William Plumsted to the Overseers of the Poor, 4 October 1755
William Plumsted2 to the Overseers of the Poor
MS not found; reprinted from Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, XXXV (1911), 251.
8ber [October] 4, 1755
To the Overseers of the Poor:
There is several wife’s and widdows I understand in town whose husbands are wounded and killed in the late defeat, they are destitute of all necessarys and many unable to support themselves and children.3 I want to speak with some of you on this subject for which I ordered the bearer to acquaint you yesterday. Yours
Wm. Plumsted
Endorsed: I am of opinion that at the next meeting of the Assembly, Money may be allow’d for the Support of these poor sick women till they get well, for they are I think more properly a Provincial Charge than a City Charge.4
B. Franklin
2. William Plumsted (1708–1765) was mayor of Philadelphia.
3. Before marching on Fort Duquesne General Braddock had discharged and given passes to 28 soldiers’ wives with the army, June 9, and asked that Pennsylvania subsist them. Governor Morris replied that they would be taken care of “if I can prevail on my Assembly to contribute any thing to it.” Pa. Col. Recs., VI, 426, 430; 1 Pa. Arch., II, 348.
4. The Assembly on October 17 allowed the money to care for the widows, and offered to pay the passage of any home to Britain. Votes, 1755–56, pp. 6, 183, 187.