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Results 120511-120540 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
28 May 1805, New York . “Mr. Ewell who will deliver you this is one of your fellow Citizens of Virginia. He has been for some time in Newyork, engaged in visiting our respectable families, and examining our public institutions. On his return to his native County in Prince William County, he purposes to stop at Philadelphia and receive the Degree of Doctor of Physick from his Alma Mater at...
28 May 1805, Philadelphia . Since his 18 May letter in response to JM’s of 13 May he has received a dispatch from the Danish court about an agreement among the Northern Powers designed to prevent the introduction of yellow fever or other contagious diseases into the countries bordering the Baltic. Informs JM that from now on no merchant ship or vessel coming from the North Sea and destined for...
28 May 1805, Fayal . “I take the liberty of inclosing the Copy of a Protest which States the misfortune happened to Isaac Bridges master of the Brig Hannah of Newbery-port and Phillipp[e] Leroux master of the Privateer Providence of London. Captain Bridges died of his wounds on the 18th. of April, and buryed the next day in the most decent manner.” RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Fayal,...
The President having thought proper, that, among other duties enjoined on the marshals, in executing certain provisions in the act of Congress, “for the more effectual preservation of peace in the ports and harbours of the United States, and in the waters under their jurisdiction,” they should be guided by your counsel with respect to a necessity of using the force for which they are...
Enclosed I transmit you a copy of the act of Congress passed at their last session “for the more effectual preservation of peace in the ports and harbours of the United States, and in the waters under their jurisdiction.” In the performance of your duty under the first section, it is the direction of the President, that, previous to the execution of any warrant committed to you, you are to...
I have recd. your letter of the 17th. instant, and cannot but approve of your solicitude in behalf of our Repubn. System of Govt, and your desire to obtain the means of correct information in every thing that affects the public Welfare. You will easily be made sensible however that it would not be proper for the President or those immediately associated in his administration to take part in...
I have made some small verbal changes on the following grounds 1. the law recognizes the right of the sheriff to use his posse comitatus without consulting any body. It is only on his opinion that his posse is insufficient, that the act comes into his aid by authorising him to apply to a judge or justice for an order to an officer for a military force. The law allows him to make the...
29 May 1805, Department of State . “I had the honor to lay your communication of the 13th. inst: [not found] before the President, who thinks it expedient that you take the proper steps to have the decision in the case of the Mercator brought before the Supreme Court of the U:States, in order that the proper decision may have the highest judicial sanction.” Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 59, DL ,...
29 May 1805, Chillicothe . “By the last mail I recieved Commission as Marshall of the State of Ohio. I must request you to return my sincer<e> acknowledgements to the President of the United States for the honor conferred upon me. “The court commences on the thir<d> of June when I shall qualify myself agreeably to law, & shall endeavour to discharge the duties of the Office, to the best of my...
29 May 1805, Genoa . “I have the honor of confirming my respects of the 5th Inst [not found] by which I assured the reception of the Credentials for this Consulate, which you had been so kind to transmit me, and returned the most sincere thanks for the honor His Excellency the President had been pleased to confer on me. I now take the liberty of reiterating my acknowledgements to you, and...
30 May 1805, Department of State . “I have lately received the protest [not found] of Capt. Mathew Rice of the Schooner Diana of Boston, detailing the circumstances of a murder and piracy committed on board of her, by the Officers and crew of a Boat under Spanish colours, in the streights of Gibraltar. To support the steps which may be proper upon this subject, it is necessary that all the...
30 May 1805, Algiers . “The 20th. inst. arrived in this port, the Imperial polacre Ship, Premura—loaded with wheat, by order of Col. Lear, in Malta, on acct. of the U.S. to place a Sum of money here, to meet the Balce. of annuities, due in the month of March last. “The oldest person in Algiers, never knew such a scarcity of Grain, as the last season afforded: of this particular, I conceived it...
You will perhaps recollect that a Number of years ago, I published a bagatelle under the title of Modern Chivalry, and some continuation of it has been made by me occasionally Since. I inclose the last part thrown out as a Jeu de Espirit, which you may thing [ sic ] to be beneath my Station but Dulce est desipere in loco. My mind has been always playful under even Circumstances that gave pain....
I enclose you some documents to prove the impressment of Philip Milligan a Citizen of the U. S. on board of a British Vessel of War. His Mother is a Widow & in great distress upon account of the situation of her son. If his release is obtained or you shall receive favorable intelligence respecting it, I will thank you to inform me of it in order to communicate it to her. Letterbook copy ( NNC...
31 May 1805, New Orleans . “After proceeding as far as Point Coupée, and making many appointments under the new Judiciary System, I returned to this City on this evening. My excursion was a very pleasing one; I found the Citizens in the enjoyment of much happiness, and apparently well disposed to the American Government. I was often detained by necessary attention to civilities, and the...
