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Results 1171-1220 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
1171[July 1780] (Adams Papers)
Setting off on a Journey, with my two Sons to Amsterdam. —Lodged at Compiegne. Fryday night, lodged at Valenciennes. Saturday arrived at Brussells.—This Road is through the finest Country, I have any where seen. The Wheat, Rye, Barley, Oats, Peas, Beans and several other Grains, the Hemp, Flax, Grass, Clover, Lucerne, St. Foin, &c., the Pavements and Roads are good. The Rows of Trees, on each...
11721780 July 27. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Setting off on a Journey, with my two Sons to Amsterdam. —Lodged at Compiegne. Fryday night, lodged at Valenciennes. Saturday arrived at Brussells.—This Road is through the finest Country, I have any where seen. The Wheat, Rye, Barley, Oats, Peas, Beans and several other Grains, the Hemp, Flax, Grass, Clover, Lucerne, St. Foin, &c., the Pavements and Roads are good. The Rows of Trees, on each...
11731780. July 30. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Went to the Cathedral Church. A great Feast. An infinite Crowd. The Church more splendidly ornamented than any that I had seen. Hung with Tapestrie. The Church Music here is in the Italian style. A Picture in Tapestry was hung up, of a No. of Jews stabbing the Wafer, the bon Dieu, and blood gushing in streams, from the B read . This insufferable Piece of pious Villany, shocked me beyond...
Mr. John de Neufville, et Fils. Le Chr. de Luxembourg. Le Chr. de Launay. Cs. Van der Oudermeulen M. Grand. M. Fizeaux. G. H. Matthes. Henry du Bois. Hodshon Mr. Jean Luzac, Avocat, Leide. Nicholas and Jacob Van Staphorst. Mr. Vinman. Mr. John Gabriel Tegelaer, by the new Market. Mr. Daniel Crommelin and Sons. This undated list appears on the last page but one of D/JA/31, separated from the...
1175[August 1780] (Adams Papers)
Lodged at the Mareschall De Turenne. Dined with Mr. Dubblemets. Went to see the Statue of Erasmus, the Exchange, the Churches &c. Mr. Dubblemets sent his Coach in the Evening and one of his Clerks. We rode, round the Environs of the Town, then to his Country Seat, where We supped.—The Meadows are very fine, the Horses and Cattle large. The Intermixture of Houses, Trees, Ships, and Canals...
11761778 [i.e. 1780] Aug. 5. (Adams Papers)
Lodged at the Mareschall De Turenne. Dined with Mr. Dubblemets. Went to see the Statue of Erasmus, the Exchange, the Churches &c. Mr. Dubblemets sent his Coach in the Evening and one of his Clerks. We rode, round the Environs of the Town, then to his Country Seat, where We supped.—The Meadows are very fine, the Horses and Cattle large. The Intermixture of Houses, Trees, Ships, and Canals...
11771778 [i.e. 1780] Aug. 6. (Adams Papers)
Went to the English Presbyterian Church, and heard a sensible sermon, the mode of Worship differs in nothing from ours but in the organ, whose Musick joins in the Singing.
11781780 Aug. 28th. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Heeren Graagt, by de Veisel Straagt. Burgomaster Hooft, D.Z. Mr. Hartzinck. Scheepen. Heeren Gragt. M. G. H. Matthes.—burgwal opposite the Lombard. J. Vandevelde. Agter zyds burgwal. Mr. Hartzinck is the Son in Law of Madam Chabanel, Mr. Le Roy’s Aunt. Keep us poor. Depress Us. Keep Us weak. Make Us feel our Obligations. Impress our Minds with a Sense of Gratitude. Let Europe see our...
117929 Aug. (Adams Papers)
30 Wednesday. Mr. Vanberckle 31 Thursday. Mr. Crommelin opde Keyzers Gragt. 1 Fryday. Mrs. Chabanels. 3 Sunday. M. De Neuville, De Neuville 6 Wednesday. Bicker 7 Thursday. 10 Sunday. Cromelin 12 Tuesday. Grand 13 Wednesday. Chabanell 14 Thursday. De Neufville This list of engagements appears on the last page but one of D/JA/32. The entries may or may not have all been put down on 29 Aug.;...
