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Results 121-150 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
1216 Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
A cold day. Spent the Evening and supped at Mr. Putnams.
1227 Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Spent the Evening and supped at Mr. Maccartys. A mans observing the Flux of the Tide to Day, renders it credible that the same Phenomenon may be observed tomorrow. In the same manner, our Experience that the Author of Nature has annexed Pain to Vice, and Pleasure to Virtue, in general I mean, renders it credible that the same or a like Disposition of Things may take place hereafter. Our...
1238 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Went a Shooting with Mr. Putnam. Drank Tea with him and his Lady.
1249 Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Since last Sunday I have wrote a few Papers of the Spectators, read the last Part of Butlers Analogy, wrote out the Tract upon personal Identity, and that upon the nature of Virtue. A poor Weeks Work! Spent the Evening at Mr. Greenes. These tracts were appended to Butler’s Analogy of Religion .
12510 Monday. (Adams Papers)
A pleasant Day.
12611 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
A pleasant day . The first Day of Court. Nature and Truth or rather Truth and right are invariably the same in all Times and in all Places. And Reason, pure unbiassed Reason perceives them alike in all Times and in all Places. But Passion, Prejudice, Interest, Custom and Fancy are infinitely precarious. If therefore we suffer our Understandings to be blinded or perverted by any of these, the...
12712 Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Rambled about all Day, gaping and gazing.
12812 [i.e. 13] Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Spent the Evening with Mr. Swan at home.
12913 [i.e. 14]. Friday. (Adams Papers)
Drank Tea at the Colonels.—Not one new Idea this Week.
13014 [i.e. 15]. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
A lovely Day. Soft vernal Showers. Exercise invigorates, and enlivens all the Faculties of Body and of mind. It arouses our Animal Spirits, it disperses Melancholy. It spreads a gladness and Satisfaction over our minds and qualifies us for every Sort of Buisiness, and every Sort of Pleasure.
13115 [i.e. 16]. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
A pleasant morning. The Week past was Court week. I was interrupted by Company, and the noisy Bustle of the publick Occasion, so that I have neither read or wrote any Thing worth mentioning.— Heard Mr. Thayer, and spent the Evening at Mr. Putnams, very sociably.
13216 [i.e. 17] Monday. (Adams Papers)
The Elephant and the Lion, when their Strength is directed and applyd by Man, can exert a prodigious Force. But their Strength, great and surprizing as it is, can produce no great Effects, when applyed by no higher Ingenuity than their own. But Man, allthough the Powers of his Body are but small and contemptible, by the Exercise of his Reason can invent Engines and Instruments, to take...
13317 [i.e. 18] Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
17 i.e. 18 Tuesday.
13418 [i.e. 19] Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
18 i.e. 19 Wednesday.
13519 [i.e. 20] Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Spent the Evening at Gardiners.
13620 [i.e. 21] Fryday. (Adams Papers)
After School, rode to Shrewsbury, went to Capt. Hows, to see Dr. Flynt, spent an Hour, and then rode to Mr. Howards, talked a little with him, and returned home.
13721 [i.e. 22] Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Judge Chandlers.
13822 [i.e. 23] Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Maccarty. He is particularly fond of the following Expressions. Carnal, ungodly Persons. Sensuality and voluptuousness. Walking with God. Unregeneracy. Rebellion against God. Believers. All Things come alike to all. There is one Event to the Righteous and to the Wicked. Shut out of the Presence of God. Solid, substantial and permanent Joys. Joys springing up in the Soul. The Shines...
13923 [i.e. 24] Monday. (Adams Papers)
A pleasant morning. Drank Tea at the Colonells.—Had the projectile Force in the Planets been greater than it is, they would not describe Circles but very excentrical Elipses round the Sun. And then the Inhabitants would be tormented yea destroyed and the Planets left barren and uninhabitable Wastes by Extreme Vicissitudes of Heat and cold. It was many million Times as likely that some other...
14024 [i.e. 25] Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
A cool, but pleasant Day.
14125 [i.e. 26] Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Election Day. I have spent all this Day at Home reading a little and eating a little Election Cake.
14226 [i.e. 27] Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Drank Tea at the Colonels with a Number of Ladies. Spent the Evening partly at Putnams and partly at Gardiners.
14327 [i.e. 28] Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Dined at the Majors. A pleasant Day.—If we examine critically the little Prospect that lies around us at one view we behold an almost infinite Variety of substances. Over our heads the sun blazes in divine Effulgence, the Clouds tinged with various Colors by the refracted Sunbeams exhibit most beautiful appearances in the Atmosphere, the cultivated Planes and meadows are attired in a...
14428 [i.e. 29] Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Drank Tea at Mr. Putnams.—What is the proper Business of Mankind in this Life? We come into the World naked and destitute of all the Conveniences and necessaries of Life. And if we were not provided for, and nourished by our Parents or others should inevitably perish as soon as born. We increase in strength of Body and mind by slow and insensible Degrees. 1/3 of our Time is consumed in sleep,...
14529 [i.e. 30] Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Maccarty. “You who are sinners, are in continual Danger of being swallowed up quick and born away by the mighty Torrent of Gods wrath and Justice. It is now as it were restrained and banked up by his Goodness. But he will by and by, unless Repentance prevent, let it out in full Fury upon you.” This week I have wrote the 8th Sermon of Bentleys Boilean Lectures. Read part of the 1st...
14630 [i.e. 31] Monday. (Adams Papers)
When we see or feel any Body, we discern nothing but Bulk and Extention. We can change this Extention into a great Variety of Shapes and Figures, and by applying our senses to it can get Ideas of those different Figures, But can do nothing more than change the Figure. If we pulverize Glass or Salt, the original constituent matter remains the same, only we have altered the Contexture of its...
147[June 1756] (Adams Papers)
Drank Tea at the Majors. The Reasoning of Mathematicians is founded on certain and infallible Principles. Every Word they Use, conveys a determinate Idea, and by accurate Definitions they excite the same Ideas in the mind of the Reader that were in the mind of the Writer. When they have defined the Terms they intend to make use of, they premise a few Axioms, or Self evident Principles, that...
148June 1756. 1 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Drank Tea at the Majors. The Reasoning of Mathematicians is founded on certain and infallible Principles. Every Word they Use, conveys a determinate Idea, and by accurate Definitions they excite the same Ideas in the mind of the Reader that were in the mind of the Writer. When they have defined the Terms they intend to make use of, they premise a few Axioms, or Self evident Principles, that...
1492 Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Went to Spencer in the afternoon.—When we come into the World, our minds are destitute of all Sorts of Ideas. Our senses inform us of various Qualities in the substances around us. As we grow up our Acquaintance with Things enlarges and spreads. Colours are painted in our minds through our Eyes. All the various Modulations of Sounds, enter by our Ears. Fragrance and Fœtor, are perceived by the...
1503 Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Maccarty preach the Lecture, drank Tea with him, and spent the Evening at the Majors.