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Results 121-170 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
121 Cabell, Joseph C. Madison, James Joseph C. Cabell to James Madison, 7 October 1835 1835-10-07 Upon my arrival at home I discover that I cannot find the Letters referred to in the enclosed...
122 Adams, Charles Francis Madison, James Charles Francis Adams to James Madison, 30 September … 1835-09-30 The relation in which you stand to the Constitution of the United States has emboldened me to...
123 Madison, James Kennedy, John P. James Madison to [John P. Kennedy], 29 September 1835 1835-09-29 Your favour of july the fourth, with the copy of "Horse Shoe Robinson" did not find their way to...
124 Shepherd, James Madison, James James Shepherd to James Madison, 28 September 1835 1835-09-28 Mr James Madison 1834 To James Shepherd Dr June 14 To 13th Sole pr Mr Brockman 1/6 $325 " " 1...
125 Madison, James Cutts, Richard James Madison to Richard D. Cutts, 12 September 1835 1835-09-12 I have received your letter of the 5th. instant in which you request my advice on the choice of a...
126 Allen, William Madison, James William Allen to James Madison, 9 September 1835 1835-09-09 I have received yours of the 8th. with a draft on Peyton & Dennis, for the sum of $174 55/100...
127 Cutts, Richard Madison, James Richard D. Cutts to James Madison, 5 September 1835 1835-09-05 I am well aware, My Dear Uncle, of the numerous calls upon your attention, yet as I am convinced...
128 Madison, James Taylor, Hubbard James Madison to Hubbard Taylor, 15 August 1835 1835-08-15 Your letter of July was duly recd. The recollections it so kindly expresses are very gratifying...
129 Jewell, R. George Washington Madison, James R. George Washington Jewell to James Madison, 10 August … 1835-08-10 I received your very kind attention, which I ought scarcely to have anticipated from one so much...
130 Goddard, Samuel A. Madison, James Samuel A. Goddard to James Madison, 5 August 1835 1835-08-05 I have the honor to present to you a Silver medal which I have had struck commemorative of the...
131 Madison, James Jewell, R. George Washington James Madison to R. George Washington Jewell, 27 July … 1835-07-27 Your letter of the 4. instant having gone by mistake to Montpellier in Vermont, has but lately...
132 Hassler, Ferdinand Rudolph Madison, James Ferdinand R. Hassler to James Madison, 27 July 1835 1835-07-27 Your favor of the 2d. inst gave me great satisfaction, I thank to you very much for your kindness...
133 Madison, James Cranch, William James Madison to William Cranch, 25 July 1835 1835-07-25 I have received your letter of the 20th. informing me "that I have been unanimously elected...
134 Cabell, Joseph C. Madison, James Joseph C. Cabell to James Madison, 25 July 1835 1835-07-25 Your favour of the 2d. inst. was handed to me at the post office in Richmond, shortly after my...
135 Madison, James Livingston, Edward James Madison to Edward Livingston, 24 July 1835 1835-07-24 Your valued letter of Novr. 4th. was recd. in due time and would have been promptly acknowledged,...
136 Cranch, William Madison, James William Cranch to James Madison, 24 July 1835 1835-07-24 I have the honor to inform you that you have been, this day, unanimously elected President of the...
137 Taylor, Hubbard Madison, James Hubbard Taylor to James Madison, 20 July 1835 1835-07-20 I have long since intended writing to you to let you know that altho we are situated at a...
138 Madison, James Wattles, James James Madison to James Wattles, 19 July 1835 1835-07-19 I have received Sir, your letter of the 13th. and regret that I cannot find among my papers the...
139 Joy, George Madison, James George Joy to James Madison, 17 July 1835 1835-07-17 I have been near committing a great Faux pas. The Times of the 9th reported merely that the...
140 Featherstonhaugh, George William Madison, James George W. Featherstonehaugh to James Madison, 15 July … 1835-07-15 The expressions of esteem contained in the letter you have taken the trouble to write me, are...
141 Wattles, James Madison, James James Wattles to James Madison, 13 July 1835 1835-07-13 The death of the late Chief Justice Marshall having justly produced a great sensation & a desire...
142 Jewell, R. George Washington Madison, James R. George Washington Jewell to James Madison, 4 July … 1835-07-04 You will, doubtless, think me guilty of much assurance, as I certainly am, to address a note to...
143 Madison, James Featherstonhaugh, George William James Madison to George W. Featherstonehaugh, 3 July … 1835-07-03 My increasing infirmities and fading vision have retarded my thanks for the copy of your valuable...
144 Madison, James Cabell, Joseph C. James Madison to Joseph C. Cabell, 2 July 1835 1835-07-02 I have just received the enclosed letter from Mr. Hassler, and I think myself justified in saying...