31 May 1805, Leghorn . “I have written several letters on the subject of a reimbursment of the expences I had incurred in consequence of my accepting the commission as Consul for the United States of America for the port of Trieste the last of which was under date of the 2d. May 1804, but to this time I remain without any information on that subject. The Justice of this demand, against the...
The letter for Mr. Young enclosed in yours of the 20th. April was sent after him to Philadelphia, but as he had sailed for Spain before it reached him, it will be forwarded to him there. With the point contended by Mr. Young this Department has no official connection, and the general subject of your accounts belongs to the Treasury Department. The diamonds presented to Mrs. Humphreys remain...
1 June 1805, London . No. 60. “The inclosed is copy of a letter from Baron Jacobi the Prussian Minister at this Court, & of my reply, respecting the estate of a certain Major Ludemann. The Baron, probably from a want of information as to the nature of our constitution, has imagined that this private affair may be controuled by the government; but as what he asks at present is only ‘to be made...
You are probably not ignorant that an Act of Congress has conferred on General Fayette a grant of land amounting to between 11 & 12 thousand Acres, and that the locations of it in tracts not less than 1000 acres each, are authorized in the Orleans territory. The friendship which has long subsisted between the Genl. & myself has led him to transmit me his power of attorney to obtain the...
2 June 1805, Washington . No. 6. Has received JM’s letter of 31 May last together with copies of Robert Patton’s letter and Capt. Samuel Pearson’s deposition containing serious complaints against the conduct of Captain Brouard, commander of the French cruiser Mosquito , toward the crew of the schooner Iris . Is sending a copy of the deposition to the commanding captains general in French...
Letter not found. 2 June 1805, Cádiz . Described in Wagner to Jefferson, 27 July 1805 (second letter) (DLC: Jefferson Papers) as stating Young had learned “ from the best authority, that Mr. Monroe’s mission ended on the 15 May”; Monroe had departed Madrid on 26 May for London via Paris having achieved “ ‘no accord with the spanish Government on any one point of claims for territory or...
3 June 1805, New Orleans . “I was this day Honored with your Letter of the first of April. The appropriation Law to which you allude has not been received by me, nor has it reached any public officer in this City. I hope however that in the contingent Fund for the Executive Department of this Territory, Congress has been liberal, for I find the expences are necessarily greater than I had...
3 June 1805, Albany . “Before I arrived at this place, Judge Paterson had left it, and I have applied to the Vice-President of the United States, and he has administred the Oaths to me. This, I presume will be thought propper and supercede the Necessity of authorizing any person at Detroit to administer the Oaths. “I have with me the laws of the U.States, and of the State of New York. The...
I mentioned to you in my former letters that on Mr. Monroe’s arrival here, finding myself joined with him in the Special Commission he brought, & that he could not go on without me as it was joint, I considered it my duty to commence with him, & having done so, to continue until the end as our official letters & my private ones to the President & yourself fully, detail. In doing this I was...
4 June 1805, La Grange . “Permit me to Introduce and Recommend to You Mm. Armand de Letten and Casimir Rham, Swiss Gentlemen, and Near Relations to My Worthy friends Mm de Letten. I Much Wish My interest in their Behalf May promote the kind Wellcome and Occasional Services to which their own Merit Entitles them.” RC ( PHi ). 1 p. Henry Casimir De Rham (1785–1873) established himself as a...
5 June 1805, New Orleans . “Captain Edward D. Turner, the late Civil Commandant of Natchitoches is now in this City, and I have received from him much general and local information. Captain Turner believes that the Spaniards have increased their forces in the Province of Taxas, and is certain that they have erected Several New Forts, and Strengthened their former Fortifications. He is...
On reviewing the letters from you not yet acknowledged I find them under the following dates, viz 12th Novr. 24. 25. & 30th Decr 14th Feby and 18th March last. I have the pleasure to observe to you that the President entirely approves the just and dignified answer given to the venal suggestions emanating from the French functionaries as explained in your letter of the 24th of December. The...
I duly recd. your letter of the 1st. Ulto. inclosing the address to the voters of your District. Previous to its receipt all the appointments for the Territory of Orleans which could be within the object of it, had been decided by the President. I have presumed it nevertheless to be not inconsonant to your ideas, that he shoud know the purport of your letter; which was accordingly mentiond to...
6 June 1805, New Orleans . “I pray you to lay before the President of the United States, the enclosed Correspondence (from No. 1 to number 11, inclusive) between the Honorable Judge Hall, Colonel Freeman and myself upon the Subject of appropriating a Public Building to the use of the District Court. You will perceive from the correspondence, that the only Building of the United States...
6 June 1805, New Orleans . “I enclose you a Paper containing a publication of Messrs Derbigny, Detrahan, and Sauvé relative to their late Mission to Congress. You will find in this production evidences of discontent, a want of information and of prudence on the part of the Agents, but I believe the publication will excite but little Interest in the Territory, and be productive of no Mischief....