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Results 120541-120570 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
We have received a letter you did us the honor of addressing us of the 10th. April & take note of your instructions in the event of our receiving from our Government the money payable here for American Claimants, not to pay without a special authority from you any claim that may be made upon us by any person for the whole or part of the Sum of £3043..13..10 receivable in the case of the...
7 June 1805, Santiago de Cuba . “The Brig Trio of New York, from Liverpool for New Orleans, cargo dry goods, has been wholly unloaded and is now offered for sale. After taking all the dry goods out of the ship Govr Strong of Alexandria, Clark Master, her captors have returned her to the Captain. “Since the last evacuation of Hispaniola, more than one thousand American Seamen have been landed...
7 June 1805, Philadelphia . “Shortly before Mr. Adams[’]s mission of Messrs. Gerry, Pinckney & Marshall to France my solicitudes to avoid a quarrel with that country brought into my mind many considerations, which I was anxious to communicate to the government. I wrote an ingenerous but respectful letter to Mr. Adams, of which I have some where the rough draught, and inclosed in it the paper...
7 June 1805, Liverpool . “I had the honor of writing to you on the 20th April, since which the bill I enclosed has become law. “In the price current herewith [not found] I beg leave to present you my ideas on the state of this market for the exports of the United States.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Liverpool, vol. 2). 1 p.; in a clerk’s hand, signed by Maury; docketed by Wagner.
7 June 1805, Tangier. No. 93. “I have the honour to advise that on Wednesday Evening an American Gun Vessel entered the Straits and yesterday a second—both proceeded for Gibraltar. I have not heard of the arrival of the John Adams Frigate, or of any other of those Vessels. “Captain Stewart in the Siren Brig came to this Bay on Saturday Evening last, for purpose of representing to me the advice...
7 June 1805, Washington . No. 7. Encloses the commission of the French under-commissary of commercial relations for the ports located on the Potomac River, which he has just delivered to M. Lequesne. Asks JM to present it to the president in order to obtain Lequesne’s exequatur in the usual form. RC ( DNA : RG 59, NFL , France, vol. 2–3); Tr of enclosure ( Papers of the Continental Congress...
8 June 1805, Department of State. “I herewith return Mr. Yznardi’s papers & accounts all the charges in your recapitulation, except the fourth, consisting of office expences are in their nature admissible, as also the charge for compensation to his Agent at Algesiras. It is to be observed that the circular letters from this Dept. dated 1st. Augt. 1801, & of which you have been furnished with a...
8 June 1805, Amsterdam . “Having esteemed it to be my duty to take official notice of the late change which has been effected in the Govt of this Country in conformity to custom in like cases & as affording an opportunity to renew the assurances of the friendly disposition of our Country towards the Batavian Republick, I have the honor to inclose you copies of the communications which have...
8 June 1805, London . No. 32. “I have just recieved a letter from Mr Monroe of May 3d. It is not very particular, but I see with concern Enough in it to convince me that he is not in the way of very speedily returning to his station here. Mr Bowdoin write[s] to me (Ap. 9th) of his intentions to Embark on the 10th May, & mentions that you had not heard from Mr Monroe since he was in Holland. I...
8 June 1805, Genoa . “I have the honor of confirming my last respects as per Copy annexed, since which the French Emperor has formally acknowledged the union of this State to France. Lucca by a new arrangement will not be united to this Department, but added to the principality of Piombino. Prince Beauharnais has been created Vice Roy of Italy and Duke of Parma; other innovations are expected,...
8 June 1805, Genoa . “I had the honor of presenting you my respects the 29th Ulto a Copy whereof I transmit today by way of Leghorn. This only serves to present you the Discourse of the Deputation on the Union of this State to France and the French Emperor’s answer.” RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Genoa, vol. 1). RC 1 p.; in a clerk’s hand, signed by Kuhn. For enclosure, see n. 1. The...
9 June 1805, Gibraltar . No. 9. “I had the honour of adressing You the 15: Ulto. (No. 8) when advised the arrival of the Expedition from England Consisting of 6000 Troops under the Command of Sir Jas. Craig, they are still in this Bay waiting orders. I then inclosed one from Consul Simpson of Tanger. Since then I recieved your few lines of 27th: December last [not found] with the Copys of...
I have written you twice since the departure of Colonel Monroe & as I suppose You will be anxious to know how things go on here I am to inform You that this Government immediately on the closing the special Mission took every means in their power to prevent alarm by writing to their agents in all the provinces & ports that there was not the smallest reason for alarm nor the most distant...
10 June 1805, Department of State . “A new commission constituting you a Judge of the Territory of Orleans was necessary under the act of Congress, passed at the last Session, by which the form of Government of the Territory was modified: this has been forwarded to New Orleans. As however it has been rumoured, that the office would not meet your acceptance, and in that case it will be...
10 June 1805, London . No. 61. “I have the honor herewith to transmit a Statement of my transactions as Agent for the relief & protection of Seamen from the 31st. of August 1804 the date of the last Statement, up to the 18th. of May when this Trust was transferred to my successor William Lyman. “The List now sent contains 762 Applications, 262 of which are duplicate: It appears that 133 Men...
