Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Bache & Shee, 31 May 1783

From Bache & Shee

ALS:7 American Philosophical Society

Philadelphia May 31st: 1783.


We were honored yesterday by your recommendatory Letter of 22d. February last, of Torris & Wante’s house of Dunkirk;8 their Brig Franklin with a supercargo on board, is safe arrived; but to a bad Market, as our Port is glutted with every species of Goods;9 we shall however do every thing in our power to serve the interest of this House, and we trust, not discredit your recommendation of us to them—

Please to accept our thanks for your so kindly interresting yourself in our behalf, and believe us to be with respect Sir Your most Obedt. & very Humble servts.

Bache & Shee

The Honble. Dr. Franklin

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

7In RB’s hand.

8Not found, but BF had promised J. Torris & Wante that he would send it: XXXIX, 174–6.

9Caused by a dramatic increase in the number of ships arriving at Philadelphia in May, many of them from the Netherlands, France, and Portugal: Richard Buel, Jr., In Irons: Britain’s Naval Supremacy and the American Revolutionary Economy (New Haven and London, 1998), p. 246.

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