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List of autographs [by James Madison:] Autographs sent [by Dolley Payne Madison:] G. Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Monroe John Quincy Adams A. Hamilton Robert R. Livingston Albert Gallatin Edw. Livingston Richard Peters John Page Edmd. Pendleton Wm. Pinkney Timothy Pickering Lafayette Le Baron de Humboldt Du pont de Nemours Peter S. Du Ponceau. 18—
Thursday, July 17. The same remark applies to this. Ms ( ViU ).
Tuesday, July 22. The Board met, present the Same as yesterday. Resolved That if Dr Patterson should decline the appointment of Professor of Natural Philosophy, the Rector shall be authorised to offer it to William Ritchie, rector of the Academy of Tain in Scotland; that in making this offer, he be required not to annex the duties of the Observatory, and the compensation provided therefor,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am exceedingly oblig’d by the exact Plan and Profile you have been so kind as to send me, of the hydraulic Machine at Chatou. Be pleased to accept my thankful Acknowledgments of the Favour, and be assured that I am, with great Esteem, Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant A virtually indecipherable notation on the verso, which may have no relation to the...
125V. Partial Draft, 8 February 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
When it was vain to deny that our measures were good, they resorted to motives, & alledged they proceeded from bad motives. the taxes they admitted were unnecessary, but we did not suppress them because they were unnecessary, but because it would be popular. to the public however this question is of no importance. whether their agents do good, because they are good, or because it will please...
Another consequence suggests itself as following the nullifying rule–I will illustrate it practically– Suppose S. Carolina to be supported by the requisite number of States in her appeal against the tariff, it is null– but Pennsylvania, with equal right as one of the seventeen, vitally interested in the continuance of the law, and supported by a greater number of sister States, appeals pari...
May 4. in bank. Salary 2083 .33 2083 .33 Disct. 1979 1979 . 3979 4062 .33 bank.  note  of Mar. 2000 2000 .
Proceeding, fellow citizens, to that qualification which the constitution requires before my entrance on the charge again conferred on me, it is my duty to express the deep sense I entertain of this new proof of confidence from my fellow citizens at large, and the zeal with which it inspires me so to conduct myself as may best satisfy their just expectations. On taking this station on a former...
Interest account between J. Barnes & Th: Jefferson from 1801. Mar. 4. to 1803. May 4. 1801. Monthly balance Int. of month at 6.p.Ct. Articles of discount between those dates paid by Th:J. extracted from the accounts. Mar. 4. 316. 485 1.58 D Apr. 4. 316. 40 1.58 1801. July 25.
This indenture made on the 4th. day of May 1804. between Craven Peyton of the one part and Thomas Jefferson of the other, both of the county of Albemarle, witnesseth that Whereas the said Craven hath, at various times, and by various contracts deeds & other instruments, purchased from the widow & representatives of the late Bennet Henderson all their rights & interests in a tract of land held...
Monday, July 21. The Board met, present James Madison, rector, James Monroe, James Breckenridge, Chapman Johnson, Joseph C. Cabell, John H. Cocke and William C. Rives. Resolved as follows: The recess of all the Schools commencing on the 15th and terminating on the 31st of December, in each year, as provided for by the enactment of October 1826, having been found injurious in practice;...
List of appointments made by the President of the United States, subsequent to the rising of the Senate in March 1804 John Armstrong Esq. Minister Plenipotentiary to France. James Monroe Esq. Minister Extray. and Plenipotentiary Singly, to the Court of Spain, for the same purpose that Charles Pinckney Esqr. was heretofore united with him, and submitted to, and approved by the Senate. Ephraim...
Altho’ the Legislature of Virginia at a late Session declared almost unanimously, that South Carolina was not supported in her doctrine of nullification by the Resolutions of 1798 it appears that those Resolutions are still appealed to as expressly or constructively favoring the doctrine. That the doctrine of nullification may be clearly understood, it must be taken as laid down in the Report...
I James Madison of Orange county do make this my last Will and testament, hereby revoking all Wills by me heretofore made. I devise to my dear Wife during her life, the tract of land whereon I live, as now held by me, except as herein otherwise devised; and if she shall pay the sum of nine thousand dollars within three years after my death, to be distributed as herein after directed, then I...
Mr. Perry. to floor & shelve the loft ✓ lath the Wood-room & put a good door. ✓ pale in the nursery, enlarging it to what it used to be. pales 4. f. high, to be rived, & made close enough to keep out hares. ✓ make the chicken coop. do the roof of the N.W. offices. mr Stewart will put on the sheet iron when it comes. the North passage is to be covered next; then the South passage, taking off...
