James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Lafayette (Abstract), 4 June 1805

§ From Lafayette

4 June 1805, La Grange. “Permit me to Introduce and Recommend to You Mm. Armand de Letten and Casimir Rham,1 Swiss Gentlemen, and Near Relations to My Worthy friends Mm de Letten. I Much Wish My interest in their Behalf May promote the kind Wellcome and Occasional Services to which their own Merit Entitles them.”

RC (PHi). 1 p.

1Henry Casimir De Rham (1785–1873) established himself as a merchant in New York sometime before 1813 when he married Maria Theresa Moore of that city. In 1816 he entered into a partnership with Adrien S. de Lessert, which they dissolved two years later. In 1819 he was elected a director of the Mechanics’ Bank, in 1820 he was appointed to the monthly committee of the Chamber of Commerce to judge mercantile disputes, and in 1823 he was named Swiss consul for the central Atlantic and New England states as well as Missouri. By 1837 he was a commission merchant with the firm of De Rham & Moore and by 1845 he was judged to be worth $200,000 (New-York Evening Post, 15 Mar. 1813, 22 July 1816; New-York Weekly Museum, 5 June 1813; New York Commercial Advertiser, 18 Sept. 1818; New-York Columbian, 8 Apr. 1819, 5 Jan. 1820; Independent Chronicle and Boston Patriot, 8 Nov. 1823; Richmond Enquirer, 4 Apr. 1837; Moses Y. Beach, Wealth and Biography of the Wealthy Citizens of New York City, Comprising an Alphabetical Arrangement of Persons Estimated to Be Worth $100,000, and Upwards [5th ed.; 1845; reprint, New York, 1973], 11).

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