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Results 120351-120400 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have just received your Letter of the third Instant. Nothing would please me better than to...
His Excellency directs me to reply to your favor of the 3d—and to mention that his principal Wish...
120353Notes on Debates, 5 June 1783 (Madison Papers)
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). For a description of the manuscript of Notes on Debates, see Papers of...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Docketed “5 June 83” by the recipient. After recovering the letter, JM...
The Committee appointed to consider of the best manner of carrying into execution the engagements...
Mr. Livingston having signified to Congress his desire of relinquishing the exercise of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Humble Case and petition of James Walsh Moast humbley...
120358General Orders, 4 June 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Brigr Genl Dayton B. Qr Mr Jersey Brigade The Hampshire regt gives the...
The Officer who will have the honor of placing this letter in your hands has my orders to proceed...
I have mentioned the business on which I came to this place to some of the members of Congress...
The General being engaged, directs me to reply to your favor of Yesterday; & to inform you that...
Votre Excellence me permettrait-elle de lui presenter M. Gardner, Procureur Général de l’Isle de...
You will receive by this conveyance blanck Discharges for the Non Commissd Officers & Privates of...
120364Notes on Debates, 4 June 1783 (Madison Papers)
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). For a description of the manuscript of Notes on Debates, see Papers of...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Docketed by JM: “Madison Js Revd June 4. 1783 June 4 1783. Presidt....
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Unsigned but in Randolph’s hand. Cover addressed by him to “The honble...
120367[June 1783] (Adams Papers)
Je fus diner à Rotterdam avec Monsieur Baron qui s’en retourne à Paris.
120368Junius. 1783. 3me. (Adams Papers)
Je fus diner à Rotterdam avec Monsieur Baron qui s’en retourne à Paris.
No answer as yet. There is another point touching the Treaty mentioned in my last, of much...
I have had the very great Satisfaction of embracing M r Joshua Johnson after a long Separation,...
Je me suis trouvé à la Séance de la Société Royale de Médecine lorsque M. Vicq Dazyr nous a fait...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received a Pacquet you were so good as to bring for me...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; AL (draft): American Philosophical Society...
120374General Orders, 3 June 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Brigr Genl Greaton B. Qr Mr 2d Massa. Brigade The 2d York regt gives the...
Inclosed is the proceedings of a board of Generals and Officers commanding Corps. on an Enquiry...
Enclosed I have the honor to report to your excellency the returns of the regiments of infantry...
I do myself the honor to transmit to Your Excellency a late resolve of Congress. I am, with the...
Your favor of the 29th Ulto has been duly received. We are now preparing to carry into execution...
I esteem it my duty to inform Your Excellency, That Yesterday the XVth Volume of Military Letters...
120380Notes on Debates, 3 June 1783 (Madison Papers)
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). For a description of the manuscript of Notes on Debates, see Papers of...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Cover missing. Many years later, after recovering this letter, JM...
Vos desirs serons toujours des ordres pour moi. Vous verrez que je m’y suis conformé dans le N o....
Quoique la lettre que vous m’aues fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 22 e du mois passé, ne me flattat...
LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Quoique la lettre que vous m’aves fait l’honneur de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer Dr. Waring a Gentleman of exceeding good...
120386General Orders, 2 June 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Brigr Genl Stark B.Qr Mr 3d Massa. Brigade The Jersey Battalion gives the...
I have the Honor to inclose to your Excellency the Copy of a Resolution of Congress which has...
I transmit to you a Copy of a Resolution of Congress which passed the 26th ulto Claimg Property...
Your favor of the 20th of May I received with much pleasure—For I can assure you, that, among the...
120390Notes on Debates, 2 June 1783 (Madison Papers)
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). For a description of the manuscript of Notes on Debates, see Papers of...
Tr ( LC : Force Transcripts). In the left margin at the top of the transcription, Peter Force’s...
AL : Princeton University Library Be so good as to answer to our Friend that it is impossible Mr....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have a few Lines from Mr. Deane dated Philadelphia 6th....
1203941783 June 1. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
The Loadstone is in Possession of the most remarkable, wonderfull and misterious Property in...
Your letter of the 24 th. of March which was mentioned as missing in my last, has this day come...
In my last letter to Your Excellency I took occasion to mention that it was of great importance...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This will be delivered to you by an ingenious young Friend...
Copies: National Archives (two), Library of Congress, Massachusetts Historical Society, Public...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Our worthy Friend Mr Oster just now called to let me know he...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Monsieur coste qui vous remettra cette lettre est mon cher...