George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Hancock Eustace, 18 September 1755

To Hancock Eustace

[Fort Cumberland, Md., 18 September 1755]

To Lieutenant Eustace, of the Virginia Regiment.

You are, until further Orders, appointed to act as Lieutenant in Captain Joshua Lewis’s Company, and are to observe such Orders as you shall receive from him, unless contradicted by your Recruiting Instructions, or any Orders which you shall receive from me hereafter.

You are to proceed to any Place where your Captain shall send you; and are to use your utmost Endeavours in recruiting Men for His Majesty’s Service, under my Command. Given under my hand, the 18th of September, 1755.



On 17 Sept. 1755 GW listed Hancock Eustace among five ensigns being promoted to lieutenant in the Virginia Regiment. Before resigning his commission in June 1757 at the time of the reorganization of the regiment, Eustace served as the lieutenant of several different companies at Winchester and at Fort Cumberland. He subsequently, in 1758, acted as a captain in the 2d Virginia Regiment under Col. William Byrd III. He was the son of William Eustace (d. 1740) of Northumberland County and was living in Northumberland in 1775.

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