1180[30 August.] (Adams Papers)
School op de Cingel. 30 of August, my Sons went to the Latin School. Dined at Mr. Vanberkles Pensionary of Amsterdam, with Mr. Bicker and an Officer of the Army. Mr. Calkoen Keyzers Gragt. This was the well-known Latin school or academy on the Singel (a canal in the heart of Amsterdam) near the Muntplein (Mint Square). The building is now occupied by the Amsterdam police. There is a...
H. Grotius, de Jure Belli ac Pacis. C. van Bynkershoek G. Noodt Opera Apologeticus eorum qui Hollandiae praefuerunt ab H. Grotio Considerations sur l’Etude de la Jurisprudence par M. Perrenot. Janiçon Republik der Vereenigde Nederlanden Ploos Van Amstel, the first Lawyer of Holland. Mr. Calkoen the next. Heerens Gragt, pres Vissel Straat. Burgomaester Hooft. Q. A Society or Academy for the...
1182[January 1781] (Adams Papers)
Returned from the Hague to Leyden. Was present from 12. to one O Clock, when the Praeceptor gave his Lessons in Latin and Greek to my Sons. His Name is Wenshing. He is apparently a great Master of the two Languages, besides which he speaks French and Dutch very well, understands little English, but is desirous of learning it. He obliges his Pupills to be industrious, and they have both made a...
11831781 January 11. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Returned from the Hague to Leyden. Was present from 12. to one O Clock, when the Praeceptor gave his Lessons in Latin and Greek to my Sons. His Name is Wenshing. He is apparently a great Master of the two Languages, besides which he speaks French and Dutch very well, understands little English, but is desirous of learning it. He obliges his Pupills to be industrious, and they have both made a...
118412. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Mitchel, Mr. Luzac, Dr. Waterhouse, Mr. Thaxter and my two Sons supped with me at the Cour de Holland.
118513 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Returned to Amsterdam, having dined at Haerlem, at the Golden Lion. Went in the Evening to see Ingraham and Sigourney and C ommodore Gillon. Chez la V euv e Wynen, dans le premier Wezelstraat, à main gauche. Address of Cerisier. “There are three Gentlemen, in the Mercantile Way, Mr. Sigourney, Mr. Ingraham and Mr. Bromfield, who are now in this City, and propose to reside here and establish a...
11861781. Sunday. Jan. 14. (Adams Papers)
Questions.—How many Ships of War, are determined to be equipped? How much Money have the States General granted for the Navy? Have the States General resolved to issue Letters of Marque? Are the Letters issued? Is there a Disposition to demand them? Will there be many Privateers? How many? Will the Manifesto be published? When? How many Troops are ordered to Zealand? Have the States General...
11871781. Monday. Jan. 15. (Adams Papers)
Visited old Mr. Crommelin and Mr. De Neufville. There is a wonderful Consternation among the Merchants. Many Houses have great difficulty to support their Credit.
1188[February 1781] (Adams Papers)
Went to the Hague, in the Trecht Schuit. At Leyden I have seen Mr. Vander Kemp, and Mr. and Mr. I also visited two large Manufactures, one of Cloth, another of Camblet. Canal boat or tow-boat. “... partly by the Trech Schuits, that is the Barks which ply in this Country in the Canals” ( JA to Huntington, 6 April 1781 , LbC , Adams Papers ). JA spells the word in a multitude of ways. Francois...
Went to the Hague, in the Trecht Schuit. At Leyden I have seen Mr. Vander Kemp, and Mr. and Mr. I also visited two large Manufactures, one of Cloth, another of Camblet. Canal boat or tow-boat. “... partly by the Trech Schuits, that is the Barks which ply in this Country in the Canals” ( JA to Huntington, 6 April 1781 , LbC , Adams Papers ). JA spells the word in a multitude of ways. Francois...
11901781 Feb. 28. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
At the Arms of Amsterdam. What can be the Ground of the Malice, of so many, against America? This implies that JA had given up his lodgings at Madame Schorn’s in the Agterburgwal. During the early months of 1781 he was much on the move between Amsterdam, Leyden, and The Hague, but on 27 April he wrote Edmund Jenings: “I have taken an House on the Keysers Gragt near the Spiegel Straat, and am...
