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Results 1171-1180 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
By this Mail, I send you three numbers of a series of papers, intended to dispel the delusions under which many of the Citizens of the Southern States, particularly in South Carolina & Georgia, labour, respecting the Tariff. I am flattered by my friends into the belief that I have taken impregnable ground. With them I send some other articles of my writing, the whole of which I request you...
J. Madison has received & returns his thanks for the copy with which he has been favored by Mr. Everett, of his Oration on the last 4th. of July. The enlightened views taken of the great Event commemorated, shew that the subject, often & ably as it has been handled, was not exhausted. From the passage in the Oration which connects particular circumstances with the original Draft of the...
J. Madison with his best respects to Mr. Everett, thanks him for the Copy of his "Address on the Centennial Anniversary of the Arrival of Governour Winthrop at Charlestown" The theme, interesting as it is, in itself, derives new attraction from the touching details and appropriate reflections woven into the Address. J. M takes this occasion of thanking Mr. E. for the copy heretofore forwarded,...
Please to send by Waggoner Aleck about 50 [lbs?] of Java Coffee. If the quality be particularly good, the quantity may be doubled. He will be down the day after tomorrow with a load of Wheat from the Sale of which, the article may be paid for Friendly respects Draft (DLC) .
I have recd. Sir your letter of the 10th. ult. The ardour it manifests for distinction in useful services to your Country, is praiseworthy, and I wish you success in the attainments qualifying you for it. But were I ever so capable of aiding you, the remnant of life at my very advanced age, could spare no portion of it, for the task you request of me. In your native powers, in your industrious...
I have yours of the 31st. Ulto. with the receipts of Mr. Harrow. Mr. H. is expected in town in a few days when I will request him to examine more thoroughly into his Accounts than his agent can do & advise you of the result. It will give me pleasure at all times to render you any services in my power. With much respect, I am Your Most Obt. St RC ( PPPrHi ).
I herewith enclose you two letters relative to the place of assistant to the Professor of Modern Languages. Col: La Pena is one of the unfortunate Spanish Patriots who have taken refuge in our country, and his situation is such that I would be happy to render him a friendly service. He now holds the rank of a professor at Wm. & Mary, but has neither salary nor fees; for I believe he has no...
I Enclose for your consideration a letter from Majr Crozet, the Engineer of the state recommending his brother as an assistant in the school of modern Languages. It might be desirable in the event of Mr Hervé not being within our reach to make enquiries respecting Monr Crozet. Of this however as you will judge best. With feelings of the most devoted attachment respectfully RC (DLC) . Docketed...
Be so good as to mention the balance in your hand after paying a draft of $100 dollars whilst I was at the University. I am endeavouring to make up before the 1st. of Sepr the discount day at the Bank as much as will discharge one half of my debt to it. Friendly salutations I have in the Tobo. Houses the amt of a few Hhds reported to be abt. half a dozen, which the delays of my discharged...
In the acct of Mr Harrow inclosed in yours of the 27 Ult. I find an error charging me for the year 1826. I return the acct. with the rect. for that year. As the error appears to proceed from another hand, it is possible that Mr Harrow in tracing may discover others. I am under a faint impression that my last payment was of still later date, but as I observe no rect. for it, I shall infer that...