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Results 120401-120450 of 184,431 sorted by author
30 December 1803, Philadelphia. Encloses “sundry papers respecting the treatment of Victor Hughes and losses sustain’d in consequence of it by Captain Rufus Greene of the Schooner Greenwood.” Asks JM “to acknowledge the receipt of the same” and to inform him “what mode to pursue to recover the property of the guns and difference of market.” Requests this as Greene’s attorney. RC ( DNA : RG 76,...
Extract: printed in the Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions …, LXIII (1773), part I , 333–9. It must undoubtedly appear extraordinary, that, in the present age, when the study of electricity is become so general, and the advances that have been made in the science are so very considerable, I should attempt to recall your attention to the structure of the electrical machine. But I believe...
At a meeting of the Democratic Citizens in the State of Pennsylvania, held in the house of Samuel Patterson on Friday the 28th. of November 1806. P.M. For the purpose of taking into Consideration the propriety of Joining our fellow Citizens in forwarding an address to the President of the United States—Inviting Him again to suffer his Name to be Run as a candidate for President, at the Next...
26 April 1766 “This Indenture, made the twenty Sixth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & Sixty Six Between Marmaduke Norflet of the County of Perquimans of the one Part, And George Washington & Feilding Lewis of the Colony of Virginia Gent. of the other Part Witnesseth, That for & in Consideration of the Sum of One thousand two hundred Pounds Current money of...
The following Observations on the Hessian Fly were made during the Years 1788 and 1789 with a view of investigating their Natural History. The paper from the Committee of the Philosophic Society induced me to furnish such observations as I then made. I fear I have been prolix, but as it perhaps will be impossible positively to prove they are Indigenous, I have added such reasons as induced me...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I wrote the Above in much haste, and yet it got To Town too late, but my Brother informs me he forwarded it a few days after by Capt. Marshall in a Schooner bound to Corke, which may Possably reach London Sooner Than if it had been sent by Capt. Budden; There is an Account in Town That the Ship Indian Trader is Taken off our Capes, and a...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania It is easy to perceive the Disposition of the People by the last Election under the Burthen of their heavy Taxes and several severe Losses upon particulars from the Conduct of some of the Military Gentlemen towards such as have supplied Our Western Army with Carriages, they are yet willing to bear these and every Thing else in their Power in...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I wrote on the 26 and 27 of 7 br. last the First via Bristol and the other intended by our Friend C Kelby who is taking shipping at NY . in the 1st I sent our Agent Bill and the Governors proposed Amendments copied by the Clerk and in the other the Vindication of the Commissioner and Assessors of Cumberland County against the Representation...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania The Clerk calls upon me to sign the Indian Trade Bill now sent down by the Governor who adheres to his Amendments and as the House after agreeing to some of the Amendments now adhere to the Bill there is an End of that salutary provision to induce the Indians to come heartily into our Interest by making it their Own. We think it a Strange...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Your Wife has very kindly sent me Notice that if I write by this Post it will reach the Packet from N. York and that She will take care of the conveyance. I write therefore to acknowledge the receipt of yours 9th May and the 13th of June last which came to my Hands the 12th. Instant. I am well pleased...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania The Bearer Charles Monk calling here in his way to N York from whence he is going to England. I send by him this short Letter for which I detain him on his Journey to inform you we have nothing very new or important in America since the reduction of Quebeck. Our Forces are quiet and General Stanwix continues at Pitsburg (as I hear laid up...
Duplicate: American Philosophical Society; letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania A few Days before the last Assembly rose I received your Letter of the 10th of July by the Packet, It came to Hand very seasonably and was read in the House on the 23d of September. The Members were all well Satisfied with the Succinct Account therein given of the Situation of the Publick Mony under...
Original not found; facsimile of printed form with MS insertions in blanks: Torrington Library, Torrington, Conn. In Assembly   Septr. 24  175  6 This is to certify, that   Benjamin Franklin  has attended as a Member of Assembly for the   Ci  ty of  Philadelphia.  108  Days, at Six Shillings per Diem , for which there is due to him the Sum of   Thirty two Pounds, Eight Shillings
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania The Bills of Exchange I have remitted are as follows—to wit— +1 My Bill or Order on the Executors of Doctor Logan for } £200. 0. 0  Sterling +2 John Hunter on Messrs. Tomlinson Hanbury &c. No 732 I have your Letter of the 18th of January acknowledging the Receipt of these } 300. 0. 0 +3 Anthony Stoker on Geo. Campbell payable in London...
