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Results 1211-1220 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
You are hereby Ordered, to proceed with the Detachment under your Command to Fort Cumberland, according to the Route prescribed in the General Orders: You are to provide yourself at this place, with Sufficient Ammunition for your Detachment, as there is none at Winchester —When you arrive at Winchester, you are to procure a Waggon to assist you to Fort Cumberland. You are to apply to the...
Orders to the Ordinary-Keepers, on Captain Woodwards Route to Fort Cumberland. You are hereby Ordered and strictly Required, to make proper provisions of Meat, Bread, &c. for Sixty men one day: they will be at your House on the Day of October, on their March to Fort Cumberland: and I will see you paid a reasonable allowance. Friday: October 6th 1755 . A Copy of the above sent to Mr Picket,...
Inclosed I send you the Weekly & Monthly Returns, by which you will Observe their is no Variation in the State of the Company the Drum[me]r is not Yet Come so that I imagine he is either Sick or has deserted, the party Mentd in the Monthly Return was Sent to Green Briar to protect some of the Inhabitants in Securing their Crops they all Intend to goe out during the Winter if they can be...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I receiv’d your Favour of the 17th June per Mr. Winslow, with a Paper inclos’d, that has given me very great Pleasure. I thank you for it sincerely, which is all I can now do, being just setting out on a Journey to Virginia. I fear I cannot at present be impartial enough to give you a just State of our Provincial Disputes. I am perhaps too much engag’d in...
MS not found; I : extracts reprinted from Connecticut Historical Society Collections , XVII (1918), 183; II : extract: American Philosophical Society. On October 25 Franklin wrote Richard Partridge, London agent for the Pennsylvania Assembly and for other colonies, saying in the opening sentence that he was enclosing a copy of an earlier letter sent by Captain Joy (see below, p. 230). Neither...
ALS : The Scheide Library, Princeton, N.J.; duplicate: University of Toronto Library Mr. Hall has wrote to you for a Fount of English, and a Fount with a Longprimer Face on a smaller Body for the Gazette, on my Account. Inclosed is a Bill for £109 8 s . 4 d . Sterling, drawn on the Revd. Mr. Saml. Chandler, which I doubt not will be readily paid. I know not well how my Account stands with you,...
1217Memorandum, 7 October 1755 (Washington Papers)
From hence I set out on the 7th to Williamsburgh; and from Todds Ordinary wrote the following, in answer to a Letter I received from Major Lewis. LB , DLC:GW . GW traveled from Fredericksburg to Dr. George Todd’s ordinary in Caroline County, on the stage road. Andrew Lewis’s letter has not been found.
I am Ordered by Colonel Washington to acquaint you, that there is Clothing at Winchester, for which he sends an Order on the Store keeper there. If any of the men can not march without Shoes; you must apply to Mr Dick, who has a Quantity. He desires that Captain Waggener would proceed immediately to Alexandria his Orders are left there with Major Carlyle. I am Yours, LB , DLC:GW .
It is Colonel Washington’s orders, that you Deliver to Captain Woodward Clothes, for the Detachment of men under his command; taking his Receipt for the number he receives. LB , DLC:GW .
Captain Peachey calling to give me the Compliment of his departure gives me opportunity of acknowledging the obligation you laid on me in the favour by Mr Brockenbrough. And you must give me leave to encrease the debt by a further recommendation of Mr Peachey From experience I say his Merit has intitled him to every respect I can shew him and I shall forever acknowlege myself mistaken if he...