George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Thomas Waggener, 3 October 1755

To Thomas Waggener

[Alexandria, 3 October 1755]

Instructions for Captain Waggener.

As the Service at present will not allow of Colonel Stephen, as was first intendend; you are hereby ordered, to follow the within Instructions, which were designed for him.1

If your Leisure will admit, while you command here, you are to frequent the publick places hereabout, and endeavour to Enlist what men you can for the Service.

As all the Officers Instructions direct them to apply to Colonel Stephen for Orders, it will be necessary to shew these Orders, as they arrive, that they may not hesitate to obey. Given under my Hand, at Alexandria: October the third, 1755.



1Captain Waggener, who was with GW at Fort Necessity and had survived the Braddock expedition, apparently had not yet arrived in Alexandria on 7 Oct. See George Mercer to Andrew Lewis, 7 Oct. 1755. GW was ordering him to take command of recruits that officers of the Virginia Regiment were supposed to bring to Alexandria. See GW’s General Instructions, 1–3 Sept., GW to Adam Stephen, 11 Sept., and George Mercer to Waggener, 2 Oct. 1755.

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