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Results 1201-1230 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
This is the first Time, that I have attempted to write, since I left you. I arrived here in good Health, after an agreable Journey, last Wednesday; There had not been Members enough to make a House, several Colonies being absent, so that I was just in Time. The next day, an adequate No. appeared, and Congress has sat ever since. Georgia is now fully represented, and united to the other Twelve....
I have enough to do to write Apologies in Answer to Invitations to dinner and to Tea Parties: but I have long Since taken the Resolution that I will not again loose myself and all my time in a wild vagary of Dissipation. As it is not in my Power to live on equal terms with the Families and Personages who exhibit so much real Hospitality in this City, I would not lay myself under Obligations to...
I shall inc l ose by this Opportunity, by Mr. Ingersol, Son of Mr. Ingersol of Connecticut, the late Judge of Admiralty at Philadelphia, but very different from his Father in his political sentiments, the Journals of Paris. But must refer you to the Public Papers for News. Indeed there is a Famine for News at present, here and in England. Not a Word from M. Destaing, nor from America since...
M r Adet was presented to The President on Tuesday and accompanied by The Secretary of State made me a Visit immediately after his Audience. I was not at Home but in Senate. On Wednesday Morning I returned his Visit at Oellers Hotel. He is about the Size of M r shaw, Charitys Husband and looks a little like him: not quite so rosy coloured. He is not a Friend to Clubbs—announced to The...
I thank you for your favor of the 15 th: inst t: which reached me yesterday at this place, where I have been since the 15 th: and where notwithstanding your kind invitation & advice, I expect to continue until it shall be clearly ascertained whether the pestilential fever is to prevail or not in the City this season. I am out of the way of danger, if any should exist; and before the expiration...
There is a great deal of hatred against the Govt. in England as you will see by the song inclosed. They are going on, with County meetings, Petitions, Committees, Correspondences, Associations &c. in our mode. What it will come to, I dont know. They talk in London about withdrawing the Troops, &c., but I suspect, We had better take em, least they should alter their minds. At last a Vessell has...
A Letter which I had a long time wished for, I at length received from my Affectionate Sister. Every day I had been thinking I would write. But the round of duties that called for my unremitted exertions, left me too weary, or too inert to take up my Pen, for the company which our Boarders attract, demand polite & respectful attentions, from me, by their own obliging behaviour— And I thought...
Your Friends who are numerous enquire continually after your health and my answer is that you have not informed me that it is worse, from which my conclusion is that I hope it is better. The Noise of Election is over, and I have the Consolation to find that all the States which are fœderal have been unanimous for me, and all those in which the Antifœderalists were the predominant Party,...
Your much esteemed favors of 23d. July and 19th. Augst. came to hand on Monday. Your Letters and the inclosed ones were very acceptable; as they contained agreeable Information. The Letter of June from you and also those from home of the same month mentioned that our Parents were under the operation of a disease, which has swept away it s thousands. Tho’ Art has check’d its malignity, yet...
The Sun is so bright and augurs Such heat that I am doubtful whether I shall go out to Landsdowne to dinner. I dined Yesterday at M r Wolcotts the Secretary of The Treasury with King Elsworth Cabot and a few others. The Conversation turn’d upon old times. One of the Company expressed such Inveteracy against my old Friend Gerry that I could not help taking up his Vindication. The future...
That a Nation once distinguished in the Annals of Mankind, should by the Pride, Avarice, Ambition, Injustice and Oppression of its Governors, loose its distant Dependencies, is not an uncommon Event in the History of the World; but that the same Nation, from the Operation of the same Causes, together with Folly and Madness, should league one half the World against her, is not only a Phenomenon...
I last evening receiv’d your Letter without a date but believe it was your last as you mention Mrs Smiths removal want of some Furniture &c. mr Cranch will attend to the Packing & Sending them directly— I hope you have receiv’d my last letter. you will find by that mrs Norton for whome you have been so kindly anxious was much better & had escap’d what we so much feard but She is as thin as a...
I have rec d yours of Jan. 31.— And it has relieved me from a Melancholly which has hung upon me and been taken notice of by every body, since you wrote me of my Mothers illness— Present her my dutiful Affection and tell her that I hope to enjoy the Pleasure of her Company yet for many Years— That I am of her Opinion that she has the best Daughter and that the best Mother ought to have such a...
I have spent an Hour, this Morning, in the Congregation of the dead. I took a Walk into the Potters Field, a burying Ground between the new stone Prison, and the Hospital, and I never in my whole Life was affected with so much Melancholly. The Graves of the soldiers, who have been buryed, in this Ground, from the Hospital and bettering House, during the Course of the last Summer, Fall, and...
M rs: Copley presents Compliments to M rs: Adams: would have called uppon her this Morning, but that she thinks it must at this time be inconvenient to M rs: Adams: will be very happy if it is consistant with M rs: Adams’s engagements to have the pleasure of her company at Tea in George street before she leaves London: (but least she should not have that pleasure) takes leave to say that her...
