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Results 1171-1220 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I request your patience to the talk of a man of three score & thirteen. The failure of the...
I never received a Letter from my dear Mrs. Adams but that an emotion was awakened which is not...
I received yours by Express—and concur in sentiments with the officers of your council: Save that...
This indenture made on the 5th day of August one thousand seven hundred & ninety nine, between...
I have the Honor to transmit your Excellency the Abstracts of the Muster Rolls for the Months of...
At length the mistery is unravelld, and by a mere accident I have come to the knowledge of what...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permettez que jaye L’honneur de vous adresser un exemplaire...
On 5 June, Patrick Henry leveled a lengthy attack on the Constitution. This evoked a Federalist...
The Secretary of the Treasury in Obedience to the command of the President of the United States...
The inclosed copy of a Letter which I lately received from the Ct. D’Expilly contains the best...
Negroes 1107. 80 * groceries 312. 13 ℔ iron 210. 14 to wit { 2200½ iron 74¼ steel salt 122.
ALS : National Archives By the enclosed affidavits and protests you will perceive that James...
Though the business that at present surrounds me on every side, makes writing inconvenient, yet I...
soon after my arrival here I wrote to inform you of my object in visiting this place, with the...
[ Southampton County ] 18 May 1781 . Returned “some time since” a state of the militia in...
I now do myself the honor to inclose to you, a Map of the western Part of the State of New York ,...
As we are making a detachment from this army, it is become expedient to withdraw a part of your...
By direction of Mr John Cowper of Gates County No. Carolina, I beg leave to enclose you four...
I should have done myself the honor to have acknowledged your Excellency’s Letters of the 8th,...
Tomorrow I shall remit for you to mr Bacon 100. D. in recovering the passage of the S.E. offices,...
I inclose you a petition from Robinson who is under sentence of death for your consideration. If...
It may be justly expected that I should make some Apology for giving you this Trouble. I am...
11931771. Saturday June 1st. (Adams Papers)
Spent the Day at Worcester in Riding about with Mr. Putnam to see his Farm. He does what he...
I have received a letter dated February 25th. 1800 last month from Colonel Parker requesting a...
1195[Diary entry: 11 March 1786] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 11th. Thermometer at 34 in the Morning—44 at Noon and 40 at Night. Weather clear and...
1196[Diary entry: 25 April 1769] (Washington Papers)
25. At home all day alone. The above two Gentlemen went away yesterday afternn.
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: National Archives, London This day I had real...
The President requests Mr. Jefferson would bring with him the French Minister’s letter ,...
It being understood that Morales means to settle himself at New Orleans, and that his temper and...
I received your letter with pleasure, and read it with high satisfaction. You have paid the...
With a caution that my slowness and total inexperience in the duties of which the board of...
I have this day received a letter from my correspondent in New York (a letter from whom I did...
The books you were so kind as to send me the last year arrived safely and in good time. the...
As the enemy appear from different Quarters to be in motion it is necessary that the army be in...
Baltimore, February 27, 1794. “Mr. Hollingsworth Attorney for this district intimated to me...
Enclosed are the proceedings of a General Court Martial on Lieut. Sampson, and Amos Bennett a...
A circumstance has occurr’d with which it may be useful for you to be made acquainted , with,...
The Honorable the Congress having by their Proclamation of the 18th Inst. thought proper to...
[ 1789–1795 .] Encloses the decision of the Federal District Court of Connecticut on the petition...
I most sincerely thank you for your excellent letter of the 14th.—It contains an abundance of...
One of the persons whom you allowed me to send for Intelligence returned last night from Staten...
I become with pleasure a subscriber to your paper, the Political barometer . you will oblige me...
Th: Jefferson with his salutations to mr Oldham and his regrets for the loss of the plank...
I laid your letter of the 26th Ulto (to me) before the Officers who met at Fredericksburg the...
Your propositions with which I was honor’d a few days ago, respecting an exchange of Lands...
When I consider that the City of New York will in all human probability very soon be the scene of...
In addition to the various papers which on different occasions we have had the honor to put into...
6 June 1804, Auditor’s Office. “Statement of Certain Credits claimed by Rufus King Esqr,...
I recd. your Favr. by the Son of Dr Logan; & tho’ I cannot take him into my Family, at present,...
I received with great Pleasure your Letter of the 9 of August, inclosing a Receipt from Mr...