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Results 1201-1250 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
This is the first Time, that I have attempted to write, since I left you. I arrived here in good...
I have enough to do to write Apologies in Answer to Invitations to dinner and to Tea Parties: but...
I shall inc l ose by this Opportunity, by Mr. Ingersol, Son of Mr. Ingersol of Connecticut, the...
M r Adet was presented to The President on Tuesday and accompanied by The Secretary of State made...
I thank you for your favor of the 15 th: inst t: which reached me yesterday at this place, where...
There is a great deal of hatred against the Govt. in England as you will see by the song...
A Letter which I had a long time wished for, I at length received from my Affectionate Sister....
Your Friends who are numerous enquire continually after your health and my answer is that you...
Your much esteemed favors of 23d. July and 19th. Augst. came to hand on Monday. Your Letters and...
The Sun is so bright and augurs Such heat that I am doubtful whether I shall go out to Landsdowne...
That a Nation once distinguished in the Annals of Mankind, should by the Pride, Avarice,...
I last evening receiv’d your Letter without a date but believe it was your last as you mention...
I have rec d yours of Jan. 31.— And it has relieved me from a Melancholly which has hung upon me...
I have spent an Hour, this Morning, in the Congregation of the dead. I took a Walk into the...
M rs: Copley presents Compliments to M rs: Adams: would have called uppon her this Morning, but...
We have now an ample Representation from N. York. It consists of Six Delegates, and they are to...
I have only time to inform you that Monday and Thursday have passed away without bringing me a...
When I cast my Eyes backward; and take a general survey, of the great alterations which have been...
How often do we find that having much to say, the full heart cannot impart the half— This evil I...
Permit me to congratulate you on the return of This Season and to offer my most earnest prayers...
You justly complain of my short Letters, but the critical State of Things and the Multiplicity of...
I have no doubt that you retain such an Interest in my happiness as to rejoice with me in the...
By the present opportunity, I send you a few pamphets which may give you some entertainment in...
I had written to the Deacon before I had received Yours, wherein I have your Sanction for it, and...
I should have answer’d your valued Letter of 27 th. ult° . , by M r. Shaw, if his stay would have...
In this Country, as in all others, Men are much Addicted to “Hobby Horses.” These Nags are called...
It is a long time since I have heard from you although I have not omitted writing. I hope it is...
Your Letter of the 19 th of Nov. gave me, in addition to the ordinary Satisfaction I receive from...
I have rec d your Letters of 10. 15. and 16. Your solicitude for my Health may subside. I am...
A new Commission has arrived by which the Dr. is sole Minister. Mr. Lee continues Commissioner...
I returned, this Day the Visit of the ci-devant Duke De Liancourt. He is a Sensible Man. He is a...
The Weather continuing fine, I went to Saint Denis a little Village about Eight Miles from this...
In my last Letter to M r. Adams I inform’d Him of the Death of our beloved Uncle Smith— had we...
By my Sister I have been informed of your Sickness, & of the distressed State of your Family,...
The Weather is here very hot and dry, which renders our daily Service in Congress more irksome...
I have long sought for a compleat History of the Revolution in the low Countries, when the Seven...
Mr. A. setts off, to day, if the Rain should not prevent him, with Coll. Whipple of Portsmouth: a...
The long continuance of the session, and the uncommon heat and drought of the Weather have made...
Our city has sustained a very great loss in the death of Dr. Bailey. As health officer, he was...
For above a fortnight past I have been meditating a visit to Braintree but some unlucky...
Never in my whole Life, was my Heart affected with such Emotions and Sensations, as were this Day...
I rejoice that the important question in Congress has terminated so happily, & that the Vice...
By Mr. Cutting I have an opportunity of acknoleging the receipt of your favor of Sep. 10th....
Dr. Church returns to Day, and with smarting Eyes, I must write a few Lines to you. I never had...
I have just Sent away one Letter and shall now begin another to be ready for the next ship....
s 1785. June 2. To paid Petit 173. 8 Aug. 17. To pd mr Garvey’s bill 96. 16. 6 Nov. To cash by...
Your kind letter of the 12 has reached me, in complyance with M r Brieslers request I enclose the...
After a long period of deep concern, and anxiety, on account of your health, I feel myself in...
The Post of the day brought me, your kind Letter of 26. Ult. The more I am charmed with your...
I am extremely sorry to hear, that you have had another attack of your ague, since Cousin Betsy...