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Results 120511-120540 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Your kind letter of th 12th has greatly obliged me. I had read the Speech before in the public papers and now again more than once, and always with great Satisfaction. It is a Master Piece of a Master Spirit. As far as my information goes and Memory recollets, I have not Seen So accurate and judicious So comprehensive and concise a View of the important Subject. I admire the Wisdom which...
It has been decided by the Visitors of the Univy. that Mr. Gray & Mr Chapman whose hotels were discontinued, may, if it be their option resume the charge thereof, with a special proviso that this arrangement is subject to the further consideration of the Board at its meeting in July next; and that in the mean time, they are to be subject to the enactments relating to Hotel Keepers. RC ( ViU :...
5 May 1812, War Department. Lists proposed appointments and alterations in the U.S. Army for JM’s approval. RC ( DNA : RG 46, Executive Proceedings, 12B-A1); letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 107, LSP ). RC 3 pp. Forwarded by JM to the Senate in a 7 May 1812 message ( Senate Exec. Proceedings Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States of America (3 vols.; Washington,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’envoye, Mon cher Docteur Savoir de vos nouvelles et s’il est vrai, comme on me l’a dit que vous avez eu nouvelles de l’arrivée de M. De Rochambeau en amérique. Recevez les Sincères assurrances de tous les Sentimens d’attachement que Je vous ai voués pour la Vie Addressed: a Monsieur / Monsieur Franklin / Ministre Pleponitentiaire / des Etats unis de...
I thank you, Sir, for your attention in sending me your catalogue which I now return. I do not find any thing in it of which I am in immediate want. indeed the total stagnation in all money transactions prevailing at present renders it prudent for every one to suspend all new engagements until we see business get again into motion, and indicate it’s future course I should otherwise have been...
Philadelphia, November 23, 1786. Describes his efforts in Baltimore and Philadelphia to collect money to cover his firm’s debts. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. For background to this letter, see “Conveyance. Isaac Moses, Nicholas Low, Daniel Ludlow, and Alexander Hamilton to Alexander Macomb,” February 15, 1786, note 1 (printed in this volume).
Lt Heard of Lt Colo. Lee’s Corps informs me that a process is issued against him for the seizure of a Horse the property of Mr Anderson in Monmouth County in the year 1780—As he says that he acted in this matter under orders from Majr Lee and that those orders were founded on my instructions—I have had recourse to my Papers and agreable to my promise to Mr Heard inclose a Copy of the...
In a letter which I received a few days ago from M r Adams , he informs with a kind of exultation , that After a correspondence of five or six & thirty years had been interrupted by various Causes, it had again be been renewed, and that four letters had passed between you & himself. him . In speaking of your letters he says “they are written with all the elegance, purity and Sweetness of Style...
Agreeable to General McDougalls Instructions—I Herewith Transmit your Excellency A Return of Col: Malcoms and late Pattons Regiments—when Paraded to March —The General Requested I might Mention Tents as the Detachment—is Entirely without—and he Was Uncertain Whether the Service Required Any or Not—Lieut. Jackson will Wait Any Orders Your Excellency may please to give on this Subject. I have the...
120520[Diary entry: 7 August 1774] (Washington Papers)
7. Left Williamsburg abt. 9 Oclock & got up to Colo. Bassets to Dinner where I stayd the remaining part of the Day & Night.
120521I. Commission, 14 August 1755 (Washington Papers)
By Virtue of H: Majesty’s Royal Com[missi]o[n] & Instructs. appointg me Lt Gr & Commander in Chief in & over this his Colony & Dominion of Virga with full Power & Authority to appoint all Officers both Civil & Military within the same—I reposg especial Trust in Yr Loyalty Courage & good Conduct, do by these Presents appoint You Colonel of the Virga Regimt & Commander in Chief of all the Forces...
New York, March 5, 1790. Suggests changes in the customs service in the Norfolk, Virginia, district. Believes that Norfolk is too exposed to a possible enemy assault and recommends removal of the collector’s office to Portsmouth, Virginia. Advocates increasing the number of customs officials and placing them at strategic points in order to tighten customs enforcement. Discusses complaints of...
I nominate the persons herein after named for appointments in the Corps of Artillerists and Engineers.— Lieutenant Colonel Commandant. John Doughty New Jersey Majors 1. Benjamin Brooks. Maryland 2. Adam Hoops. New Jersey. 3. Daniel Jackson. Massachusetts. Captains 1. Decius Wadsworth Connecticutt 2. William Macrea Virginia 2. Decius Wadsworth Connecticut 3. Samuel Eddins Virginia 4. Francis...
120524Cash Accounts, December 1771 (Washington Papers)
Cash Decr 1— To Ditto [Cash] recd of Wm Donaldson for Rent £   4. 0. 0 20— To Ditto recd for a Horse sold 8. 0. 0 [21]  To Cash of Mr [Humphrey] Peake 7 Dollars 2. 2. 0 31— To Cash gaind between recg & Paying 51.16. 3 Contra 2— By William Roberts Balle Acct 15.19. 8 4— By Dominicus Gubner 3. 0. 0
Your favor of the 21st of last month, came to my hands last neight only. where it has been resting, or through whose hands it has passed, I know not. I wish it had reached me in time for the prevention of the hasty and indegested sentiments of my former letter, going to the press. not, as I observed in my last, because I had the least repugnance to the communication of them in a proper dress...