145 Madison, James Hassler, Ferdinand Rudolph James Madison to Ferdinand R. Hassler, 2 July 1835 1835-07-02 I have just recd. your letter of the 29th. June, and immediately commicated your object to the...
146 Madison, James Atlee, S. Yorke James Madison to S. Yorke Atlee, 30 June 1835 1835-06-30 I have received your letter of the 3. Instant. My handwriting is now so varied by the effect of...
147 Madison, James Allen, William James Madison to William Allen, 27 June 1835 1835-06-27 I have just drawn a check on the Bank for $60. Having only fifty to my credit there I must...
148 Madison, James Everett, Edward James Madison to Edward Everett, 23 June 1835 1835-06-23 I have duly recd. your favour, postmarked the 9th. inst. containing your suggestion on the...
149 Madison, James Unidentified Correspondent to James Madison, 18 June … 1835-06-18 Casting around an enquiring look for the Causes which have lead to our present Internal National...
150 Joy, George Madison, James George Joy to James Madison, 18 June 1835 1835-06-18 I have two members watching the progress of the Registration and Impressment Bills; and I shall...
151 Madison, James Peyton, Bernard James Madison to Bernard Peyton, 16 June 1835 1835-06-16 My wagon will set off in the morning with two more hogsheads tobacco, which I hope will find a...
152 Madison, James Tucker, George James Madison to George Tucker, 13 June 1835 1835-06-13 The box containing the bound newspapers has come safe to hand; one of the volumes in an improved...
153 Everett, Edward Madison, James Edward Everett to James Madison, 9 June 1835 1835-06-09 (Private) By this day’s Mail I beg leave to forward you a copy of an address delivered by me on...
154 Tucker, George Madison, James George Tucker to James Madison, 3 June 1835 1835-06-03 Your volumes of newspapers, which I return by the stage to morrow, I have kept an unreasonable...
155 Madison, James Duer, William A. James Madison to William A. Duer, 29 May 1835 1835-05-29 I have received your letter of the 25th. and feel a pleasure in gratifying the wish of Chancellor...
156 Madison, James Tucker, George [JM] to George Tucker, 29 May 1835 1835-05-29 Your discourse before the Historical Society has afforded me much pleasure, & I may add...
157 Duer, William A. Madison, James William A. Duer to James Madison, 25 May 1835 1835-05-25 I beg leave again to obtrude upon you not only with my acknowledgements for transmitting the...
158 Madison, James Allen, William James Madison to William Allen, 19 May 1835 1835-05-19 I have requested Col. Peyton to remit to you $300. This will enable you to extinguish my debt to...
159 Madison, James Duer, William A. James Madison to William A. Duer, 19 May 1835 1835-05-19 J. M. with his respects to Mr. Duer, encloses copies of the two letters from his father requested...
160 Madison, James Peyton, Bernard James Madison to Bernard Peyton, 19 May 1835 1835-05-19 I have recd. your two letters of the 12th & 16th. the former with bill of articles sent by Aleck...
161 Madison, James Quarrier, William B. James Madison to William B. Quarrier, 19 May 1835 1835-05-19 I have recd. Sir, your letter of the 13th. I was acquainted with your father when a resident in...
162 Madison, James Whittle, Conway [JM] to Conway Whittle, 19 May 1835 1835-05-19 Having lately received the box forwarded by you to Major Gibbon I no longer delay my thanks for...
163 Madison, James Brown, John James Madison to John Brown, 16 May 1835 1835-05-16 I have just received the enclosed letter returned to me from Richd. to which I had directed it,...
164 Madison, James Colman, Henry [James Madison] to Henry Colman, 14 May 1835 1835-05-14 Among the omissions occasioned by my continued indisposition was I believe that of acknowledging...
165 Duer, William A. Madison, James William A. Duer to James Madison, 13 May 1835 1835-05-13 I have had the honour of receiving your favour of the 5th Inst. and beg leave to tender my...
166 Quarrier, William B. Madison, James William B. Quarrier to James Madison, 13 May 1835 1835-05-13 The name of the Writer of this Letter will perhaps recur to your Memory. Tho many many Years have...
167 Madison, James Addison, Thomas Grafton James Madison to Thomas G. Addison, 11 May 1835 1835-05-11 I have recd. your letter of April 29th. In my present condition crippled as it is by a chronic...
168 Madison, James Southard, Samuel L. James Madison to Samuel L. Southard, 11 May 1835 1835-05-11 I have received the copy of your speech on the motion "to expunge from the Journal the Resolution...
169 Madison, James Peyton, Bernard James Madison to Colonel Peyton, 6 May 1835 1835-05-06 My wagon is about setting off to Richmond with two Hogsheads of Tobacco. Be pleased to make the...
170 Madison, James Duer, William A. James Madison to William A. Duer, 5 May 1835 1835-05-05 (Confidential) I have received your letter of April 25th., and with the aid of a friend and...