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Results 120351-120400 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have just received your Letter of the third Instant. Nothing would please me better than to comply instantly with your Wishes. The Paper on which the Notes are to be Printed came from the Paper Mill on Saturday Evening, on Monday Morning the Printer was employed, and to Morrow Morning he is to send the first Parcel of Notes. I am then to sign them and fast as that can be done they shall be...
His Excellency directs me to reply to your favor of the 3d—and to mention that his principal Wish is, to have the Business compleated as soon as may be—to effect which he will not be averse to having the Books a little checquerd if you find it necessary—however, he leaves to your Judgement & Discretion, the choice of the Expedients mentioned in your Letter—The Definitive Treaty is tho’t to be...
120353Notes on Debates, 5 June 1783 (Madison Papers)
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). For a description of the manuscript of Notes on Debates, see Papers of Madison William T. Hutchinson, William M. E. Rachal, et al ., eds., The Papers of James Madison (7 vols. to date; Chicago, 1962——). , V, 231–34 . Thursday June 5. see Journal. The journal records the adoption of a resolution introduced by Hugh Williamson to vacate the commission of any “captain or...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Docketed “5 June 83” by the recipient. After recovering the letter, JM added “Madison Js June 5. 1783.” On a fragment of the cover, in JM’s hand, is “Col: James Recommended to the care of Mr. J. Maury Fredericksburg.” By the post preceding the last I answered yours of the 16th. addressing it to the care of Mr. Maury. I was prevented by more necessary writing from...
The Committee appointed to consider of the best manner of carrying into execution the engagements of the United States for certain allowances of land to the army at the conclusion of the war submit the following resolution: Congress having by their resolution of the promised certain allowances of land to all officers, and to such soldiers of the United States engaged to serve during the war,...
Mr. Livingston having signified to Congress his desire of relinquishing the exercise of the office of foreign affairs and his intention of returning to the state of New York: Resolved that the secretary of Congress be directed to receive the papers of the said office into his care, ’till a successor to Mr. Livingston can be appointed and that next Wednesday be assigned for the election of a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Humble Case and petition of James Walsh Moast humbley sheweth that he as Been a prisoner in England since the 4th Day of April 81 until the 1st. of Last Month I Got My Liberty & Made the Best of My way over to Calais, wheare the American Agent was good a nough upon Examanation to give Me a pass and 2 Livers 16 sous and when yr. Excellencys petitioner...
120358General Orders, 4 June 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Brigr Genl Dayton B. Qr Mr Jersey Brigade The Hampshire regt gives the Guards tomorrow and the Hampshire Battalion the Fatigues. The agreement entered into on the 16th Jany last between the Troops of the Cantonment of New Windsor and the Contractors, is at the desire of those Troops and with the consent of the Contractors declared Null and void; & both parties are...
The Officer who will have the honor of placing this letter in your hands has my orders to proceed to Canada, with letters from me to Genl Haldimand, and I am to desire your Excellency will be pleased to grant him a passport for that purpose. I am Sir Your Excellency’s most obedient and most humble Servant DLC : Papers of George Washington.
I have mentioned the business on which I came to this place to some of the members of Congress They see no impropriety in the permission I intend ask for publishing a map of the seat of War, but think it necessary before I make my request to have the Commander in Chiefs approbation or sentiments on the subject, And altho it is an affair that in all probability will take place after the...
The General being engaged, directs me to reply to your favor of Yesterday; & to inform you that he approves of your Idea of formg four Regiments of Massachusetts from the Men remaing after the Discharge of those for the War—and requests that you will proceed, agreeable to the General Orders, to form four Corps of Officers by Agreement—If that Mode should fail, then Measures will be directed...
Votre Excellence me permettrait-elle de lui presenter M. Gardner, Procureur Général de l’Isle de S. Christophe. M. le Marquis de Bouillé qui a conquis cette Isle m’en parle comme d’un homme infiniment attaché à Votre cause et qui lui a rendu personellement les plus grands services. Les Officiers Généraux qui ont commandé depuis cette epoque en font aussi les plus grands eloges; il est né dans...