From the present complexion of our Affairs It appears to me of the utmost Importance & that the most Salutary consequences may result from our having a strong Encampment at the post on the Jersey side of the North River, opposite to Mount Washington on this Island—I therefore think It adviseable & highly necessary that you detach such a Force from Amboy & Its dependencies under the Command of...
The Pot-clay, a Cherokee chief having lately died, his friend delivered to Majr. Martin a silver badge which he said had been given by the Governor of Virginia and therefore desired should be returned to him. It’s size, figure, and inscription is as below. To give you a better idea of it I inclose a reversed impression of it on paper. To shew you how little I think you have a right to refuse...
5 July 1804, New Orleans. “The birth-day of our country was passed here, in great harmony and hilarity: High mass was celebrated at the Cathedral church, at 7 in the morning and a prayer offered for the continuance of the happiness and prosperity of the United States. Two appropriate orations the one in the American, the other in the French language were delivered at the Hotel de ville to a...
In the recess of Senate I issued a commission to John S. Sherburne of N. Hampshire to be attorney for that district. I discover that in my list of nominations of the 6th. inst. sent to the Senate, I mistook a letter in copying, and called him John H. Sherburne instead of John S. Sherburne, the name intended. if the Senate has not confirmed that nomination I pray you that my Secretary Capt....
Agreeably to the resolution of the Senate of the 30th November last, the Secretary of State has the honor to submit to the President for the information of the Senate, the statements herewith inclosed from No. 1 to 13 inclusive. No. 1. A statement of impressments from American vessels into the British service, since the last report made from this Department on the 5th. March, 1806, founded...
It is a long time since I have heard from you although I have not omitted writing. I hope it is not illness which hinders you from sometimes informing me how things are going in Massachusetts. The Baron returned from Steuben last week and I had intended to procure lodgings at some private boarding house, but when I mentioned to him my intention, he took me kindly by the hand “My dear Adams...
I will pay you at the next Meeting of Merchants in Williamsburg (this or next Month) or on my return from thence, on Acct of Mr Alexr Cleveland, the Sum of Fifty pounds Virginia Curry. I am Sir Yr Most Obedt Servt ALS , owned (1990) by Mr. Leigh Lewis, Jr., Fairfax, Virginia. Philip Richard Francis Lee (died c.1834) was a son of Squire Richard Lee of Blenheim, Charles County, Maryland. Usually...
Not having had any communication with the persons appointed by the Act of Assembly of Maryland to receive subscriptions for extending the Navigation of Potowmack, upon the Subject of advertising a Meeting; and being at a Loss how to proceed in the Business, I have taken the Liberty of addressing Your Excellency upon it. It is but a few days since I saw the Act of Assembly for the first...
Last February I shipped you a quantity of Candles which the Skipper told me he delivered safe—at same time wrote you by post inclosing his receipt for them with a bill of parcels, but am afraid some mistake has happened as I have never received any answer. I will thank to inform me if you received my letter. Respecting affairs in General here trade is extremely dull, owing to this port...
I have received, my dear Sir, your agreeable letter of July 20th. which was very long on the way. We congratulate you much on the various successes of your Western career. The first thing that strikes us, is the rapidity of your promotion. Bounding over the preliminary sailorship, the first stop on the deck of your Bark, pardon me, of the nobler structure, your Ark, makes you a Pilot. The name...
AL : American Philosophical Society The Matter I am going to write upon is of A delicate Nature, and Nothing But My Love for America, the sense I have of theyr interests, and the entire, unbounded Confidence, I trust on your friendship and secrecy could engage me to use with you on this subject all possible freedom. From private intelligences, I am to suppose that a Negotiation has been...
I inclose your Excellency a copy of an intercepted Letter from major General Leslie to Lord Cornwallis. it was taken on a person endeavouring to pass thro the country from Portsmouth towards Carolina. when he was apprehended and a proposal made to search him he readily consented to be searched but at the same time was observed to put his hand into his pocket and carry something towards his...
The Patriot went out again yesterday, & in the evening stood close in near the Light House, Cape Henry, from whence I am this moment returned: She is supposed to be cruising off the Cape. The Gun Brig, mentioned yesterday, has been beating all night towards Hampton road, & seems to be, at present, some distance below Willoughbys point: She seems to be a vicious looking thing; & is, I presume,...
120539Thursday Novr. 13th. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Mr. J. Johnson. In the evening we went to see the Transactions of the Royal Society; but unluckily we happened to come on a very barren Night: nothing was read, except a dry, unphilosophical account of the late Earthquake in Calabria: after which we went and supp’d with the Club at the London Coffee House. Joshua Johnson (1742–1802) , Maryland merchant, who undertook various...
J. Madison has duly recd. the Copy of the "National Calendar" for which he is indebted to Messrs. Thompson & Homans. And he cannot make his acknowledgments for it, without joining in the Commendations of a work which the Author has made so rich in acceptable information RC (DLC : Dolley P. Madison Papers); FC (DLC) .