Letterbook Copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I refer to the above Copies and enclose Duplicates of the Bill and Order for £500 0 s. that is to say An Order on Giles Bailey and Archibald Drummond for £200 and a Bill as above No. 732 for £300 and having dispatched these Mony Matters I am to acknowledge the receipt of yours of the 16th of 7ber last by Captain Duncan a few Days ago, for...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I have been so very Unwell all this last Winter, and the Early part of this Spring that my Attendance on the Assembly has been Very Inconvenient and Troublesome to me, and if my ill state of Health Continues and I have no Reason to Expect much Alteration I must be oblig’d to quit all close Attention or attendance on publick Affairs. This I...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania The above is a Copy of my last. I have Since received two letters of the 23d (a Copy, the Original not Come To Hand) and 30th August. We are all extreamly well pleas’d With your Safe arrival there and the Continuence of your Health. Your Conduct I never doubted, but if it is necessary To Say any thing upon it I think you have acted With great...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I am just come from the House to my Brother’s where I met a Gentleman setting out for NY who complements me with staying for this Letter which will probably reach the Albany Sloop of War to be dispatched by General Amherst, as he writes our Governor in ten Days from the 21st Instant. This Vessel brot Secretary Pitts Letter with the Plan of...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I sent by Captain Hervey bound to Hollyhead and by Wm. Fisher to Bristol Originals and Duplicates of Mine of the 30th Septr. and of the 19th of Octobr Last which inclosed First and Second Bills of Exchange for £97 10 s. 8 d. Sterling. I now remit the Third Bill drawn by JL and JS. on G. Bailey and A. Drummond Physicians in Bristol for the...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Above is Copy of my Last by Captain Friend. This incloses a second Bill of Exchange for £100—Sterl N 1876 drawn by Colonel J. Hunter on Messrs. Thomlinson &c. as it is uncertain whether our late Governor Denny will call and I do not certainly know when Capt. Hamet (by whom I purpose to send this) will sail) I shall send it to Town to be...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copy: American Philosophical Society My Brother just now brought me up your Letters of the 9th of June by the Packet and promises to enquire whether any Passengers are yet to be met with by whom I might send this in addition to what I have already wrote so that in this uncertainty I shall only...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Benja. Franklin By Captn. Bradford } Infra Nover 16 [1761] Above is the Substance of my Last. I now send the Second Bill of Exchange No. 121 for £100. Sterling drawn by the Trustees on your Self. Please to Credit my Account Current with That Sum. I am afraid our last Assembly have been too precipitate in drawing These Bills but it is now too...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Our old Inviterate Scribler has at length wrote himself into a Jail. How far this was good Policy to do him that Honour, I will not undertake to say; I know the Comittee have wrote largely upon this head, and it has cost the House a Great deal of Time in going Thro’ a formal Trial for Libelling, which is, for any thing I know, the first...
Two Letterbook copies: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I have already wrote by Captain Cuzzins inclosing Bills of Exchange. So that I now only inclose a First Bill which I have since purchased drawn by John Hunter on Messrs. Thomlinson Hanbury Colebrooke and Nesbit Merchants in London No. 1049 for £200. Sterling which I have ordered payable to your Self or Order which please to reserve for...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I received your Favour of the 18th of Febry last with a Pamphlet to vindicate the late Proceedings and the Power of Parliament to make general Colony Laws, for which I return you my Thanks. It is no new Scheme and the War in America has brought it to the Issue we now see and are like to feel both now and...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Since my Last 24 and 27 August which acknowledged your Several Letters to the 14 of June last I have received the 27th and PS. 29 June and Copy with addition of the 12th July. These acknowledgments of Dates may be satisfactory to know what Letters have fal’n [fallen] into right Hands for it is certain some of those wrote by Captain House got...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Be pleased to receive the inclosed Bill of Exchange John Hunter on Messrs. Thomlinson, Hanbury, Colebrooke & Nisbitt Merchants in London No. 732 for Three Hundred Pounds Sterling. for my Account till further Order from Your Assured Friend Wrote [a Seperate Letter] at W Griffitts’s and Sent by his Young Man who went down after the Vessels....
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania The Assembly being fully Convinced by the Experence of the last year; that our forces, were, at a Great Expence Suffered to lye Ide [Idle] on the frontiers, and managed in such manner as to be of very little Service had Resolved to reduce Their Numbers to Seven Hundred Men; Till Lord Loudoun made his Requisition from This Province and the...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania The interfering in those Weighty matters you are charged with, either by an Attempt to explain what you are fully Master of or to add any thing of my own not already contained in the Report of the committee or the Instructions of the House to yourself, would subject me justly to a censure I hope to avoid for if I had any thing material beyond...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I have been recovering slowly from a Tedious lurking Fever for some Time tho I do not venture to go much abroad. The frequent bile I have lately been subject to made me think it my Duty to request the Electors of this County to chuse some other person in my stead but tho’ I thot it very reasonable under my present Circumstances I have not...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I wrote Yesterday but Joshua Howell calling to let me know he was just going to N York to take his leave of our Friend Christopher Kilby, I shall enclose this and request my old Friend C. Kilby to take the trouble of delivering it and wish him a good Voyage. I sent by way of Bristol in my above mentiond Letter a Copy of our Bill for...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania The Repeatd Exemptions of the Proprietary Estate, from Bearing a part in our Present Heavy Taxes, Apears so unreasonable That I Think They Cannot long Support That Cause to the Nation, Who Bear the Burthen of An American War, (where our Proprietarys have so large an Interest to Defend) as well as for the more Immediate Defence of their own...
