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Results 121-130 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Upon my arrival at home I discover that I cannot find the Letters referred to in the enclosed letter from Mr. Smith, and as his object is to republish them, I hope you will be good enough to lend him the use of any copies you may be able to spare him for the purpose, or to point his attention to the places where he may obtain them. The new office in which I am now engaged gives me unremitted...
The relation in which you stand to the Constitution of the United States has emboldened me to send an humble attempt of mine to defend it. It is with regret that I have seen in the public papers some accounts of your suffering health. This may render the controversies of the day very uninteresting to you—I have only to urge in apology for my intrusion my earnest desire to shew that even if...
Your favour of july the fourth, with the copy of "Horse Shoe Robinson" did not find their way to me until yesterday. This will explain the delay of my thanks which I tender you. Should the scanty limits to which my reading is reduced by my crippled health and faded vision prevent or retard the pleasure which these volumes promise, Mrs Madison will have an early enjoyment of this fruit of your...
Mr James Madison 1834 To James Shepherd Dr June 14 To 13th Sole pr Mr Brockman 1/6 $325 " " 1 Side Red Leather Ao 16/6 2,75 July 12 " 2 tt Sole Leather oiled for 15 " 11 3/4 tt Harness ⅌ Ben —,50 15 " 11 3/4 tt Sole ⅌ Mr Brock 1/6 2,94 $ 9, 44 1835 Sept 28th Recd payt of Mr Sim Brockman by James V. Shepherd RC ( ViU ).
I have received your letter of the 5th. instant in which you request my advice on the choice of a profession. Observing your decided bias in favor of the Law, and not dissenting from it, I need only express the pleasure with which find you so determined to aim at success, by distinguished qualifications for it—You will be apprized by better counsellors than I am, that you will have so much to...
I have received yours of the 8th. with a draft on Peyton & Dennis, for the sum of $174 55/100 which has been disposed of as directed. I am Very respy Your Obt. St RC ( PPPrHi ).
I am well aware, My Dear Uncle, of the numerous calls upon your attention, yet as I am convinced it will not be withheld when any essential benefit can be derived from its engagement, I have been tempted to address you. It is to consult you on a subject too nearly connected with my future prospects to permit me to come to a decision without the advice of one, whose experience & good wishes for...
Your letter of July was duly recd. The recollections it so kindly expresses are very gratifying coming from one whose friendship I have always valued, & to whom I have been often indebted for attentions useful to me. I join in all your good wishes, for more tranquility & harmony in our public affairs: which will always be best promoted by a course avoiding the extremes to which party...
I received your very kind attention, which I ought scarcely to have anticipated from one so much above the most of mankind and so highly esteemed by all. I am entirely unable to express the thanks which I deeply feel are due for so great a favor. I have long wished to possess something from the pen of your honored self directed to me, even tho’ it were no more than your great name, which I...
I have the honor to present to you a Silver medal which I have had struck commemorative of the Certificate which you Signed in aid of the Glorious cause of Temperance on which are Symbols of the happy effects of Temperance and of the direful effects of Intemperance and on the reverse the Certificate with facsimiles of the Signatures thereto and I beg your acceptance of it and am with profound...