1191[July 1781] (Adams Papers)
Expences of a Journey from Amsterdam to Paris. Sat off the 2d of July from Amsterdam, passed by Utrecht, Gorcum, Breda, Antwerp, Brussells, Valenciennes &c. and arrived at the Hotel de Valois Rue de Richelieu, Paris the 6th of July, 1781. £ s d July 6. 1781. Expences, on the Road, Fifty four Ducats 1781. July 9. Reed, of Mr. F. Grand at Paris four Thousand Eight hundred Livres, for which I...
1192[Accounts, July 1781.] (Adams Papers)
Expences of a Journey from Amsterdam to Paris. Sat off the 2d of July from Amsterdam, passed by Utrecht, Gorcum, Breda, Antwerp, Brussells, Valenciennes &c. and arrived at the Hotel de Valois Rue de Richelieu, Paris the 6th of July, 1781. £ s d July 6. 1781. Expences, on the Road, Fifty four Ducats 1781. July 9. Reed, of Mr. F. Grand at Paris four Thousand Eight hundred Livres, for which I...
1193[April 1782] (Adams Papers)
Chez M ess rs. De Pallandt } Korte Houtstraet chez Scheuer Lohman De Schepper Hekeren De Brantsenbourg Heeregragt Grand Pensionaire Van Blyswijk Heeregragt Van Citters—Princesse gr acht à coté de l’Amte. d’Amst. l’Admiralité d’Amsterdam D’Aylva—ibid. Bigot—Kl eine Voorhout, over York’t hoek Hardenbroek }
Chez M ess rs. De Pallandt } Korte Houtstraet chez Scheuer Lohman De Schepper Hekeren De Brantsenbourg Heeregragt Grand Pensionaire Van Blyswijk Heeregragt Van Citters—Princesse gr acht à coté de l’Amte. d’Amst. l’Admiralité d’Amsterdam D’Aylva—ibid. Bigot—Kl eine Voorhout, over York’t hoek Hardenbroek }
1195[September 1782] (Adams Papers)
Supped last Night at Court in the Maison du Bois. M. Boreel told me he had been to Paris which he quitted 8 days ago. That M. Franklin had been sick. It was at first reported that he had been struck with an Apoplexity. Then it was said he had a billious Cholick, and afterwards a Retention of Urine. But that he had got well before he left Paris. Fell into Conversation naturally with Don Joas...
11961782 September 14. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Supped last Night at Court in the Maison du Bois. M. Boreel told me he had been to Paris which he quitted 8 days ago. That M. Franklin had been sick. It was at first reported that he had been struck with an Apoplexity. Then it was said he had a billious Cholick, and afterwards a Retention of Urine. But that he had got well before he left Paris. Fell into Conversation naturally with Don Joas...
11971782. Septr. 19. (Adams Papers)
Went to the Comedy. Saw the Sage dans sa Retrait, and Le Jugement du Midas—both well represented. The Mustek was good, and the Show upon the Stage splendid. The Princess and all her Children were there. The foreign Ministers chiefly.
1198[October 1782] (Adams Papers)
Dined with Mr. Boreel a Deputy to the States General from the Province of Holland, with Lt. General Van derdussen, Mr. De Llano, Mr. Thulemeyer, Mr. Renovallis, Mr. Visher, Mr. of the Council of State for the City of Amsterdam, Mr. a Gentleman of the Court &c. The Dinner was elegant and a splendid Shew of Plate, as We see at the Tables of the rich Dutch Families. A little Pleasantry with Mr....
1199Oct. 1. (Adams Papers)
Dined with Mr. Boreel a Deputy to the States General from the Province of Holland, with Lt. General Van derdussen, Mr. De Llano, Mr. Thulemeyer, Mr. Renovallis, Mr. Visher, Mr. of the Council of State for the City of Amsterdam, Mr. a Gentleman of the Court &c. The Dinner was elegant and a splendid Shew of Plate, as We see at the Tables of the rich Dutch Families. A little Pleasantry with Mr....
