Results 121-150 of 184,431 sorted by author
I received Yesterday Yours of May 28 th I inclose you the account of Money sent you, including...
Two days only are wanting to campleat six years since my dearest Friend first crost the...
As I did not write you by the last conveyance I will not omit the present. I supposed your sister...
It was not till last Evening that I received Your Letters of Febry 2 d 4 & 7 th . the post did...
The Weather has been & held so uncommonly cold ever since you left Me, that I had no expectation...
Mr. Cranch informs me that Hones will go to Town tomorrow, and that I may not miss one...
I Congratulate you my dear son, upon your safe arrival in your Native Country; and myself that I...
As your good Lady had promised me the favour of a visit before your return to your Native Town,...
I received Yours last Evening of the 21st, when on the road; I could not write; I was generally...
Mr. Lorthorp call’d here this Evening and brought me yours of the 1 of October a day which will...
I received with Sincere pleasure the confirmation of your Safe arrival in your Native Land, from...
I hope if the Marquiss de la Fayette is returned to Paris he may be able to give us some account...
with regard to politicks the debates of the House will give you an Idea of them, as yet there has...
your two Letters of May 21 & 26 were yesterday deliverd. captain Scot has not yet got up. I hope...
I write to you my dear sister, not from the disputed Banks of the Potowmac, the Susquehanna or...
There has been an interval of Eight Months Since I received a line from Your Hand. this...
I have not written to You since I received Yours of the 19th, and that of the 20th by Your...
Three days only did it want of a year from the date of your last Letter, when I received by Capt....
your kind Letter of Jan’ ry 14 th I received last week. I Shall not be dissatisfied with mr...
I received, by Mr. King, your letter of December 30th. I am uneasy if I do not hear from you once...
I received your Letter of June 21. on the 29 th the extreem heat of the last week so totally...
our parson has been praying for you to day that you may be enabled to discharge the high and...
I congratulate you and my dear Neice upon the late happy event in your Family. can you really...
I wrote you from East Chester and inclosed you 90 dollors to pay a Note in mr Frothinghams hands....
I received your obliging favour of Nov br 8 th the day after I last wrote you. I inclose the...
I thank you my dear Neice for your last kind Letter. There are no days in the whole year so...
I received Your kind and friendly Letter of December 15 and thank You for your sympathetic...
I had no intention that the Fire Brand should sail without my replying to your repeated kind...
I am indebted to you for two Letters, one which acknowledges the Recipt of the three Bills, and...
Mrs Hay call’d upon me a sunday whilst I was gone to meeting to let me know that She expected to...