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Results 120511-120540 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I communicated to Dr. Currie your idea that the creditors of mr Morris should buy in the mortgage which stands before them. he answers me in these words. ‘I should wish to be informed by you to what amount I should be obliged to advance, if I became a purchaser with others of the mortgaged lands, to secure my whole debt. tho’ I am almost moneyless, if the thing was practicable, & could come...
Mr. Eppes’s letter of Jan. 17 . had filled me with anxiety for your little one, & that of the 25th. announced what I had feared. how deeply I feel it in all it’s bearings, I shall not say, nor attempt consolation where I know that time & silence are the only medecines. I shall only observe as a source of hope to us all that you are young and will not fail to possess enough of these dear...
Your’s of the 5th. is this moment come to hand. I learn from home that 69. faggots of rod were sent from thence. I hope they will be safely delivered to you, as it would be very inconvenient to me to advance cash in lieu of them. I have written 4. different letters to mr Eppes & my daughter , by post to Petersburg, and not one has been recieved. I therefore take the liberty of inclosing one...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to the reverend mr Ogden and thanks him for his pamphlet which he has read with great satisfaction. the example which has been set by the great man who was the subject of it, will be of immense value to mankind if the Buonapartes of this world, & those whose object is fame & glory, will but contemplate & truly calculate the difference between that of a...
The Secretary of the Treasury, respectfully submits to the President of the United States, the following Report. That the official proceedings of John Halstead Collector of the Customs for the District of Perth Amboy in New Jersey, have for some time past appeared to be greatly deficient in point of prudence, firmness and consistency, in some instances, exceedingly negligent and remiss, in...
I do myself the honor to transmit to You a copy of a discourse which I lately delivered, on accasion of the death of General Washington. Be pleased t o receive it, as a small testimony of the high respect with which I have the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient servant RC ( MoSHi : Jefferson Papers); endorsed by TJ as received 14 Feb. and so recorded in SJL . Enclosure: Samuel Miller, A Sermon,...
I John Sappington, declare myself to be intimately acquainted with all the circumstances, respecting the destruction of Logans family, & do give in the following narrative a true statement of that affair. Logans family (if it was his family) was not killed by Craesap, nor with his knowledge, nor by his consent, but by the Greathouse,s and their Associates. They were killed 30 Miles above...
Having last week had the honor of receiving an invitation to dine with the President of the US. I laid the card among my papers under an impression that it was for this day—It was therefore with extreme regret that I found my inattention had led me into a seeming rudeness which I assure you Sir I am incapable of designedly committing— I am very sensible Sir that I have no right to call your...
I transmit herewith a copy of the laws enacted by the governor and judges of the Mississippi Territory, for the inspection of Congress. There being but this one copy, I must request the House, when they have made the requisite examination, to send it to the Senate. Printed Source--A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789-1897. 10 vols. (Washington, 1896-1899)..
I am sorry to inform you that by attending the funeral procession of the late Commander in Chief in this city on the 26th. Decr. I took a violent cold which brought on a Rheumatic affection of the acute kind that has Rendered me unable to comply with your orders. I am at present on the Recovery and hope shortly to be able to set out for Tennessee (to join the Regt. to which I belong) agreeably...
It being necessary that the Uniform of the Corps of Artillery should be included in the Regulations for their Order and Discipline, you will oblige me by ordering a Copy of that which you have lately fixed for them to be immediately forwarded to me. With great Respect I have the Honour to be, Sir, Your obliged and humble Servant ( LS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress). There is an "X"...
My fears of intruding on you have left me in a Dilemna for I suppose you would have honoured me with an answer had you remembered me; I must beg leave to observe that I have been peculiarly unfortunate when ever I have attempted to write to you I may perhaps hear from you after this fourth attempt. you are sensible of the urgency of my case and I must offer it as my apology. I have the honour...
I lately received your letter of Ocr. 20th. 99. which gave us the first account of the death of your father; the preceding letter referred to having never come to hand, or it would have been duly answered. The land to which your enquiry relates lies in the State of Kentucky (Bourbon County) and not in Virginia, where your father had no claim known to me. The Tract contains 2000 Acres, and has...
My last to you was from Richd. Your last to me is just recd. covering the Bill for drawing Jurors by lot. The plan proposed by the Bill is a great improvement on the regulation in force here. I can not say, whether it may have the same merit every where. This subject was not wholly forgotten during our late Session. A Bill was even prepared on it, by one of our State Judges. But subjects,...
My last to you was from Richd. your last to me is just recd. covering the Bill for drawing Jurors by lot. The plan proposed by the Bill is a great improvement on the regulation in force here. I cannot say, whether it may have the same merit every where. This subject was not wholly forgotten during our late Session . A Bill was even prepared on it, by one of our State Judges . But subjects...