DS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Pay to Benjamin Franklin, or Order, the Sum of Two hundred and Ten Pounds, Thirteen Shillings and Ninepence Halfpenny; being the Ballance of his Account for Expences paid by him for Establishing a Post between Winchester and Philadelphia in Pursuance of a Resolve of the House; and for Postage of Letters to the Army under the late General Braddock. £210 13...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania If I Could hear the News by this Days post, I might Possibly Send Some Intellegence from our Westren Expedition and Ticonderoga, but there is no probability of transmitting from hence, any thing Relateing to Cape Breton, which will not be Sooner known by A direct Conveyance from thence. The Politicians in Town are in full Expectation of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; also letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I was pleased to hear of your safe arrival by a short agreeable Letter from Exeter, which I had the pleasure of receiving about a Month ago. The small but violent Party continues the same political Systems here expecting, I suppose, to be supported by Power and Influence at Home, where you will have...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I find my Last of the 30th of September mist the Packet by which it was intended so that having since that Date received yours of 7th August and and Letter from the Executors of R. Partridge by which they Order and direct the Settlement of their Accounts here I retract my former Order to pay them the Ballance of R P. Account as it will suit...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania It is some Time since I wrote last, which I perceive by Your last, was come to hand, being Dated on the 15th April past, Your Several Dates of 9th January, 19th, 21st 29th february and 11th March With Several Copies, got to me in Due Time, and a few Days Ago the 14th June by the Packet, it will be Needless to Say, That all the Letters by...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania It is some time since I wrote—my last being of the 15th April since which I have recd yours 9th January 19. 21. 29 Feb and 11 March with several Copies. The Proprietors endeavouring to repeal our late Laws is what we might expect from their Conduct towards us for some Years past. But the Confusion the dissallowance of our Mony Act, and...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I wrote on the 27th of February last by a Gentleman to N York. This will inform you that the Assembly have resolved to grant £100,000 for the raising paying and cloathing 2,700 Men to Act in Conjunction with his Majestys Forces during the ensuing Campaign and have got their Bill into the Hands of a Committee for those Purposes. As we shall...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copy: American Philosophical Society Just on closing my last Letter which was on the 14th of June last I added a figure 1 before the 4 though it was actually wrote on the 4th of that Month and being called off from adding a few lines to explain the difference Situation between those Dates it will be...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I now enclose Second Bills of Exchange amounting to £362 5 s. 2 d. Sterling which I request you would be pleased to receive for my Account. This goes by way of Ireland which is One Reason of my sending the Second instead of the First, but the cheif Reason is to get one of the first Bills endorsed which was omitted by oversight and I have not...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copy (first part only): American Philosophical Society I have already wrote and had sent my Letters by the Chippenham Captain Spain but the Ship sprung a Leak at Sea and my Brother informs me is again returned to Port so that these Letters will be forwarded by Captain Hamet who is to sail to morrow Morning: This little Interval will give me...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania This serves to cover Bills of Exchange as per List hereunder and to inform you that our Supply Bill lyes with the Governor now the 24 Inst including the Proprietary Estates and granting £100,000 for the Raising &c. of 2,700 Men but I shall refer to another Letter for further Particulars on that Head and propose this as a seperate Cover to the...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I am to acknowledge the receipt of your favours of the 27th of febry, and 14th of April, with my Account Current, the Articles of which Agree with my Remittences, and I return my Acknowledgments for Your Care in transacting them, the Sence of the House Could not be Depended Upon in Relation to the Province Mony in your hands, Till their last...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I was Unwell with a lurking fever all the While I was writing the above letters, but they were no sooner Dispatched, than I was laid up with a very severe attack, which has Confind me almost ever since, and hinderd me from attending the Assembly, both as it was Calld by the Governor, and as it is now seting. This is the first Time I have been...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Comming into town I hear by Accident that a Vessel is to sail for Liverpoole either this Evning or to Morrow, as this is the first Notice I have had of it I can only acknowledge the Receipt of your Letters by Budden and the rest of the Books the Day after by Captain—I forget his Name. Baskerville’s Virgil is certainly a curious performance of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Since my last of the 24th and PS of the 29th of June last I have received the 27 and P S 29 June and Duplicate with Addition of the 12th of July–with a long Letter from your Son of the 15th and Duplicate from yourself of the 12th and Addition of the 17th of July with the Report of the Board partial and...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania It is so long since we received any Accounts of our Publick Affairs in England, that I hope the old Saying “that No News is good News,” may be our Case, with respect to the Bills Pass’d by Governor Denny the last Year, should the ReEmitting Act (of which I own I was very Apprehensive) be repealed it would now throw us into extream Confusion....
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania The above is Copy of a Message sent down by the Governor a few hours ago to which the House returned a Verbal Message “that they unanimously adhered to their Bill and were of Opinion that if the Bill should not receive the Governors Assent the ill Consequences he had pointed out must lye upon him.” Soon after I came from the House I received...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Since the above, Duplicate of my Last, I have received yours by the Packet of the 22d and PS 23d of August with the inclosed Papers which bring us down to a preparation for a Hearing upon our Acts on the 27th. where, on this Side the Water, we must leave the Issue under Providence to your Care of which we have no Doubt; I am, however, pleased...