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Results 1201-1230 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
1201Memorandum, 3–5 October 1755 (Washington Papers)
Ensign Deckiezer’s Day of Rendezvous is prolonged to the twentieth Instant—October. LB , DLC:GW .
Instructions for Captain Waggener. As the Service at present will not allow of Colonel Stephen,...
You are hereby Ordered to Repair to all the publick Places, where you have the greatest...
You are hereby Ordered, to give out of the Stores left under your care by the English Troops,...
As His Majesty’s Service requires that the Garrison at Fort Cumberland should be Strengthened;...
MS not found; reprinted from Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography , XXXV (1911), 251....
Matters are in the most deplorable Situation at Fort Cumberland—Our Communication with the...
Transcript of fragment: Rosenbach Foundation Speaker Isaac Norris entered a long note on an...
1209Memoranda, 5 October 1755 (Washington Papers)
Captain John Mercers Day of Rendezvous is prolonged to the 20th Instant. October the 5th 1755....
1210Orders, 6 October 1755 (Washington Papers)
As Captain George Mercer of the Virginia Forces, has been appointed aide de camp to Colonel...
You are hereby Ordered, to proceed with the Detachment under your Command to Fort Cumberland,...
Orders to the Ordinary-Keepers, on Captain Woodwards Route to Fort Cumberland. You are hereby...
Inclosed I send you the Weekly & Monthly Returns, by which you will Observe their is no Variation...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I receiv’d your Favour of the 17th June per Mr. Winslow,...
MS not found; I : extracts reprinted from Connecticut Historical Society Collections , XVII...
ALS : The Scheide Library, Princeton, N.J.; duplicate: University of Toronto Library Mr. Hall has...
1217Memorandum, 7 October 1755 (Washington Papers)
From hence I set out on the 7th to Williamsburgh; and from Todds Ordinary wrote the following, in...
I am Ordered by Colonel Washington to acquaint you, that there is Clothing at Winchester, for...
It is Colonel Washington’s orders, that you Deliver to Captain Woodward Clothes, for the...
Captain Peachey calling to give me the Compliment of his departure gives me opportunity of...
Printed form, with MS insertions in blanks: American Philosophical Society Know all Men by these...
1222Memorandum, 8 October 1755 (Washington Papers)
From hence I continued my journey to Colonel Baylors, when I was overtaken by an Express sent...
I arrived at this place in less than three hour’s after I wrote you from Colo. Baylors, and some...
Being much hurried, I shall refer you to Colonel Stephen for Particulars; who brings a melancholy...
You are to March all the Recruits, now Rendezvousing in Fredericksburgh, under the conduct of the...
You are hereby Ordered to proceed to Alexandria, with all possible Dispatch, and to take all the...
As I understand Lord Fairfax has had great reason to order one hundred of the Militia of your...
From the concurring Accounts from Will’s-Creek, we have reason to believe, that a greater number...
After appointing what Officers you think most proper to your Command; I would have you leave some...
1230Memorandum, 10 October 1755 (Washington Papers)
At this place I pressed Horses, and Rode immediately to Lord Fairfax’s and Winchester; and...