Results 1201-1230 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
1201 Washington, George Memorandum, 3–5 October 1755 1755-10-03 Ensign Deckiezer’s Day of Rendezvous is prolonged to the twentieth Instant—October. LB , DLC:GW .
1202 Washington, George Waggener, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Waggener, 3 October … 1755-10-03 Instructions for Captain Waggener. As the Service at present will not allow of Colonel Stephen,...
1203 Washington, George Triplett, Francis From George Washington to Francis Triplett, 3 October … 1755-10-03 You are hereby Ordered to Repair to all the publick Places, where you have the greatest...
1204 Washington, George Carlyle, John From George Washington to John Carlyle, 3 October 1755 1755-10-03 You are hereby Ordered, to give out of the Stores left under your care by the English Troops,...
1205 Washington, George Bell, David From George Washington to David Bell, 3 October 1755 1755-10-03 As His Majesty’s Service requires that the Garrison at Fort Cumberland should be Strengthened;...
1206 Plumsted, William Overseers of the Poor William Plumsted to the Overseers of the Poor, 4 … 1755-10-04 MS not found; reprinted from Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography , XXXV (1911), 251....
1207 Stephen, Adam Washington, George To George Washington from Adam Stephen, 4 October 1755 1755-10-04 Matters are in the most deplorable Situation at Fort Cumberland—Our Communication with the...
1208 Collinson, Peter Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Peter Collinson, [5 October … 1755-10-05 Transcript of fragment: Rosenbach Foundation Speaker Isaac Norris entered a long note on an...
1209 Washington, George Memoranda, 5 October 1755 1755-10-05 Captain John Mercers Day of Rendezvous is prolonged to the 20th Instant. October the 5th 1755....
1210 Washington, George Orders, 6 October 1755 1755-10-06 As Captain George Mercer of the Virginia Forces, has been appointed aide de camp to Colonel...
1211 Washington, George Woodward, Henry From George Washington to Henry Woodward, 6 October … 1755-10-06 You are hereby Ordered, to proceed with the Detachment under your Command to Fort Cumberland,...
1212 Washington, George Ordinary Keepers From George Washington to the Ordinary Keepers, 6 … 1755-10-06 Orders to the Ordinary-Keepers, on Captain Woodwards Route to Fort Cumberland. You are hereby...
1213 Hog, Peter Washington, George To George Washington from Peter Hog, 6 October 1755 1755-10-06 Inclosed I send you the Weekly & Monthly Returns, by which you will Observe their is no Variation...
1214 Franklin, Benjamin Jackson, Richard From Benjamin Franklin to Richard Jackson, 7 October … 1755-10-07 ALS : American Philosophical Society I receiv’d your Favour of the 17th June per Mr. Winslow,...
1215 Franklin, Benjamin Partridge, Richard From Benjamin Franklin to Richard Partridge, [7 October … 1755-10-07 MS not found; I : extracts reprinted from Connecticut Historical Society Collections , XVII...
1216 Franklin, Benjamin Strahan, William From Benjamin Franklin to William Strahan, 7 October … 1755-10-07 ALS : The Scheide Library, Princeton, N.J.; duplicate: University of Toronto Library Mr. Hall has...
1217 Washington, George Memorandum, 7 October 1755 1755-10-07 From hence I set out on the 7th to Williamsburgh; and from Todds Ordinary wrote the following, in...
1218 Mercer, George Lewis, Andrew George Mercer to Andrew Lewis, 7 October 1755 1755-10-07 I am Ordered by Colonel Washington to acquaint you, that there is Clothing at Winchester, for...
1219 Mercer, George Storekeeper George Mercer to Storekeeper, 7 October 1755 1755-10-07 It is Colonel Washington’s orders, that you Deliver to Captain Woodward Clothes, for the...
1220 Carter, Landon Washington, George To George Washington from Landon Carter, 7 October 1755 1755-10-07 Captain Peachey calling to give me the Compliment of his departure gives me opportunity of...
1221 Read, John, Jr. Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from John Read: Power of Attorney … 1755-10-08 Printed form, with MS insertions in blanks: American Philosophical Society Know all Men by these...
1222 Washington, George Memorandum, 8 October 1755 1755-10-08 From hence I continued my journey to Colonel Baylors, when I was overtaken by an Express sent...
1223 Washington, George Dinwiddie, Robert From George Washington to Robert Dinwiddie, 8 October … 1755-10-08 I arrived at this place in less than three hour’s after I wrote you from Colo. Baylors, and some...
1224 Washington, George Robinson, John From George Washington to John Robinson, 8 October 1755 1755-10-08 Being much hurried, I shall refer you to Colonel Stephen for Particulars; who brings a melancholy...
1225 Washington, George Lewis, Andrew From George Washington to Andrew Lewis, 8 October 1755 1755-10-08 You are to March all the Recruits, now Rendezvousing in Fredericksburgh, under the conduct of the...
1226 Washington, George Waggener, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Waggener, 8 October … 1755-10-08 You are hereby Ordered to proceed to Alexandria, with all possible Dispatch, and to take all the...
1227 Washington, George Lee, Henry (1729-1787) From George Washington to Henry Lee, 8 October 1755 1755-10-08 As I understand Lord Fairfax has had great reason to order one hundred of the Militia of your...
1228 Washington, George Carlyle, John From George Washington to John Carlyle, 8 October 1755 1755-10-08 From the concurring Accounts from Will’s-Creek, we have reason to believe, that a greater number...
1229 Washington, George Waggener, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Waggener, 8 October … 1755-10-08 After appointing what Officers you think most proper to your Command; I would have you leave some...
1230 Washington, George Memorandum, 10 October 1755 1755-10-10 At this place I pressed Horses, and Rode immediately to Lord Fairfax’s and Winchester; and...