12001782. Oct. 2. (Adams Papers)
Walked Yesterday to the House in the Woods in the rain. To day will dine with me Comte Sarseneld, Mr. Vischer and Mr. Gyselaer.— Received Yesterday a Volume of the Journals of Congress with some News papers by the Post from L’orient which cost me 37 Guilders.— The Comte, Mr. Vischer and Mr. Gyselaer, dined here. The Comte Sarseneld began as usual when We were alone to give me a Lesson of...
1201Oct. 3. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Dined with Mr. Vanderdussen, Lt. General of the Cavalry, in Company with Mr. De Llano Minister of the King of Spain and Mr. De Renovalis, Secretary of his Legation, Mr. and Madame Boreel, Mr. and Madame Geelvink, Madam Dedel, the Rhinegrave de Salm, Mr. Saumase, a descendant of the famous Salmasius whom John Milton disputed with. Mr. Boreel is a Deputy to the States General for the Prov. of...
In conference with the G rand Pen sionary Bleiswick. He told me, it was determined to sign the Treaty of Commerce, on Monday next at Noon. That I should not find the Greffier Fagel for that being Saturday, he would spend it at his Country Seat and not come to Town. That the Revolution in the Crimea and the commotions among the Tartars would probably find Employment enough for Russia. That...
1203Oct. 7. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Mr. D umas has been out, upon the Discovery.—Neither Mr. V. nor Mr. G. could guess the Reason, why their H igh M ightinesses had sent their Agent De Spieringshoek to desire me to postpone the Signature of the Treaty untill tomorrow. Mr. B. whom he met in the Street explained it. He says the Prince had sent Word to their High M. that he desired a Conference with them to day, and as the...
1204Oct. 8. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Mr. D. is indefatigable in his Way. He visits, every Day, the French Am bassador , Mr. G., Mr. V.—and occasionally Mr. K. and sometimes the Prince de Gallitzin, Mr. D’Asp, &c. No American Minister could do this. It would ruin his Character. I dont know whether it would do for a Secretary of Legation to do this. I can, however, make an excellent Use of him in this Way. I can get or communicate...
1205October 9. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Went this Morning to the Secretary Fagel and returned him the original Treaty, and the original Convention which was designed for their High Mightinesses. The others designed for Congress, I kept. We run over together the few litteral Variations, and corrected all, indeed all the Inaccuracies were found to be in my Copy which I kept to compare. Mr. Fagel said that one day this Week he would...
1206Oct. 10. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
The Comte de Sanafé wrote a Card to Mr. Dumas desiring a Copy in French of the 22d Article. Said that I had read it to him in french but his Memory had not retained it. I desired Mr. Dumas to send it. —Mr. D. at my desire had asked the Duke de la Vauguion what was the Usage in my Case, who am going to Paris. He brought me Answer, to take Leave of the President, Secretary Fagel and Grand...
1207Oct. 11. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
C.S. came in familiarly at Breakfast, and I had a hours Conversation with him upon the foregoing Extract. I shew him some Papers. He thinks the American Cause ought to come in. Walked to the House in the Wood. Near 3 O Clock Mr. Fagel came in Person, and in Ceremony to make me a Visit, and delivered to me, the four other Copies of the Treaty attested by himself, to be sent to America....
1208Oct. 12. (Adams Papers)
Spent the day in signing Obligations and packing the Treaties and dispatches.
1209Oct. 13. (Adams Papers)
Sent 3 Copies of the Treaty of Commerce and as many of the Convention concerning Recaptures, by Mr. Storer to Amsterdam to go by three different Vessells. Finished packing my Papers for my Journey to Paris. Mr. Storer is to prepare every Thing for Us to set off, from the Arms of Amsterdam, on Fryday Morning. Mr. Thaxter and I are to be there on Thursday night. Walked the Tour of the Wood...
12101782 Oct. 14. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Not long after my Reception here I was invited by Mr. Le Vaillant At Amsterdam, to dine with him in Company with Mr. Van Berckell, Mr. Bikker, and their Connections. When, according to the Ton in this Country, We came to that Period of the Feast, when the Toasts begin, Mr. Le Vaillant produced a beautifull Glass, round the Rim of which was engraved Aurea Libertas. He filled it, and first...
