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Results 1201-1230 of 184,431 sorted by author
Yours of August the 7th. and Col. Smith’s of the 8th. reached us on the 14th. at this place. We...
To what cause shall I attribute your silence, that not a line has reachd me since I arrived in...
I presume this will find you at Philadelphia, fix’d in your Lodgings; and in possession of your...
I cannot close the packet, without acknowledging the recept of your Letter, and thanking you for...
When I left your Hospitable mansion, I did not design so many days should have elapsed, before I...
Since writing to You, respecting Thomas Welch, I have received last week a Letter from mr Adams...
By Mr. Tailor, who has promised me to deliver this with his own hand to you, or distroy it if...
As You have been so kind as to undertake the care of Mr. Adams’es Estate and affairs during the...
Altho this is the first time I ever took up my pen to address you, I do it in perfect confidence...
I received mr Bourn’s Letter to day, dated this day week, and I was very happy to Learn by it...
I yesterday received a Letter from dr Tufts and an other from Thomas informing me of the death of...
I wish you to direct the inclosed Letter—to your Father I read Barnevelt in Mondays paper. it may...
I am greatly allarmed and distressd at the intelligence from Bordeaux, with regard to Dr....
It was with much pleasure I recognized the Hand writing of an old Friend, tho only in the...
Your obliging favours of july and August came safe to Hand. The first was brought during my...
Tis a little more than 3 week s since the dearest of Friends and tenderest of Husbands left his...
Since I have had any opportunity of conveyence to my dear Sister, I have received from her...
a Memorable Day in the Annals of France; God forgive them, I would say. yet upon recuring to My...
I have just returnd from Weymouth, where I have been for a week past. It seems lonesome here, for...
I received this week Your Letters of Nov br. 24 th and 28 th , and this morning Yours of dec br...
The new year opens upon us with new Scenes of Life before us. what are to be the trials the...
A mr Anstey who is appointed by the British Goverment to visit the different States; for the...
I was greatly rejoiced at the return of your servant to find you had safely arrived, and that you...
I last Evening received Yours of 30 December and would have You close the bargain with him...
I hope you are agreably lodgd and that your Company will be to your mind. I rejoice in the...
I last Evening received your Letters, one of the 24th from Prince Town, and of the 25th from...
1227July 26[–27] (Adams Papers)
Our next Stage was Bridport a small Sea port but a very bad harbour. No trade only in coal which...
And why my dear Madam have you not written a few lines, and tuckt into a corner of my good uncles...
Tho I have not heard from you since I wrote you last, and have nothing new to say, unless it be a...
This is the 15 of June. Tomorrow our new Edition of the Regulating act takes place, and will I...