You will receive by this conveyance blanck Discharges for the Non Commissd Officers & Privates of the Rhode Island Regt enlisted for the War, which, under the Restriction of the Endorsment are only to be considered as furloughs until farther Orders—you will be pleased to have them filled up & the men permitted, under the direction of a proportionable number of Officers, to retire to the State...
120364Notes on Debates, 4 June 1783 (Madison Papers)
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). For a description of the manuscript of Notes on Debates, see Papers of Madison William T. Hutchinson, William M. E. Rachal, et al ., eds., The Papers of James Madison (7 vols. to date; Chicago, 1962——). , V, 231–34 . The Report of the Committee for giving to the army certificates for land was taken up. After some discussion of the subject, some members being for and...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Docketed by JM: “Madison Js Revd June 4. 1783 June 4 1783. Presidt. Madison. inclosing Ret. from Scott for engraving seal.” Cover addressed to “The Honb. James Madison Esqr Member of Congress Philadelphia or In his Absence To The Hon J. F. Mercer Esqr.” I recd. the Seal by Mr. Jones & am much obliged to you for the Trouble you have given yourself relative to it. The...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Unsigned but in Randolph’s hand. Cover addressed by him to “The honble James Madison jr. Esqr of congress Philadelphia.” Docketed by JM, “June 4. 1783.” JM also jotted on the cover: “Dana La: Hol: Md. Peace Estabt. New Delegation Fairfax Instrons. Claypoole for Int. opn. of Gl. W. on proceedings of Congs. Mutinous Men? of Sergts? W. Territory Secy. F. Affrs.” These...
120367[June 1783] (Adams Papers)
Je fus diner à Rotterdam avec Monsieur Baron qui s’en retourne à Paris.
120368Junius. 1783. 3me. (Adams Papers)
Je fus diner à Rotterdam avec Monsieur Baron qui s’en retourne à Paris.
No answer as yet. There is another point touching the Treaty mentioned in my last, of much importance. That is to secure the same advantages for our proper productions when imported into the British Dominions in Europe, as is given upon the importation there of similar articles from their own Colonies on the Continent. At least secure the same advantages upon our proper productions, when...
I have had the very great Satisfaction of embracing M r Joshua Johnson after a long Separation, during trying & painful Times, the Sight of Him afforded me much Joy, which was not a little increased by his presenting to me your Excellencys Letters of the 18 & 21 April, having been for some time under much Uneasyness at not having had a Line from You, when I Know a fresh attack had been made on...
Je me suis trouvé à la Séance de la Société Royale de Médecine lorsque M. Vicq Dazyr nous a fait part du désir que Vous Lui avez témoigné de voir établir une Correspondance entre le College de Médecine de Boston & cette compagnie. cette Proposition était trop flatteuse pour la Société pourqu’Elle ne s’empressât point de vous en témoigner sa reconnaissance par l’intermede de son Secretaire,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received a Pacquet you were so good as to bring for me from Philadelphia; but it contains no Letters later than the 13th. of January. As the Ministry here received Letters at the same time, & I believe brought also by you, that are as late as the 4th of April, I cannot but be surpriz’d that we have no fresh Letters by the same Ship that you came in.— Can...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; AL (draft): American Philosophical Society Having long known Mr Williams to be a very just Man in all his Transactions, I hope the Favour he requests of a Surséance may be granted to him, being confident that it will be employed to the compleat Satisfaction of his Creditors. I therefore earnestly pray your Excellency to obtain it for him....
120374General Orders, 3 June 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Brigr Genl Greaton B. Qr Mr 2d Massa. Brigade The 2d York regt gives the Guards and the first the fatigues tomorrow. The Maryland Battalion is to march on thursday next—Provision is to be drawn to last the corps to Pompton—and Major Lansdale will receive Instructions at Head Quarters for his further Government. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
Inclosed is the proceedings of a board of Generals and Officers commanding Corps. on an Enquiry into the execution of Contract. In consequence thereof the Commander in Chief desires to know your objections (if any you have) to the annulling the Agreement therein Mentioned and putting the Army on the footing of the Original Contract. I am directed also to call on Mr Smith for the circumstances...
Enclosed I have the honor to report to your excellency the returns of the regiments of infantry in the Massachusetts line of the army, which have been made conformably to the general order of yesterday. The 8. regiment is doing duty on the lines—notice has been given to the regiment, but return is not yet received. The regiments of the line are so nearly equal, that it is almost certain the 8....