1211Oct. 15. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
This Morning at 10 made my Visit to the President Van Randwick of Guelderland to take Leave of their H igh M ightinesses and presented Mr. Dumas as Chargé des Affairs in my Absence. Went next to the Hotel de Dordrecht to take Leave of Mr. Gyselaer, and next to that of Amsterdam, to take Leave of Mr. Vischer, who was more bold and open than ever I knew him. Said it was the Statholder who was...
1212Oct. 16. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Dined with the Baron De Linden de Blitterswick, the first Noble of Zealand. Llano, Almeida, Thulemeyer, Mirabel, Gallitzin and Markow, were all there. Geelwink, Sarsefield, Heyden, Boreel &c. 16 in all. Mr. De Linden told me that their H.M. had lately consulted with all their Amirals and best Master Builders and had endeavoured to discover the best possible Model of a Ship, and that he would...
1213Oct. 17. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Began my Journey to Paris from the Hague, dined at Harlem and drank Tea at five O Clock at Amsterdam. Paid Mr. Bromfield 200 Ducats 1050 Guilders and took his Receipt upon Account.... Met Mr. Willink upon the Road, going to the Hague, with a Lady. He has left for me a Letter of Credit upon Paris, unlimited. He wished my Journey to Paris might have a Tendency towards Peace. Suspension points in...
1214October 18. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Sat off, at ten from the Arms of Amsterdam with Mr. John Thaxter and Mr. Charles Storer. Refreshed our Horses at Loenen a Village, half Way to Utrecht, passed the Villages Bruykelen, Massen and Suylen. It is 8 hours, Stones, or Leagues from Amsterdam to Utrecht. The Village of Suylen and its Neighbourhood is full of Brick Killns. The Clay is found in that Neighborhood, and they burn the Bricks...
1215October 19. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
From Utrecht to Gorcum is 8 Leagues. Here we dined, at the Doele kept by Mr. Van Dongen. He told Us that as soon as We should get out of Town We should come to the River, near the Junction of the Maes with the Wahal, a Branch of the Rhine, that if We looked up the River We should have a full View of the Castle of Louvestein. We had accordingly a fair View of it. It stands upon an Island in the...
1216Oct. 20. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Rising early this Morning and ringing for a Servant, was told that my Servant and most of those of the House were gone to Mass.—The Name of the Keeper of the Prince Cardinal is Van Opdorp. Spent the whole day in travelling from Breda to Antwerp, without eating or drinking. The Distance is only ten Leagues. Put up at the grand Laboureur, opposite the Church with the Statue of the Prophet Elias...
1217Oct. 21. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Went to the Cathedral Church, where We saw the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, the famous Altar Piece of Reubens, the Figures and Colouring are beautifull beyond description—and the Descent of Jesus from the Cross. Reubens has placed in this Piece his three Wives and Daughter, and his own head. The Colouring is all gloomy, accommodated to the Subject. In this Church each Trade has its Altar. We...
1218October 22. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Visited Mr. William Lee, in the Place de St. Mitchell with Mr. Jennings. Mr. Lee said that the Swallow was a Sign of Summer. My Appearance denoted Peace. Mr. Jennings let me into the Character of Mr. Fitsherbert.... His Father was prevailed on by Ld. North to vote with him, but he was never easy in his mind about it, and finally cut his own Throat. The Gentleman at Paris is about 33, wholly...
1219Oct. 23. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Rode to Mons in a great Rain, dined at the Couronne De L’Impereur, very well and very cheap, rode to Valenciennes and found our Axletree broken again. Put up at the Post house. Walked about the Town, the Churches all shut, and nothing remarkable. All the Cities and Villages of Brabant are very different from those of Holland. The Streets very foul. The Houses very dirty, the Doors and Windows...
1220Oct. 24. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Visited the Church at Valenciennes. Saw a notre Dame De Hall. She appears pregnant. A Collection of Portraits ancient and modern, and a Picture of the Virgin Mary in the Air, sending by Angels a Cord round the City with an Inscription importing, Valenciennes surrounded with a Cord by the blessed Virgin, and saved from the Plague Anno 1008. Dined at Cambray, visited the Cathedral, saw the Tomb...