10 June 1805, Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department . “In compliance with the request of Mr. Cathcart I now lay before you his answer to the remarks made by me on his Accounts. This he is desirous you should see before I proceed further with my statement, in the hope that you may, on reconsideration, be induced to admit some items which at present stand excluded by your instructions to me of...
10 June 1805, London . “I have now the honour to acquaint you of my arrival here. I sailed from NewYork on the 18th. day of March as I wrote you therefrom on the 2d day of the same I expected to do in the Ship Romulus bound to this port where we accordingly arrived on the third day of May, upon which I immediately waited on George W. Erving Esquire my predecessor, and Charges des Affaires for...
10 June 1805, Philadelphia. “Inclosed I have the Honor to hand you my Commission for James Carrick Esqr. as his Swedish Majesty’s Vice Consul at New orleance, and I shall request you will be so obliging as to procure me the President of the United States Ex-equator or permission for him so to act. I also inclose Translated Extracts of some letters which I have recieved from His Majisties...
I have duly received your favor of the 7th. inst. enclosing a copy of the paper addressed to the President in 1797. Altho’ the questions suggested in it, turn on points, a few of which only, are at present on the Anvil between this Country & G. Britain, they are all of importance in some respects. Are you not mistaken however in supposing that the British Treaty might be offensive to France as...
I have the Honor to enclose Copies of the Instructions which the President has caused to be issued to the Marshals and Collectors respectively, who may have Occasion to execute certain Provisions in the Act “for the more effectual Preservation of Peace in the Ports and Harbours of the United States, and in the Waters under their Jurisdiction,” of which Act a Copy is also enclosed. It is...
From information which seems to claim belief, it appears that the Ship Huntress, laden by the Government of the United States with Stores for their squadron in the Mediterranean, was taken about the third day after her departure from the Port of Alexandria by a Privateer stated to be Spanish. This lawless act is marked by circumstances which render it peculiarly impudent and provoking. The...
11 June 1805, Department of State. “As no specific appropriation was made by Congress for the support of the Government of Michegan, it has been arranged, that the Salaries are to be paid out of the Contingent fund of Government; and the Governor Judges and Secretary may receive a quarters advance at the Treasury, reimbursable by the first salary which accrues to them respectively. It will be...
11 June 1805, Department of State . “I have the honor to inclose for your Excellency’s perusal, a copy of a letter I have this day written to His Catholic Majesty’s Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States. The letter sufficiently explains the case in which his interposition is requested, and will doubtless be made. In the mean time as some delay may happen from his present residence at...
11 June 1805, Leghorn . “The immediate departure of a vessel for the U. States furnishes me with an opportunity of forwarding the inclosed which arriv’d this morning. As the considerations which induc’d the Genoese to unite themselves to the french government were in the italian language, I have translated them for your convenience; but the <s>peech of the Doge and reply of the King being in...
11 June 1805, Richmond. “My Son Robert—intending a tour to France & England—was preparing to go to Cherbourg in a ship which has commenced loading with Tobacco part of Which Will be under his controul but as she will not get off probably for a month—He has been induced to embrace the oportunity of a Brigg. Which will sail in about 10 days for Bordeaux from Norfolk—as a prospect of quicker...
The Memorial of the President and Directors of the South-Carolina Insurance Company, and of the Merchants, and others interested in the Commerce of the City of Charleston, Respectfully sheweth, That your Memorialists are deeply affected by the recent Capture, at the very entrance of this port, of the American Ship, Two Friends, by a french privateer. This event has excited, among all classes...
12 June 1805, Department of State . “The Philadelphia papers mention that Capt. Kennedy of the Brig Eliza and Sarah, arrived at the Lazaretto from Porto Rico, was spoken by a Spanish Privateer off the Coast, which had captured an American Ship belonging to Portland, three days from Alexandria, with which he also fell in. The description he gives of the latter, corresponding with the Huntress,...
12 June 1805, Havana . “I have the pleasure to inform of my arrival at this city the 27th Ulto. But it is with much regret that the manner I have been received, and the situation in which I have found the Consulate of the United States here, obliges me to give a detail which must be as disagreeable to you, as it is painful to me. “I understand from Mr Gray, that he has informed you of the...
12 June 1805, New York. “This will be delivered to you by Mr. Robert L. Patterson, who visits Washington for the purpose to solliciting a renewal of the Commission of Commercial Agent in favour of his Brother William D. Patterson now residing in that Capacity at Nantes. The reasons wherefore this request is made of the Secretary of State at this Time, to conform with the new Imperial style of...
12 June 1805, Tangier . No. 94. “I avail of an Express for Lisbon by way of Algarve to hand accompanying triplicate of No. 93 and to say that since its date I have not seen or heard of any more of the Gun Vessels entering the Straits. It appears the Syren sailed from Gibraltar in the Night of the 5th. The Emperours Frigate and Brig left Lisbon before the Orders sent them reached, and have...