I do myself the honor to transmit to Your Excellency a late resolve of Congress. I am, with the most respectful attachment, Your Excellency’s obedient, humble servant DLC : Papers of George Washington.
Your favor of the 29th Ulto has been duly received. We are now preparing to carry into execution the Resolution of Congress of the 26th of May, and I am making out the furloughs accordingly—but I am extremely apprehensive that insuperable difficulties & the worst of consequences may be expected, unless the Notes you mention shall be paid to the Officers & Men before their departure from this...
I esteem it my duty to inform Your Excellency, That Yesterday the XVth Volume of Military Letters was filled & contains the Letters to Novr 1782 included, which remains to be indexed & to receive its Marginal References to the Copies; So that some Time next Week I shall be ready to deliver the following Volumes. Vizt The Congress Letters A. to Decr 1782. 6 Volumes Military B. to Novr 1782. 15....
120380Notes on Debates, 3 June 1783 (Madison Papers)
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). For a description of the manuscript of Notes on Debates, see Papers of Madison William T. Hutchinson, William M. E. Rachal, et al ., eds., The Papers of James Madison (7 vols. to date; Chicago, 1962——). , V, 231–34 . … Tuesday June… 3. see Journals JM Notes, 2 June, n. 1 . The entries in the journal of Congress of 3 June 1783 chiefly bear upon details relating to...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Cover missing. Many years later, after recovering this letter, JM wrote “Randolph” below the text. I thank you cordially for the narrative of legislative proceedings contained in your favor of the 24th ulto In return for the Journal of the House of Delegates I inclose herewith a copy of the proceedings of Congs. since Novr. last. There is a chasm in the Journal you...
Vos desirs serons toujours des ordres pour moi. Vous verrez que je m’y suis conformé dans le N o. que j’e vous fais passer. J’espere pouvoir faire insérer le reste dans les deux suivans: vous m’obligeriez de me communiques ce que vous pensez de la traduction, si elle est exacte & fidele, vous ne verrez pas non plus sans interêt les détails & anecdotes que j’ai ôsé publier sur notre...
Quoique la lettre que vous m’aues fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 22 e du mois passé, ne me flattat pas de recevoir les Secours dont les Finances du Congrès avoient besoin; Néantmoins, l’Espérance du Succès des Soins que j’étois bien assuré que vous donneriés, Messieurs, à un objet aussi intéressant, m’a fait parvenir à Satisfaire à tous les payemens qui Se Sont présentés, jusqu’à ce moment; qui...
LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Quoique la lettre que vous m’aves fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 22e du mois passé, ne me flattat pas de recevoir les Secours dont les Finances du Congrès avoient besoin; Néantmoins, l’Espérance du Succès des Soins que j’étois bien assuré que vous donneriès, Messieurs, à un objet aussi intéressant, m’a fait parvenir à Satisfaire à tous les payemens qui se...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer Dr. Waring a Gentleman of exceeding good Connections in South Carolina, having served his Country very faithfully & honorably during the War, is about making a Voyage to Europe for his advancement in medical Science— At his earnest Request, I must beg leave to introduce him to your Excellency, and to request your Notice of him, as one who has...
120386General Orders, 2 June 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Brigr Genl Stark B.Qr Mr 3d Massa. Brigade The Jersey Battalion gives the Guards & the Jersey regt the fatigues tomorrow. The Honorable the Congress have been pleased to pass the following Resolve. By the United States in Congress assembled On motion Resolved That the Commander in Chief be instructed to grant Furloughs to the Noncommissioned officers and soldiers in the...
I have the Honor to inclose to your Excellency the Copy of a Resolution of Congress which has been lately transmitted to me Act of Congress of 26th May respecting Property & Negroes belongg to the Citizens of U. States from that Hono. Body. Your Excellency will be pleased to notice the Purports of this Act—and I am persuaded you will consider it with that Attention which you shall judge the...
