George Washington Papers

Orders, 19 September 1755


[19 September 1755]

Lieutenant McManners, Officer for the Day.1 Parole England.
Fort Cumberland: September 19th 1755.

All the Men of the two Companies formed Yesterday, are to distinguish their Firelocks by some particular mark, which the Subaltern Officers of the Companies are to enter in a Book, which they are to keep for that purpose—And if any man changes or loses his Firelock, or other Arms, he is to be confined and severely punished. The Arms of all Deserters or Dead Men, are immediately to be delivered to the Commissary, who is to pass his Receipt for them to the Commanding Officer of the Company.

Any Soldier who is guilty of any breach of the Articles of War, by Swearing, getting Drunk, or using an Obscene Language; shall be severely Punished, without the Benefit of a Court Martial.

A Court Martial to sit immediately, for Trial of all the Prisoners in the Guard.

Captain Savage—President.

Members Lieutenant Roe, Lieutenant Steuart;
Lieutenant Linn, Lieutenant Blegg.2

The Officers of the two Companies formed Yesterday, are to have their Rolls [ ] called over thrice every Day; which the Officers are to attend and see Done by turns, beginning with the Captain: and if any Soldier is absent without Leave, he is to be confined immediately, and tried by a Court Martial, or punished at the Discretion of the Commanding Officer.

After Orders.

As Complaint has been made to me, that John Stewart,3 Soldier in Captain Bronaughs Company, keeps a Disorderly and riotous Assembly, constantly about him.

I do Order, that, for the future, he shall not presume to Sell any Liquor to any Soldier or any other Person whatsoever, under pain of the severest punishment.


1Thomas McManus, a lieutenant of the South Carolina troops, was the stepson of Gov. Arthur Dobbs’s brother Richard Dobbs. Governor Dobbs wrote in 1760 that McManus had served with James Innes in the 1754 campaign “and had been so diligent in recruiting as to raise the men in the Company he served in with great dispatch, and as his Father had been an Officer in the Regulars, I had upon Braddocks expedition made him Lieutenant to my son’s Company, and upon the New York Expedition [1755] gave him a Company where he behaved so well, and was so beloved of his men, as to merit preferment, and is now a Lieutenant in the Regulars [3d Regiment of Foot, or Buffs]” (Saunders, Colonial Records of North Carolina description begins William L. Saunders, ed. The Colonial Records of North Carolina. 10 vols. Raleigh, N.C., 1886–90. description ends , 6:283). McManus was among those officers recalled to North Carolina in Nov. 1755 to take command of one of the four provincial companies authorized by the colony’s General Assembly on 6 Oct. to go to fight the French and Indians in New York.

2Lieutenants Roe and Linn were probably officers in the Maryland forces, of which a few remained at Fort Cumberland under Capt. John Dagworthy at this time. A William Lynn was given a second lieutenant’s commission by Governor Sharpe on 6 Aug. 1754, and in 1757 there was a Lt. William Linn, possibly the same man, in Captain Dagworthy’s company.

3This may be the same John Stewart who served in Van Braam’s company during the Fort Necessity campaign. There was also a John Stewart who in 1756 obtained from the House of Burgesses “a Recompence for his Sufferings” for wounds received in both thighs during the Battle of the Monongahela (JHB, 1752–1755, 1756–1758 description begins H. R. McIlwaine and John Pendleton Kennedy, eds. Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia. 13 vols. Richmond, 1905–15. description ends , 372–73).

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