Extract printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 8, 1756. Jacob Levan, Esq; was sent by us to hear the Particulars of the Affair at Gnadenhutten, and fearing to go alone, sent Fifty-six Men over the Mountains on Saturday Evening, and on Sunday followed them with seventeen more. As soon as they got to the Top of the Hill, they saw all the white People running up, and the Indians running on...
Philadelphia, 22 Feb. 1805 . Allen petitions the president and Congress that in 1795, Governor Thomas Chittenden gave him instructions to purchase arms in Europe for the Vermont militia. In France, Allen obtained 20,000 muskets and 24 brass cannons on credit. Allen states that the purchase was “Consistant with the Laws of Nations,” but in 1796 when the arms were traveling to New York on the...
Being satisfied from observation and experience, as well as from medical testimony, that ardent spirit as a drink, is not only needless, but hurtful; and that entire disuse of it would tend to promote the health, the virtue and happiness of the community, we hereby express our conviction, that would the citizens of the United States, and especially the Young Men , discontinue the use of it,...
Notes on Virginia Resolutions more [ ] (all the powers [ ] for one the = one for all [ ] from Resoln. 3d Strike out "[ ] actively and not instead one of the nullifying [ ] With the word retained its substance is taken away by the Keny. [ ] 9th. Resoln. & compleatly annihilated by the Explanatory Rept. of 99 _____________ The ratifying clause of the Virga. may [ ] by people of the U. S., all of...
*["Written during the session of the Virginia Convention of 1829-’30. -- Ed.", in Writings of James Madison (Congressional edition), vol. 4, page 28] III.* The right of suffrage being of vital importance, and approving an extension of it to housekeepers and heads of families, I will suggest a few considerations which govern my judgment on the subject. Were the Constitution on hand to be...
Checks . ✓ Lemaire. 700 ✓ Daugherty. 51 .845 ✓ Carpenter 94 .25 ✓ Burwell 100 . ✓ Gaines 20
✓ 1799. Dec. 28. James L. Henderson to Tucker Woodson. deed for ‘all his right &c in the lands of his father,’ to wit 1 10 & reversion of dower except his interest in the mill now standing, and the lot occupied by Henderson & Connard; but conveys all the other unsold lots in Milton, in considn of a negro man James or £110. & of the relinqmt of a debt of 152. D. due from sd James to Tucker....
Mr. Madison now rose and addressed the Committee in a speech of which the following is the outline & substance. Altho the actual posture of the subject before the Committee might admite a full survey of it, it is not my purpose in rising to enter into the wide field of discussion, which has called forth a display of intellectual resources and varied powers of eloquence that any country might...
J. M. born 5. March (O. S.) 1751 at seat of maternal grandmother opposite Port Royal—recd. his elementary education at the home of his parents in Orange C.) At the age of 12—placed under the tuition of Donald Robertson a distinguished teacher in King & Queen where he went thro the studies preparatory to a college course. Continued those studies—under Revd Thos. Martin a private tutor in his...
N. Hampshire— only one Master & one Mate revenue Cutter—Hopley Yeaton & Benj. Gunnison. appd. 31 Augt. 1802—both rep. rep.  6.—.—. Massachusset— Jonas Clarke collect. Kennebunk—fed. appd. only  Inspector of revenue by Mr Jefferson } 13. 3.21 Fred. L. Delesdernier collect.  Passamaquody rep. certainly } —see page 52
Deposit 5400 + 600 (check every Memorandum of checks drawn on the Bank of Fredericksburg on the fund recd. from Mr Taylor. No. 1. fav. of W. Allen $1500 2. J. C. Payne 400 3. E. Coles.....2050 octb 4. J. Ballard & Co. ..... 200 10 5. Js. Shepherd ..... 80 10 6. Eras: T. Rose .... 250 17. 7 Docr. Grymes ..... 15 20. 8. D & M. Cutts ... 45 31. 9. Jas. Cowherd .... 1047 Nov 11. 20. Peter Gray...
Period —What? of representations or of restoration of deposit? propositions had been authorized—When? prior to that period? Quere subsequent appropriation—to what? to the authorizan. of proposition by executive? enlightened mind of first Consul— Treaties now laid before both houses— —— Introduce idea of possession of N. Orleans being a bond of Union and, if possible, of prevention of early...
Washington, Mississippi Territory, 23 Apr. 1804 . Rodney sends TJ a detailed account of the western country, including descriptions of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and their respective valleys. He has received only imperfect information regarding the west side of the Mississippi. The business of the land office is progressing, but he awaits the supplementary act from Congress before...
1804 Mar. 10.  in bank 532. 025 cash 175. 707. 025 Hepburn 27. 675 Maine 38. Harrison 2. Treasury
Wednesday, July 16. This day was spent in a similar manner to the preceding. Ms ( ViU ).