I have no doubt but that my dearest Friend is anxious to know how his Portia does, and his little...
1233Abigail Adams to John Thaxter, 9 December 1781 (Adams Papers)
I do not take up my pen by way of reply to any Letter of yours— that is not in my power. 15...
1234Abigail Adams to Catherine Nuth Johnson, 8 May 1801 (Adams Papers)
It is now near three Months Since I left the city of Washington; in all which time I have not...
1235Abigail Adams to John Adams, 25 October 1782 (Adams Papers)
The family are all retired to rest, the Busy scenes of the day are over, a day which I wished to...
1236Abigail Adams to Mary Smith Cranch, 5 March 1798 (Adams Papers)
I received on saturday Evening the 3 d March Your kind Letter of 25 Feb’ ry. You estimate much...
1237Abigail Adams to John Adams, 23 June 1777 (Adams Papers)
I have just retird to my Chamber, but an impulce seazes me to write you a few lines before I...
1238Abigail Adams to Louisa Catherine Adams, 21 May 1804 (Adams Papers)
Altho I have not written to you Since the return of Your Husband to Quincy, I have had the...
1239Abigail Adams to Catharine Sawbridge Macaulay, 1774 (Adams Papers)
In the last Letter which Mr. Adams had the honour to receive from you, you express a Desire to...
1240Abigail Adams to Mary Smith Cranch, 24 April 1800 (Adams Papers)
It is with great pleasure my dear sister that I can say to you, Your Son has recoverd from a...
1241Abigail Adams to John Quincy Adams, 26 June 1785 (Adams Papers)
I have not written you a single line since you left me. Your sisters punctuality I saw would...
1242Abigail Adams to Abigail Adams Smith, 27 April 1800 (Adams Papers)
I have been so much engaged that I have not been able to get time to write you a line this week....
1243Abigail Adams to Mary Smith Cranch, 8 August 1790 (Adams Papers)
I have the pleasure to inform you that last Night mrs Smith got to Bed with an other fine Boy. We...
1244Abigail Adams to John Adams, 1 February 1793 (Adams Papers)
your last date, as yet received, was the 14 of Jan’ ry , I may have Letters in Town; but as the...
1245Abigail Adams to William Smith, 29 May 1798 (Adams Papers)
yours of May 18 received on saturday. the President says, he will be obliged to you to chuse him...
1246Abigail Adams to John Adams, 21 October 1778 (Adams Papers)
How dear to me was the Signature of my Friend this Evening received by the Boston a ship more...
1247Abigail Adams to Charles Williamos, 1 July 1785 (Adams Papers)
I received your favour last evening which is the first line we have had from you; I shall send to...
1248Abigail Adams to Mary Smith Cranch, 29 August 1790 (Adams Papers)
I last Night received your Letter which I have long expected, dated 9 th of August, and thank you...
1249Abigail Adams to Mary Smith Cranch, 1 June 1798 (Adams Papers)
I was indeed greatly afflicted by the contents of your last Letter. I received it yesterday, and...
1250Abigail Adams to John Quincy Adams, 26 December 1783 (Adams Papers)
Your Letters by Mr. Thaxter I received; and was not a little pleased with them; if you do not...
1251Abigail Adams to Abigail Adams Smith, 6 August 1788 (Adams Papers)
It grieves me to think how little I have been able to write to you since my arrival here. I have...
1252Abigail Adams to John Adams, 8 February 1797 (Adams Papers)
And may it prove an auspicious prelude to each ensuing Season. You have this Day to declare...
1253Abigail Adams to John Adams, 5 September 1782 (Adams Papers)
Your kind favours of May 14th and June 16th came to Hand last Evening; and tho I have only just...
1254Abigail Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams, 13 March 1802 (Adams Papers)
I have received two Barrels of flower but no account of the price either from the Baker or You....
1255To Thomas Jefferson from Abigail Adams, with List of Purchases for Mary Jefferson, 10 July 1787 (Jefferson Papers)
When I wrote you last I did not know that petit had taken places in the Stage and paid for them....
1256Abigail Adams to John Adams, 23 April 1781 (Adams Papers)
You will wonder I suppose to what part of the world all the Letters you have written since the 25...
1257Abigail Adams to Mary Smith Cranch, 24 April 1786 (Adams Papers)
Captain Cushing is arrived. Mr Adams this day received Some letters by the post, and Nabby got...
1258Saturday 17 of July. (Adams Papers)
I have neglected my journal for a week. During that time we have had 3 calm days, some wet...
1259Abigail Adams to John Quincy Adams, 5 December 1795 (Adams Papers)
As capt Scott has not yet saild, it gives me an opportunity of informing you that last Evening I...
1260Abigail Adams to John Adams, 8 June 1779 (Adams Papers)
Six Months have already elapsed since I heard a syllable from you or my dear Son, and five since...
1261Abigail Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 19 October 1785 (Adams Papers)
Mr. Fox a young Gentleman from Philadelphia who came recommended by Dr. Rush to Mr. Adams, will...
1262Abigail Adams to John Quincy Adams, 12 May 1791 (Adams Papers)
we have reachd this place this day, but whether I shall be able to travel tomorrow is uncertain,...
1263Abigail Adams to Martha Washington, 25 June 1791 (Adams Papers)
I was honourd with your much esteemed favour on the 15 of this month. the state of my Health,...
1264Abigail Adams to William Smith, 15 April 1798 (Adams Papers)
I inclose a Letter to you for Mrs Black. as there is but one post a week for Quincy, it may...
1265Abigail Adams to Thomas Welsh, 6 June 1797 (Adams Papers)
We yesterday received the Centinal. I thank you for the vindication which I found in it. I well...
1266Abigail Adams to John Adams, 29 August 1776 (Adams Papers)
I have this moment sent of a Letter to the post office when Mr. Bass came in to let me know that...
1267Abigail Adams to Mary Smith Cranch, 22 April 1798 (Adams Papers)
By the post of yesterday I received yours of April 15 as the post will now go more frequently I...
1268Abigail Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 25 October 1804 (Adams Papers)
Sickness for three weeks past, has prevented my acknowledging the receipt of Your Letter of Sep’...
1269Abigail Adams to Royall Tyler, 5 September 1784 (Adams Papers)
I have scarcly toucht a pen since I came from London nor have I written a single Letter to a...
1270Abigail Adams to Abigail Adams Smith, 11 August 1786 (Adams Papers)
Your papa and I wrote you from Harwich the morning we embarked for Helvoet, the wind was very...