I transmit to you a Copy of a Resolution of Congress which passed the 26th ulto Claimg Property of the United States &ca & remonstratg against sendg off Negroes. The purport of this Act you will collect from its perusal—I have only to request that you will be pleased to pay strict Attention to the Injunctions of Congress contained therein. I am &ca. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
Your favor of the 20th of May I received with much pleasure—For I can assure you, that, among the many worthy & meritorious Officers, with whom I have had the happiness to be connected in Service, through the Course of this War, and from whose chearfull Assistance & Advice I have received much support & Confidence in the various & trying Vicissitudes of a Complicated Contest, the Name of a...
120390Notes on Debates, 2 June 1783 (Madison Papers)
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). For a description of the manuscript of Notes on Debates, see Papers of Madison William T. Hutchinson, William M. E. Rachal, et al ., eds., The Papers of James Madison (7 vols. to date; Chicago, 1962——). , V, 231–34 . Monday… June 2… see Journals JM’s entry reads “Monday & Tuesday June 2 & 3. see Journals.” There is correspondence of JM dating on 2 June. For this...
Tr ( LC : Force Transcripts). In the left margin at the top of the transcription, Peter Force’s clerk wrote “MSS. McGuires.” See Papers of Madison William T. Hutchinson, William M. E. Rachal, et al ., eds., The Papers of James Madison (7 vols. to date; Chicago, 1962——). , I, xxii, xxiii. Addressed to “The Honble. James Madison, Eqr. Philadelphia.” I have yr favr of the 20th past and find Sir...
AL : Princeton University Library Be so good as to answer to our Friend that it is impossible Mr. Hartley could have said what is represented above, no such Thing having ever been intimated to him; nor has the least Idea of the kind ever been in the Minds of the Commissioners, particularly Dr. F. who does not Care how many Spies are plac’d about him by the Court of France having nothing to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have a few Lines from Mr. Deane dated Philadelphia 6th. Septr. 1778 and refering to Packets which he had just Sealed; I suppose they must have come under Cover to you, and beg you will in that Case send them by the Bearer. I am with the utmost respect and Devotion Dear Sir Yours Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsr. Franklin / Passy Notation: Edw. Bancroft...
1203941783 June 1. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
The Loadstone is in Possession of the most remarkable, wonderfull and misterious Property in Nature. This Substance is in the Secret of the whole Globe. It must have a Sympathy with the whole Globe. It is governed by a Law and influenced by some active Principle that pervades and operates from Pole to pole, and from the Surface to the Center and the Antipodes. It is found in all Parts of the...
Your letter of the 24 th. of March which was mentioned as missing in my last, has this day come to hand together with that of the 1 st. inst: Since mine of the 16 th. of March, the receipt of which you acknowledge in your last, I have written three times to you viz: on the 28 th. of April, the 1 st. and 4 th. of May. enclosing Copies of my Memorial in the two first. By the last post I sent an...
In my last letter to Your Excellency I took occasion to mention that it was of great importance to the state, at this time to have a representation here as points in which by its present situation it is particularly interested are dayly and will be dayly agitated. It is also of importance at this moment to the United States (not only from general considerations but) because we have a very thin...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This will be delivered to you by an ingenious young Friend of mine, Mr. S. Vaughan, who travels with a View of improving himself in Mineralogy. He will be much oblig’d by the Informations & Counsels that you can give him; and as I have a great Regard for him, and for his Family, I earnestly recommend him to those Civilities which you are accustomed to show...
Copies: National Archives (two), Library of Congress, Massachusetts Historical Society, Public Record Office; transcript: National Archives The proposition which has been made for an universal & unlimited reciprocity of Intercourse & Commerce, between Great-Britain and the American United-States, requires a very serious Consideration on the part of Great-Britain, for the reasons already stated...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Our worthy Friend Mr Oster just now called to let me know he goes on board Ship amediately, as there is seldom a week passes, but he sees the Family two or three times, he will tell you how we all look, he caught me to day playing with the Children and rabbits, I see Betsy the day before yesterday she is with Miss Beckwith who is like to do extreamly well,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Monsieur coste qui vous remettra cette lettre est mon cher docteur, un três habile medecin et un excellent homme. Il étoit premier medecin de notre petite armée americaine. Il a souvent eté dans le cas de traitter vos soldats et il l’a fait avec zele et avec succès. Il aime vos compatriotes et en est aimé. L’ouvrage qu’il vous presente prouve l’estime...