I received your favour this morning by post in which you mention that feathers of a good quallity would answer you for the balance of Nails now on hand I should be willing to give feathers but they are so Scarce at present that It would impossible to procure them at any price. there has been Such A demand last Summer in the place That I doe now that 20 ⅌ Could be Got in the Whole Town...
A variety of circumstances have prevented my receiving your letter of the 30th. of October ‘til now—Being well convinced that the several instalments of the debt due to Mr. Welch by yourself Mr. Skipwith and Mr. Eppes would be paid so soon after they became due as your several exertions and convenience would permit, I have forborne mentioning this debt either to yourself or the other...
Since the date of my last to you, I have received your favors of the 29 th: ult° : and 4 th: curr t: —the latter enclosing letters for the Judges of the Sup: Court, four of which, I immediately caused to be delivered, to the judges present. My Mother’s suggestion was better than mine, and I am glad you observed it. The same Gentleman who procured, or was at least greatly instrumental in...
I nominate Thomas Blow of Virginia to be Surveyor and Inspector of the revenue for the port of Smithfield in that State, in the place of Copeland Parker appointed to those offices for the port of Norfolk DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
Lieutenant Knight flatters me with the belief that my recommendation in his favour would have some influence with You; and tho’ I dare not presume to agree in opinion with him it is but justice to his merit, that I comply with his request, to make his wishes known to you He solicits the appointment of Pay master to the 2nd. Regiment of Artillery, which will soon become vacant by the promotion...
I did not, untill this day, know that Your Examiner has not been forwarded to Philadelphia. It Shall be done in future. The Prospect goes off very well to many parts of the Country. About 500 are sent off and many more bespoke, but not yet Sent. A parcel will come to Philadelphia, as soon as the River Opens. Chancellor Wythe is the law officer referred to in the inclosed, as Speaking of The...
Agreeably to your directions I have had a consultation with the Majors of the sixth Regiment, respecting the order in which the Captains and Lieutenants should take their Rank. We are of opinion that the Captains should rank as follows; William P. Anderson first, James Taylor second, John Williams third, William Hall fourth, Maurice Moore fifth, William Dickson sixth, Samuel G. Barron seventh,...
Maria continues I think to mend slowly; The inflamation in the part of her breast already broke has gone off—She will I hope escape one of the places we apprehended would break when I wrote last—The other however will most certainly break and we are now forwarding it with hot poultices—She has not left her room yet, but has got clear of the bed to which she was confined for eight or ten days...
J’ai recu la Votre Mon Cher Ami du fevr 1799. avec bien du plaisir, m’aprenant Votre bien etre au quel je m’interesserai toute ma Vie, comme a la Continuation de Vos Sentimens amicals pour moi—Au reste je Suis bien en peine pour mes Affaires Chés Vous; quoique au fond pas de grande Valeur ne laissent pas de l’etre pour mois, n’etant pas riche. Ce qui me console C’est de les Savoir entre Vos...
A mr Robinson proposing to go to Richmond with a view to establish an academy there, I have been desired to state to you his character and qualifications, as I learn them from Doctr. Reynolds of this city, for I have never seen mr Robinson, nor is he here at present. he is a person of a regular collegiate education, of Trinity college Dublin, and has documents of his recieving double premiums...
As I received your favor of the eleventh in due season, I regret that I have not till now been able to find a time to acknowledge it.—I thank you, Sir, for your two discourses on the death of General Washington, & for your eulogium on his character. There are in it more particulars of the biography of the General, which were new to me than in any other composition I have seen upon the...
I pray you to present my thanks to the French lodge, held in this city for their obliging present, of copies of a funeral oration, delivered on the melancholly occasion of the death of their illustrious brother, Gen Washington. This exquisite morsell of eloquence, does honor to Mr. Chaudron, the orator & is one of the handsomest compliments to the memory of the General. I am also much indebted...
I now lay before you the instructions, given to our minister at the Court of Berlin, with the correspondence respecting the negotiation of the treaty with Prussia, according to your request of the 12 of this month DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
I have but just returned to this city, having been unavoidably detained at Albany much longer than I had expected. Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. See H to James McHenry, January 15, 1800 ; H to Elizabeth Hamilton, January 26 , 30 , February 5 , 10, 1800 .
In consequence of the enclosed letter I left Presque Isle the 20th of Novr 99 with my Company and arrived at Niagara the 30th of the same month The situation of the roads was such that I was not able to leave that place until the 24th of Decr 99. I arrived in this city the 12th Instant. I am sir Respectfully &c ( ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress), enclosing John F. Hamtramck to...