Thomas Jefferson Papers
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Enclosure: Henderson Family Warehouse Shares, 13 June 1805

Enclosure: Henderson Family Warehouse Shares

A statement of the rights &c. in Henderson’s warehouses.

the Widow’s dower. conveyed to1 Peyton
price £85. pd. sold by Charles Henderson Att.y. in fact for the widow
time of paiment.
John. conveyed to2 Seabrook who by Anderson conveys to Peyton
price. £50.—
time of paiment Ninety days.
Sarah Kerr conveyed to E. Moore by him to Matt Henderson who conveys to Anderson & by him to Peyton. not compleat
price £50.
time of paiment
James L. conveyed to  Woodson3 who conveyed to Peyton
price £140 for all his interest as ⅌ Deed
time of paiment. pd. some time past.
Charles. conveyed to  Bramham, who conveyed to Seabrook, who by D. Anderson conveys to Peyton4
price. £50.
time of paiment. Ninety Days
Isham. conveyed to  John5 Henderson, who conveyed to6 Seabrook who by his attorney Anderson to Peyton
price £50.
time of paiment. Ninety Days.
Bennet H. conveyed to  John Henderson, who to Seabrook, who, by Anderson his Atty, to C. Peyton
price. £50.
time of payment Ninety days.
Eliza Bullock.  conveyed to  Peyton
100. D. for warehouse. 400. D.7 for This deed is in complyance of James L. Hendersons sale to Peyton with the addition of the Warehouse at £30.0.0
time of paiment.
Nancy C.
} conveyed to  Peyton
price 300. D.
time of paiment. Ninety Days.

MS (ViU); undated; in TJ’s hand with blanks subsequently filled by Craven Peyton shown in italics; endorsed by TJ “Warehouse rights”; also endorsed by TJ, subsequently canceled by diagonal strokes:

the widow 85 
John 50 + 112 - 10 = 162   - 10
Sarah 50. 150
58  - 1
James L. 140.  140
Charles 50. 102
Isham 50  102
Bennet H. 50 
q? Eliza 150 
Frances }
Lucy 90 
Nancy C.”

PoC (same); written on verso of PoC of cover letter with additions by TJ (see notes below).

1On PoC, TJ filled this blank with “to C.P. Sep. 18. 02. all her dower except mill, warehouse & improved lots in Milton” and “to C.P. July 19 04. the warehouse.”

2On PoC, TJ filled this blank with “the 102. as (No. 1.) & 6¼ as (No. 9) to Cr. Peyton. Apr. 30. 03.”; “his right to Warehous to Richd. Seabrook July 17. 1802. who by Rd Anderson to C.P. June 5. 05”; “all his other property to James Lewis  who to C.P. Nov. 8. 08.”

3On PoC, TJ here interlined “Dec. 28. 99” and after “Peyton” inserted “Apr. 25. 01. & Nov. 29. 01. all his rights.”

4On PoC, TJ first altered the text to read “conveyed warehouse to Bramham Oct 19. 02 who conveyed to Seabrook, who by R. Anderson conveys to Peyton June 5. 05.” before canceling that to substitute “conveyed mill site (No. 8.) to John Hend.   who to James Lewis   who to Cr. Peyt. Nov. 8. 08” and “all his other property to James L. H. Mar. 18. 01. who to C.P. Mar. 19. 01. confirmd by Charles Jan. 31. 04.”

5Name interlined by Peyton in place of TJ’s “James L.”

6Peyton here canceled “Peyton.”

7Above this figure Peyton interlined “pd.”

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