121481To Thomas Jefferson from D’Oyré, 10 June 1782 (Jefferson Papers)
Je n’ay point oublié la promesse que je vous ai faite de vous Envoyer Le journal du Siege d’York; Le mémoire de M. Necker sur les finances de France; et le Sermon du docteur Cooper. M. Le Cher. de Chastelus, qui vous ecrit, vous rappellera probablement, Monsieur, votre Engagement de lui communiquer vos notes si intéressantes sur la Virginie: j’y suis intéressé, par la permission que vous...
121482To Thomas Jefferson from P. & C. Roche, 4 June 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
Nous avons Reçus L’honneur de la Votre En date du 1er, du courant, Nous Nous conformons à Son Contenu, En Vous Expédiant Les articles que vous demandés. Nous avons Mis ce matin le paquet au Stage office; nous Esperons qu’il Vous parviendra Bien Conditioné, Et Selon Vos desirs. Recevés L’assurance de notre dévouement Sincere, Et Croyès nous. Monsieur: Vs. Tres humbles, & Trés obeissants...
121483To Thomas Jefferson from P. & C. Roche, 18 May 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
La Langue française faisant tous les jours de nouveaux progrès aux Etats Unis, et étant même cultivée avec succès par beaucoup d’Américains, nous avons jugé à propos d’apporter de paris un assortiment considérable de Livres, & avons établi à Philadelphie une Librairie française qui ne laissera rien à desirer pour la beauté des éditions, l’élégance et la Solidité des réliûres. Connoissant votre...
121484To Thomas Jefferson from P. & C. Roche, 20 May 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
Nous Sommes honorés par la vôtre du 17 du Courant & conformément à vos desirs nous avons remis au Stage office en un paquet à votre adresse les divers ouvrages que vous avez choisi Sur notre catalogue; en voici la facture: $ Ct 1. Connoissance des temps pour L’année 1806 avec les additions un volume in 8o. Broché 2. .— 1. Leçons d’histoire par Volney 1 volume 8o. Broché (c’est par erreur que...
121485To Thomas Jefferson from P. & V. French & Nephew, 21 June 1785 (Jefferson Papers)
Though we have not as yet the honor of being known to you, and before we Could write to our most particular friend Wm. Carmichael Esqr. at Madrid, with whom we are in Constant Correspondence, the Connexions of our houses both in this City and at Baÿonne transacting the principal part of the Trade with the different States of America, hurry and oblige us to address freely to your Excellency...
121486To John Adams from William Paca, 29 April 1785 (Adams Papers)
We take the Liberty to solicit every possible Assistance you can give on the Subject of the enclosed Copy of a Letter which Samuel Chase Esquire Agent for this State while in England addressed to the Minister M r Pitt. the Bills in Chancery are still depending and We have instructed M r. Chase to make the Attorney General a Party if the Crown will not disclaim it’s supposed Interest. The State...
121487To George Washington from William Paca, 20 December 1783 (Washington Papers)
Amidst the general Joy on the happy and honourable Termination of the War we beg Leave to welcome your Excellency’s return to this City with Hearts Full of Gratitude and Affection. As long Sir as Mankind shall retain a proper Sense of the Blessings of Peace Liberty and Safety, your Character in every Country and in every Age will be honor’d admir’d and rever’d: but to a Mind elevated as...
121488To George Washington from William Paca, 21 February 1783 (Washington Papers)
From the Letters which lately passed between your Excellency & Genl Carleton and from the Speech of the British King to his Parliament of the 5th of December last there is some Reason to think that Orders have been given by the British Crown prohibiting offensive Operations on the Continent. Under this Impression now beg Leave to inform your Excellency that if such Orders were ever given they...
121489To John Adams from William Paca, 6 December 1798 (Adams Papers)
I have the Honor to inform You that the Commission to Jacob Graybell Marshal for the District of Maryland being granted for the Town of four years only will expire on the 10th of this Month. It is but Justice to say of this Gentleman that he has been an active diligent and faithful officer: and I think a reappointment of him will give great Satisfaction. With every Sentiment of respect / I am...
121490To George Washington from William Paca, 25 April 1783 (Washington Papers)
I have been honored with your Excellencys Favor of March, and am exceedingly obliged by your Excellency’s Attention to the Representation I made of the Enemies Depredations on the Citizens of this State. General Carlton has been so polite as to write me two Several Letters on the Subject, and assured me that Measures would be taken for the prevention of the like Outrages: but the late general...