We have now an ample Representation from N. York. It consists of Six Delegates, and they are to all Appearance, as high, as decisive, and as determined, as any Men ever were, or can be. There is a new Hand, a Mr. Duer, who is a very fine fellow—a Man of sense, Spirit and Activity, and is exceeded by no Man in Zeal. Mr. Duane and Mr. Phillip Livingston, are apparently, as determined as any Men...
I have only time to inform you that Monday and Thursday have passed away without bringing me a Letter from you. It is the first Week that has failed me in the whole, tho sometimes the Letters have not arrived on the proper day. There is a D r Somebody here from Connecticutt, who pretends, with an Instrument made of some kind of Metal or Composition of Metals by a sort of Mesmerian, rubbing or...
When I cast my Eyes backward; and take a general survey, of the great alterations which have been made within these few Years, I behold a Portrait whose lines are marked with indeliable Characters—the fickleness of Fortune, the shortness and uncertainty of Life, and the instability of Human Affairs. Those who yesterday glided smoothly on, in the calm Sunshine of Prosperity, “fed high in...
How often do we find that having much to say, the full heart cannot impart the half— This evil I find extends to epistolary writing, for having many things incidents crouding upon each other, I thought I had not time to notice them as I ought, & so have communicated nothing. But as the occurrences of my own Family, are what can only be very interesting to you, I will tell you that our numerous...
Permit me to congratulate you on the return of This Season and to offer my most earnest prayers that you may live to see many revolving years in health and contentment. The event of the late Election will force you from your calm retreat to more confused and active scenes the toil incident to the situation I hope you will be able to bear and I am more sanguine in this expectation as I hear you...
You justly complain of my short Letters, but the critical State of Things and the Multiplicity of Avocations must plead my Excuse.—You ask where the Fleet is. The inclosed Papers will inform you. You ask what Sort of Defence Virginia can make. I believe they will make an able Defence. Their Militia and minute Men have been some time employed in training them selves, and they have Nine...
I have no doubt that you retain such an Interest in my happiness as to rejoice with me in the birth of another son. The boy appears strong and healthy and the mother seems very well.— The feelings of a Parent will easily account for such an Event being uppermost in my mind at this time.— When I wrote last to my friends at Quincy, it was my determination to have enter’d again into the...
By the present opportunity, I send you a few pamphets which may give you some entertainment in the perusal, and newspapers from which you will collect the current intelligence. For my own part I have been here so long in idleness that I have almost entirely doff’d the world aside and bad it pass.— You will observe in the papers a pretended preliminary convention for a pacification between...
I had written to the Deacon before I had received Yours, wherein I have your Sanction for it, and I had so far overcome the unconquerable aversion I have hitherto had, to writing on gilt Paper, as to use it for the first time and honour him with it. When I received the Bundle a Sabbath Eve I imagined it contained a Book, but on losening the string, something dropt which I supposed to be an...
I should have answer’d your valued Letter of 27 th. ult° . , by M r. Shaw, if his stay would have admited of it—but the whole day he was with us was spent in viewing the City and the public buildings &c— I hope he was pleased with them, although he saw them to the greatest disadvantage, on account of the wintry appearance of things, and the badness of the roads. It gave me extreme pain to...
In this Country, as in all others, Men are much Addicted to “Hobby Horses.” These Nags are called in the Language of the Dutch “Liefhebbery,” as they are called in French “Marotte.” I had rather ride a Dutch Hobby Horse than an English one or a French. It is the wholesomest Exercise in the World. They live to great Ages by the Strength of it. My Meaning is this. They pitch in early Life upon...
It is a long time since I have heard from you although I have not omitted writing. I hope it is not illness which hinders you from sometimes informing me how things are going in Massachusetts. The Baron returned from Steuben last week and I had intended to procure lodgings at some private boarding house, but when I mentioned to him my intention, he took me kindly by the hand “My dear Adams...
Your Letter of the 19 th of Nov. gave me, in addition to the ordinary Satisfaction I receive from your Letters, the Pleasure of knowing that your Visit to Haverhill, the damp Vapour of whose River I dreaded, had not injured your health. You ask me, if D r Tufts may be collecting Materials, this Winter for Building on the Medford farm? I fear it will be a very costly Undertaking considering the...
I have rec d your Letters of 10. 15. and 16. Your solicitude for my Health may subside. I am pretty well— I had a cold, not a bad one— and something of the Inflammation in my face of last spring—but it is gone. Rush gave me such a Dose of Salts that I thought it not fit to go out to Congress next day. But the day after I was well enough.— I am Old—Old very Old and never Shall be very...
A new Commission has arrived by which the Dr. is sole Minister. Mr. Lee continues Commissioner for Spain, but I am reduced to the Condition of a private Citizen. The Congress has not taken the least Notice of me. On the 11. of September they resolved to have one Minister only in France, on the 14 they chose the Dr., in October they made out his Commission, the Alliance sailed in 14 Jany. and...